Are you sure? – Second

My Typical Romance Story

                “Yera-ssem.” I hear someone's voice. “Yera-ssem.” I hear it again.

                The last time, I hear that certain someone scream right in my ears. “Yera-ssem!”

                “Ah, yes?” Startled, I turn my head toward the source of the voice and notice it is Teacher Lee. She looks pissed but I just smile apologetically at her.

                “I called you for three times. What’s wrong with you? Did something good happen?” She asks. 

                I was actually recalling of what happened yeasterday, but there's no way I will tell her that so I reply, "Not really. Is something the matter?"

                “It’s a new semester again. I need your help to calculate this data,” she gives me some paper.

                “No problem, I’m not really busy though,” I take the paper from her and scan it briefly. “But, I’ll do this after school. I need to teach first.”

                “That’s okay. You can give it to me tomorrow," she says.

                “Well, okay,” I smile and Teacher Lee walks to her chair.

                It’s the second day of school. I have classes to teach today, and my schedule is full. You should know that being a math teacher is not easy. Every grade has this subject, so my schedule is always full. But sometimes I don’t have any clasess to teach. Today, I’m going to teach the new class. I take my books and some document, then walks out from the office. I can see some teachers walk out too and ready to start their class.

                I-A, it’s the class that I’m going to teach. As I know, classes like I-A, II-A, III-A are all the classes of smartest students. We make it like that in this school. They said it made teachers easier while teaching the smart students. I know it’ll make it easier for us but some students actually make it seem like a rivalry. I don’t really think this is wrong, because we need to do our best to get what we want, right? Even with something like crush. Okay, forget about it. I need to focus now, because I’m entering the class.

                “Good morning, students,” I smile as I enter the class.

                Everyone bows to me and gives me some greetings, “Good Morning, ssem.”       

                “It’s nice to meet you all. My name is Yera, your mathematics teacher. So now, I’m going to call you, and you can raise your hand,” I open up my documents, and check the students' names. “Hmm, Nam Hyuna, Song Mina....”

               As I check some of the students' names, I see that name. I know that he’ll be in this class.

                “Jeon Jungkook?” I can see someone raise his hand at the back. He’s in.

                When I already finish checking the students, I bring out some paper from the document map. I give a wide smile to the student, I hope they won’t be surprised, “Well, well, because it’s our first meeting, we’ll have a post test. I hope you guys prepare for it.”

                I can see everyone's faces look so unhappy. I know kid, post test in the first day is not fun, but what can I do? This is the school system. They really love to give the student some test. I distribute the paper for them. As I give some command, they start to do the post test. I am kinda surprised when I see how the students look so serious. This I-A, the smartest class in the first grade, I hope they’ll carry this burden for the whole semester, or they’ll move to the lower class.


                It's 7.00 PM and I’m still in the school. I thought that Teacher Lee's task will be easy, but there are a bunch of things to do. That’s why; I’m still here, trying to finish the task. I still need to check the post test too. I guess I am actually really busy today. I type the last thing to my computer and shut it down. I’m done. It’s time to do another thing. I stretch my body a little then get the papers. I’m checking it one by one. It’s pretty easy tough, because this time, the students did a good job. They are really smart.

                “Ah, this kid, Jeon Jungkook.” I hold his paper. “I wonder what score he will get.”

                I’m checking his paper. I just give the right check to every number. Well, he gets a perfect score. I’m surprised. It’s actually rare for students to get a perfect score in the first day of school. For what I know, no one actually studies in the first week of school. This kid must be smart. He even didn’t leave any equations or anything beside his answer on his paper. Did he calculate everything in his head?

                After I finish checking everyone's, I tidy up my table and the paper. I’m ready to give it back to the students tomorrow. I really need some sleep. I get up from my table and take my bag with me. I check my phone and see that it’s already 7.57 PM. I walk to the front door. There is only me here as every teacher already went home. Locking the office room, I keep the keys in my bag and leave. I see my surroundings and get surprised to see some light from one class. It’s I-A. Who will be in the class at this time? Is it the worker?

                I’m walking slowly to that class. I can see someone writing at the white board. Wow! I’m sure that white board is full of numbers. I’m speechless. Someone is solving Gauss-Jordan eliminations. I can’t believe it. You must be a math major student to solve that thing. I wonder who this kid is. Is he going to join some competition?

