Will you - Third

My Typical Romance Story


I answer, “Yes?”

“Why can’t we win it?”

I’m scared. I can see this person right in front me, but I can't see his face. I don’t even understand why I’m here now. I think it’s gonna end, but suddenly that person is running. I try to run too, but he’s trying to chase me. This is getting weirder because he keeps calling my name. But that voice, I just don’t understand why, but I love that voice. I kinda miss the voice that is calling me. It sounds sad. Why is this happening?

“Why? What are you doing?” I throw more questions but there’s no answer.

That person is stopping his step, “I’m running for you, Yoonsil. I'm chasing you.”

“Who? Who are you?”

At last, I can see him form a smile and I try to grab him. But later, I find out that it is a dream. I wake up from my sleep and look around my surroundings. I realize that I don’t know where I am now. This place looks totally fine. Why am I here though? I’m looking for my bag to see the time which is right beside me. It is still 5.11 PM, I have time to prepare. I should go back to my place.

I grab my bag and move out from this room. This room consists of a bed, cupboard, and it is so wide. I try to recall what happened yesterday but I just can’t. Maybe, I just need get out of this place. I walk away from the room and is shocked to see a man who is totally with towel hanging on his lower body. I’m more shocked when I realize that he is Park Jimin.

I drop my bag, “PARK JIMIN!”

He just smiles at me, “Good Morning, Yera.”

Wait! I’m looking at my surroundings again. I’m not, am I? Did I sleep at his house right now? What kind of situation is this? I was just talking with him yesterday. I guess I don’t think anything weird happened, or is it my memories just slip away from me somehow? I want to ask him something, but I can’t see him now. He’s ing right now. I can totally see his abs, and my heart keep beating like crazy. I’m trying so hard to focus.

“What is happening here, Jimin? Can you explain to me? And, can you wear something?” I look away, and can’t look at his face.

I can sense that he’s laughing at me now, “You like what you see, don’t you?”

Yes, I am! But, please can you answer my question, Jimin, “I’m waiting for the answer, Jimin.”

“Well, we were talking at the cafe yesterday, and you were really weird by running away after I poke your cheeks. I tried to chase you because you left your bag behind. But I saw you fell down right in front the power pole, you know what, I tried my best to not laugh but you didn't wake up after that. You just slept there. Because I couldn't leave you alone, so I took you to my house Instead.” He explains it.

What was that? Oh my god, that was totally embarrassing. How could I be like that yesterday? I was so sure that I was trying to walk away after he poked my cheeks, but I don’t remember that part where I fell down. I was really tired I guess. Why do I keep embarrassing myself in front of him? I don’t understand myself.

As I try to calm down, I ask him, “And why did you take me to your house and not my own?”

“I don’t know where your place is, Yera. Besides, isn’t it better to wake up at my house?” He tries to draw his face closer and I can’t stop staring at his body.

“Jimin, please! Wear something!”

“Why? I’m in my house now; I can do what I want.”

I swear to God, this Park Jimin needs to ing stop. He has been playing with my heart since yesterday. I really can’t take it. I don't totally dislike being here where that includes seeing his abs. But I'm not a person who can take everything just in one night. I need to calm myself down and take a deep breath. I really need to get back to my place. I have work today.

“Whatever, Jimin. I’m going back,” I grab my bag again, ready to walk away from him.

“Wait, I thought I already help you by not leaving you alone in the cold night," he says as he grabs my hand.

“Okay, thank you so much, Park Jimin,” I bow to him, trying to let go of his hand.

Suddenly, he pulls my hand and my body crashes with his. I can feel his abs through this, but still try to let go. I can see his face so closely now. What are you doing Park Jimin? His body is totally fine! I don’t know where I'm supposed to look at anymore! At this rate, I think my heart will explode.

“I want something more than a thank you,” he whispers to my ear.

Damn! My body, please move! Do something! “W-what is it?”

“A date, this Saturday. You and me," He whispers again. This time, it’s really soft.

I try my best to get my mind straight. I mean how can you stay calm if your crush is asking you for a date. I want to really, but I’m confused. Why is he doing this now? What is his purpose? I’m not a really pretty girl. I’m not rich too. I’m just a teacher, not a model. I’m not really confident, but I still like him. I want to know his reason. I want to know what he’s thinking right now.

“I would say yes if you let me go,” right, I’m still touching his body.

He lets me go, feeling satisfied with my answer, “Great, this Saturday. I’ll wait for you at my house.”

“Yeah, okay...” I’m moving fast from him.

I can still feel his body around me. It doesn’t move away that easily from my mind. This is the first ever crush that asks me for a date. There are too many things he does to make my heart explode. I slept at his house, touched his body, and this Saturday I’m going on a date with him. I’m happy. Yes, I am. But, I’m not ready! What will happen later when I'm on date with him? I was doing something stupid before by falling down after hitting power pole. What’s wrong with me actually?


                “Lee-ssem, this is the task you asked yesterday.” I give the document that I did to her.

                “It’s done already? Thank you so much, Yera,” She accepts the document, “So, how was your day?”

                I sigh, “It’s fine actually. I just don’t want to go home.”

