Chapter 5

Kitty Love
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Chapter 5

After Chemistry class got over I continued with my day and tried to get used to the school and the classes.

~After School~

“Sup Guyssssssss” screamed Hoshi and Seungkwan from one end of the hallway.

School was over and everyone was going home.

Gyu and Jun were waiting for the rest of the gang to gather and I was waiting for them. I’m slowly getting comfortable with all of them, even though its just been a day. I’m the most comfortable with Jun (after Mingyu ofcourse).

“Hey guys! How was your history class?” asked Mingyu slinging an arm around my shoulder.

I flinched a little at first, still not used to the contact, but then after inhaling Mingyu’s scent that was rather comforting, I relaxed.

“IT WAS CRAP!” screamed Hoshi and Seungkwan at once and I jumped a little, startled.

Mingyu chuckled at their outburst and patted my head soothingly cus he felt me jump a little

“Okay…?” said Jun not really taken aback by their sudden outburst. Maybe this was a normal occurrence?

“We were learning about the Mughal Empire and then suddenly that useless teacher starts talking about his life and some other boring that had NO connect to the topic we were studying.” Grumbled Seungkwan.

“Oh and we have a test on the whole chapter TOMORROW!” added Hoshi rolling his eyes.

“Umm how did you guys have a class together? Aren’t you in the second year Hoshi?” I asked timidly.

“OHHH! That's ‘cus we had a combined class.” Replied with a smile. Turning to Seungkwan he said, “Dude, I was so happy when they told us that they were changing the history teacher for us at the start of the year… but my teacher just HAD to go for a stupid honeymoon so I’m back with the bald dude…”

“UM Excuse you! I have to deal with that teacher for a WHOLE YEAR!” replied Seungkwan sassily.

“So what are you going to do for tomorrow’s test?” interjected Mingyu.

“FAIL!” screamed Seungkwan dramatically and well we all rolled our eyes.

“Yeah cus he has given us zero notes or useful info to study from so yup we’re failing.” Said Hoshi throwing his hands in the air.

“Ummmmmm… I think there is a good book in the library that is specifically about the Mughals… Its actually a study guide book to help you study that topic better you sh—“ I started before those two pounced on me.

“REALLY?!” they asked with wide eyes.

“Yup! I was with Wonwoo in the library when he came across that book” said Jun answering for me. “I’d go and get that book now if I were you…All the history students will be fighting for a copy and there are only 5 copies…”

“!” they screamed and made a run for the library.

“Bye guys!” was the last we heard from them before they ran away from us leaving a cloud of dust behind.

“Where are the others?” asked Jun tapping his feet impatiently.

“Jeonghan and Joshua have to stay back and talk to the teacher about some upcoming event that's being organsised by their class and I assume that Jihoon and Seungcheol are there too.” Said Mingyu while playing with my hair.

“I-I see Dino, Vernon, Seokmin and Minghao coming this way.” I said pointing at the four figures that were approaching us. Jun’s ears perked up at the mention of Minghao.

“Wonwoo hyung!” said Dino running and hugging me. “H-hello Dino!” I said happily.

“Are we going out somewhere today?” asked Vernon.

“I want to go to the arcade~!” said Minghao

“Me too… I need a break!” said Seokmin.

“We can’t make it today” said Jun pointing at Mingyu, me and himself. “I promised to help Wonwoo unpack and finish some other chores.”

“Ohhh” said Minghao a little sad.

“I’ll be back by 9, sleepover at my place?” asked Jun with a smile.

“Yup!” said Minghao brightening up immediately.

“So what are we going to do?” asked Vernon

“Go home probably.” Said Dino

“Yup. The third years will take half of forever to come back and I don’t want to wait for that long.” Said Vernon

“And Hosh and Seungkwan have a test tomorrow so home it is!” said Seok

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 5: omg! yes!yeaaaaasszz! go forth and bring meanie ! lol. cant wait
chancumber #2
Chapter 5: cant wait for the next chapter ><
chancumber #3
Chapter 5: cant wait for the next chapter ><
ritz_7522 #4
Chapter 2: COME TO ME WONWOO I'LL CALL YOU ADORABLE ALL THE TIME, I SWEAR, .... Mingyu screaming tho...XD
ritz_7522 #5
Chapter 2: COME TO ME WONWOO I'LL CALL YOU ADORABLE ALL THE TIME, I SWEAR, .... Mingyu screaming tho...XD
ritz_7522 #6
Chapter 1: Screaming Mingyu MUAHAHAHHAHHHHAAA kennot get over it..... the choker tho T.T
wonhan_trash #7
Chapter 5: I WANT A MEANIE
gay-pop #8
Chapter 2: this is soooo cute ahahahaha
Chapter 1: Omg mingyu's alarm is same as me
NamHaNa #10
Why aren't you updating this ???? I want to know what's happening next!!!!