                “Found the answer yet?” I stay at the back while asking the question.

                That kid stops his writing to see me. “Yera-ssem..”

                Ah, I know him. This kid is really something. “Jeon Jungkook, why are you not going home? It’s night already.”

                He touches his lower neck, looks awkwardly at me, “Well, ssem, I love to solve the problem in a big white board.”

                “Yeah, sure you do. I can see it. So, why is a high school student solving a college student's question level?” I move to the front to see what he did.

                “I’m just curious,” He smiled shyly at me.

                I fold my arms and scan the white board. To be honest, he’s really doing good job, but I guess he feels that he still lacks of something. “You make one mistake here. You can get the answer if you take the first line and minus it with the third line. You need to redo it from here.”

                I can see he is focusing with my words. He somehow understands what I’m saying because he claps his hand happily. Yeah, I’m sure you get the answer. “I got it, thank you, Yera-ssem.”

                “How you know Gauss-Jordan eliminations, Jungkook?” I ask him as I’m watching him erasing the white board.

                “Because I have the book?” He stops briefly to answer me before he continues.

                I turn around and see a book on the table. This is totally the book from a college student. “This book is for college students, Jungkook.”

                “Yeah, I know.”

                “Hmm, I guess you must love math.”

                “I do.”


                He stops writing at the white board, “You can look at this, ssem. There are many numbers at the white board. Everything is starting with numbers. The only way to solve is by calculating. And how can we do this? It’s by learning mathematics.”

                Those words make me fall silent. I’m happy actually. I mean, someone sees mathematics in this way. This kid keeps making me surpised, I see.

                “That’s why I enter this school. I want to meet the legendary math teacher of Heonlim High School.”

                Wait the minute, this story is not going to change genre, right? I thought this was romantic comedy, but why isthis changing to another genre? I don’t have any idea that this will come to me. From yesterday, so many things happened so suddenly. I thought my life will be the same, typical boring routine. I’ve tried my best to not make something big. I’m just your typical teacher. I’m just a math teacher.

                “What kind of nonsense is that, Jungkook? You need to go home. It’s night already,” I try to take the eraser, and clean the white board.

                “But, I’m not kidding, Yera-ssem.” He looks flustered.

                “Right. Let’s go home.” I walk away, but he makes me stop from walking.

                “I’m not going home.”

                “Okay. I will hear what you want.”

                He smiles at me, “Help me solving some problems again tomorrow, Yera-ssem.”

                Never in my life have I seen a student who is so eager to learn math. He just falls in love with it. But I can’t reject it. His sparkling eyes remind me of someone; it makes me miss that person more. How I wish that sparkling eyes will keep their spark until forever. It’s scary when I’m losing it. This kid, I can help him, right?

                “I can’t say no I guess.”


                I take a really long breath as I walk to my place. I want to get some nice sleep tonight. Why do I feel so tired already? There are so many things that happened today. I guess my heart can’t take it all. I hope that I won’t meet him. You already know who that person is. Yep, my crush, I just can’t recall what happened yesterday. It just comes so fast. I even don’t come to his cafe this morning. I’m just feeling embarrassed to meet him. I keep doing my habit I guess. I’m always running away when I sense a guy like me.

                I mean, I can’t resist his smile. My heart will start to pound very fast. Words can’t get out from my mouth. I’m already 24 years old. Why do I keep doing this? I must gather my bravery. I try to walk very fast because I’ll past by the cafe. I can see that it’s still open. It’s already 9.11 PM. It should be closed by now. When I am already in front of the cafe, I can see that person standing there, watching me.

                My feet won’t move, but I greet him, “Hi, Jimin.”

                “Hello, Yera.” I can see his eyes look loving.

                “Uh, why are you still here?” I just randomly ask.

                He laughs a little then replies, “I’m waiting for you to come.”

                Jimin, can you stop? My heart is pounding like crazy now. “It makes no sense, Jimin. I’m going.”

                “Wait, Yera. Am I making you feeling uneasy?” He asks.

                No! Of course not! I just can’t express my feeling to you. “Hmm, why I should feel uneasy though?”

                “See! You don’t even look at me while you're talking to me.”

                Crap, he got me. What should I do? “I did look at you!” I reason and try to move my eyes. I can see his eyes are looking at me. He’s just too good looking. I can’t stop staring at him if I keep doing this.

