Chapter 1: GD's Plan

My Not-So-Beautiful Hangover


It had been almost five months since that awkward morning. We all had our guesses about what happened on the night, but none of us could remember. We hadn't seen Kaylee since that day, as soon as she got dressed, she was gone.

I walked into the small convenience store on my way to practice. I was scanning the shelves for something to snack on when I glanced up and realized who was standing in the next aisle over. "Oh, hi Kaylee."

She looked up, giving me that deer in the headlights stare. "Oh, Seung Hyun. H... How have you been?"

"Alright, and you?" I replied politely.

She smiled nervously and tucked her hair behind her ear the way she always had when she was trying to decide what to say. "I've been good," she finally answered.

"Well I'll see you around," I said as I turned to pay for my snack. I had paid for my snack and just happened to glance back at her. Before, I had only seen her from the shoulders up from over the aisle divider, but now that I could see all of her I realized what she wasn't telling me. I stared at the obviously pregnant woman standing across the store.

She looked up when she noticed me staring at her. We made eye contact  for a moment before she looked away. I stood there for a moment before I couldn't take it anymore and I walked over to her. "It's none of my business, but who's the lucky guy?" I asked sarcastically, staring at her stomach. Why was I being like this? Why did the idea of her with someone else make me act like a total jerk?

"You know, you're right, it is none of your business," She said and started to walk away.

"I'm sorry," I said, quickly grabbing her arm to stop her from going, "But seriously, congratulations." This only seemed to upset her more... I thought about it for a moment, "Wait, you don't know either, do you?"

She yanked her arm out of my grasp and walked away angrily, confirming my theory. I followed her, "So if you don't know who's baby it is, I'm guessing that you got pregnant on that night that no one remembers. That means that it's one of the five of us."

"Yes, thank you for that explanation. I never thought of that," She said sarcastically. "Now leave me alone. The last thing you or I need is someone over hearing you and it causing a scandal."

She started walking away and I followed her outside. I was about to say something, when I saw GD walk around the corner. He hurried over when he saw me, "Where have you been? You where late and the manager was getting angry so we came to look for you."

He turned and smiled at Kaylee, "Hi Kaylee! It's been a wh..." He stopped when he noticed her stomach, "It's been a while. How have you been?" He finished, nice recovery.

"Hey GD," She said faking a smile, "Well I'll let you get to practice." With that, she hurried away nearly running into the other three members of BigBang as they came around the corner.

After practice we where all sitting on the floor of our practice room. It had been awkward ever since I had told them about my encounter with Kaylee earlier.

"I'm going to call her," GD said suddenly.

"What?" I replied, wondering if he had hit his head.

"We should call her. One of us is the father of her baby, we should at least talk to her about it and see if she needs our help." He said decisively, glancing at each of us to see if we agreed. Daesung and Suengri quickly nodded in agreement.

"I think so too," Taeyang added as they all turned to me.

"Well, I think your all crazy. If she had needed or wanted our help she would have called before now or said something today when we talked to her earlier. Plus the last thing any of us needs is a scandal." I added in an attempt to bring them all back to reality.

"It's four to one, I'm calling her," GD replied as he pulled out his phone.

One hour later...

We where standing at the door to Kaylee's apartment. It was a fourth floor walk-up in a run down building in a bad part of town, why was she staying here? Before she moved to the US, she had lived with her mother and step-father...

The door opening interrupted my thoughts. We all turned to look at the door where a girl who was probably about twenty now stood. She was wearing an apron over a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, her brown hair up in a messy bun.

"You're... you're... you're BigBang!" She stuttered. We stood awkwardly, exchanging confused looks for a moment before she seemed to regain her senses. She turned around and glanced at herself in the mirror, "Kaylee!" She screamed into the apartment before turning around and giving us an apologetic look. "Sorry, how rude of me, I'm Zoey."

GD smiled, "Is it a bad time?"

"No, my roommate just didn't warn me you where coming," She replied a bit too quickly.

A moment later Kaylee appeared, her wet blonde hair hanging in perfect spiral curls. I had forgotten that her hair was so curly, every time I had seen her lately her hair was straitened.

"Hey guys," She started nervously. We stared at each other awkwardly for a moment before she continued, "Why did you want to see me?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the baby. We want to help, since it's one of ours," He paused, glancing around.

We where still standing in the door way, when the sound of a gun going off in the distance caused us to all scamper inside. "What the heck was that?" I yelled, not at anyone in particular.

"Oh, you get used to it," She said calmly.

"No..." GD said suddenly, shaking his head. "This is no place for a pregnant woman! How shouldn't have to walk up four flights of stairs or live in fear of being shot."

"Really it's ok. I..." She tried to reassure him, but he wasn't going to change his mind.

"I think you should move in with us," He said abruptly.

"What?" We all shouted, including Kaylee and Zoey.

I was about to argue more with him, but I knew it was useless. He had switched to his leader voice and once GD set his mind to something, no one could change his mind, "I said that Kaylee should move in with us."


A/N: So what do you guys think? Don't forget to comment! I'll update again as soon as I can!

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oh this is a really good story. i am wondering who is the baby's daddy. please do update soon??
Woah?! I wonder who's baby is that. Looking forward too it. ^^