                “Well, if that’s the case, how about you and me drink some soju later?” She asks me.

                It’s not that bad, and today I don’t really want to go anywhere, “Maybe later, I want to go to sauna, having a nice time.

                “That sounds nice. You really need it I guess, Yera-ssem. Your face looks totally tired.”

                Actually, I just don’t want to see Jimin's face. It still feels embarrassing. I'm really scared to meet him. I need a break. If I meet him again, he will just keep doing those things that make my heart flutter. And that eill only lead me to an emergency room. I like him and he probably knows about it too. That's definitely why he keeps teasing me, making me look like an idiot! It's hard to get what his heart says. Stop thinking about him, Yera! You have your next class to teach now. God, my mind is totally full of Park Jimin right now. 

                Yeah, I’m back to my old habit, running away.


                Here I am, at a sauna, eating all these eggs alone. Everyone looks tired with their lives, I kinda understand because I myself, is too. Well, it’s already 11 PM now; I still don’t know what to do. Ibetter finish these eggs and sleep. Yeah, that’s a good idea. When I’m ready to get up, I see someone that I know from afar. That person is totally too young to be here.

                “Jeon Jungkook?” I call his name.

                He’s surprised to see me, “Yera-ssem? Why are you here?”

                “I just wanna relax here. Well, I’m the one who is supposed to ask you the question. Aren’t your parents worried if you are here now? It’s going midnight soon. You need to give me explanation, young man, or I need to call your parents,” Yup, I should do this. I never see Heonlim students in this sauna before, and that’s totally weird.

                “Relax, Yera-ssem. I’m with my person right now.” He shows someone beside him, who walks away.

                I try to catch what he said. Does that mean that person is his bodyguard? So, he’s a rich kid, or maybe not. “What do you mean by person?”

                “My uncle, actually. I live with him for now.”

                I was wrong. He’s just ordinary student. “And, where is he now?”

                “Maybe, flirt with some random women,” he seems not to give a damn at all.

                That uncle doesn’t have any responsibility at all. “O-okay, if that’s it, I’m going to get my pillow now. See you, Jungkook.”

                “Allright, Yera-ssem. Have a good time.”

                To be honest, It’s kinda weird to see him here right now. But I don’t actually mind, everyone sure loves to have some time in the sauna. His uncle just brought him here, and left his nephew alone. I don’t need to think about that now. I came here to relax. I should take my pillow and have a nice sleep.


                While walking alone to my place, I’m watching my district so quietly. It’s still morning; I won’t see him, right? He may be in his dreamland now. I’m going to my place then change my clothes. I’m walking past by his cafe, and it’s still closed. I’m safe. I walk towards my place with a light step. And I kinda slow my step when I’m close to his house. I thought that I was hallucinating, but I actually see a person standing.

                I can see he fold his arm and lean back to the fence. Yes, I know who that person is, totally. My heart suddenly beats faster, and his face looks totally irritated. Is he waiting for me?

                I thought that I can just walk pass him but he suddenly talks to me, “Well, good morning, Yera.”

                I am startled to hear his voice, “Eh, good morning, Jimin?”

                His face is getting more annoyed hearing my answer, “Your clothes is totally the same with yesterday.”

                Of course, I was sleeping in sauna yesterday. I’m not going to argue with him now. I just need to walk fast to my place, “It’s not your business, Jimin. I don’t have time; I need to go to work.”

                When I think I'm safe, He’s following right behind me, “You are not like what I’m thinking, right?”

                “What? I’m not! You don’t have to know where I’m going." Well, if you want to follow me, that’s okay. He’s not doing anything right now.

                “Do you know what I’m thinking right now?” He asks me back.

                Of course, I don’t know what you have in your mind, Jimin. You are so unpredictable. I mean, how can you suddenly stand still in front of your house at this time. I try to run away from you but you keep chasing after me. I’m walking toward the stairs to go to my place. He’s still behind me for sure, and I’m not giving him any answer. When I grab my key to open the door, I turn around to see him.

                “I have told you. It’s not your business. So, stop following me, Park Jimin.” I stare at him.

                But, he’s walking closer to me, and I move back my step. He’s cornering me towards my door. Right now, I’m leaning towards my door, and he pins me there. I start to panic; he’s right in front of me. This is totally KABE DON*!

                “What if I tell you that this is my business too?”

                “What do you mean?”

                “You are my concern now, Yera.”

                What is this? I’m already his concern. I’m taking to the next level of this crushes. I look at his eyes to search for his sincerity. I’m afraid that he’s just playing with me now.

                “I want to know why, Jimin.”

                He gives me a smile, and moves closer to my face. “I will tell you when you remember me.”


Author’s note

The first three chapter is done. The real story will start in the next chapter.
As I told in the foreword, this is not a typical romance.
The drama will start soon. YEAH!
See you in the next chapter guys!

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Chapter 3: Ayeee nice
Chapter 3: Woawowaoaw so they've met already, right?
mrstaehyungcool #3
Chapter 3:
xxkawaii #4
Chapter 2: like it so far~~~ keep going authorniim:)
Chapter 1: OMG finally! JIMIN noticed her!!!! :DDD
Sounds exciting!!! :)