                “Look, Yera. My words before, I really mean it. I’m not making joke with you.”

                “I know, Jimin. I know! It’s just...”

                He asks me again, “What? You are unhappy with it?”

                Argh! That’s not it, you fool! “No, no. I’m happy with it! In fact, I love it! I like it, okay?” I scream everything from my mind. And by seconds, I can feel my face turn completely red. I don’t know why I said those things. It’s really embarrassing. I take a glance of his smiling face, and try to run away after that.

                But he’s just fast, and grabs my wrist. “Wait, that means we are in the same boat, now. Why are you running away?”

                “I’m not.” I stop my steps and he lets go of my hand.

                “My cafe is still open. Wanna come in? I’ll make you some coffee.”

                Park Jimin, he’s just, ugh, I don’t know what to say. I just follow him to his cafe. I can’t reject his offer, right? He’s just being so nice to me. It was two months with nothing happening, but now in just two days, everything changed drastically. He’s preparing a coffee for me, and I’m not his customer now. I’m his guest for now. I take a seat close to the counter. I can see him making some coffee.

                “Sorry, for making you wait,” he apologizes and puts the coffee at the table.

                “Thank you, Jimin,” I take the coffee mug to take a sip. Yum, it's nice.

                “So, can I ask you?” He’s striking a conversation with me.

                What is it? What is he going to ask? Feeling nervous to hear his question, I try to stop him, “Can I ask you first?”

                He looks fine with my question so he shrugs, “Okay. You can do it first.”

                Okay, Yera, this is your time. You have to ask the entire questions. “Hmm, first, can you introduce yourself? I mean real introduction, from your real name, age, birthday, current job, goals, something like that.”

                I see him look happy with my question. I don’t understand. He answers, “Okay, my name is Park Jimin. My birthday is in October 13. I’m 26 years old now. I’m a dance teacher, but currently I’m being the owner of this cafe. My goals? I guess, is to live happy life, and not alone. Hmm, I’m the first child. I have a brother, he works at the Busan. My hometown is Busan.”

                “You are 26 already?”

                “Yeah, why?”

                “You look very young. I thought we are in the same age. I should call you oppa then.” Wait, there is no way I’m going to call him that. It sounds so weird. I won’t do it.

                “I don’t mind tough, you can call me oppa. Say it,” he looks so excited.

                I try to turn away my face; this is so embarrassing already, “No, I will never say it.”

                “You are cute, Yera.”

                What? Argh, he keeps messing with my heart. “Yeah, whatever.”

                “It’s my turn then. You should answer it honestly, okay?”

                I bluntly answer, “Ok.”

                “Why are you always coming to the cafe to buy the same coffee?”

                What kind of question is that? Is he going to... I need to calm down. If I give the wrong answer, he’ll know everything. “Because I love coffee, beside this cafe is so close to my place.”

                “Nah, it’s a lie.”

                “What the—”

                Before I can continue my words, he keeps asking me questions. “Why do you sometimes come to my house randomly?”

                The hell? How can he know those things? I mean, I was just standing in from of his fence for a minute and then went home. I’m so sure there’s no one there.

                “I’m just walking in to my place.”

                “Nah, it’s another lie.”

                “Why are you asking me this question? What is the purpose?”

                He smiles brightly to me. He draws his face closer to me. I totally can see myself in his eyes. It makes my heart stop a bit.

                “You are not honest to yourself, Yera. I can see it in your reactions from the start. You are fall--”

                “Stop it! You can’t say that word.” I shut his mouth with my hands.

                But, his eyes keep watching me, and I know he is smiling right now. What kind of situation is this?

                Suddenly, he moves my hand with his left hand and pokes my cheeks with his right hand, “You are burning red, Yera.”


Author’s note:

                Some of you must be wonder about Jungkook.
He is actually having important role in this story.
There’ll be more character later.
And btw, I’m a math major student. And, I guess, this story will be full of math. LOL.
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Don’t forget to give some comment.

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Chapter 3: Ayeee nice
Chapter 3: Woawowaoaw so they've met already, right?
mrstaehyungcool #3
Chapter 3:
xxkawaii #4
Chapter 2: like it so far~~~ keep going authorniim:)
Chapter 1: OMG finally! JIMIN noticed her!!!! :DDD
Sounds exciting!!! :)