To be with her

We meet again



I hadn’t heard anything from Lhian since the last time I met her. I was too worried about her so I decided to give her a surprise visit. But I was the one who got surprised when I only saw Cindy in the flower shop.

“Lhian went home because she’s preparing for her trip to Japan tomorrow.”

“Mwo? How long is she going to stay there?”

“I don’t know yet. Maybe for a week, a month… it depends on her.”

“But why is she leaving?”

And from there, Cindy told me everything. I learned about what happened between Lhian and AJ – and I really didn’t expect that. It made me more worried about her after hearing those things from Cindy. So that must be the reason why she was drunk last time. I thought.

“You know what Kevin, I’m so worried about her. If I could just come with her and be with her but she didn’t want to. But you Kevin – you could do something.” She said as she walked towards me.


“Come on, Kevin. This is your chance.”

What does she mean?

“I’ve been observing you since came back here in Seoul – since you met Lhian again. But you tell me Kevin… do you still have any special feelings for Lhian?” as she gave me this suspicious look.

I was shocked with her frank question. How could she notice that? She just caught me off guard.

“Ahmm… Cindy, why are you asking me that kind of question?”

“Well, let me tell you this. I’m really worried to Lhian and I really want to make sure that she will be alright in Japan. So if you would go ahead and follow her, at least, I’d feel relieved. And besides, if you really love her, this is your chance to show it to her. And don’t you ever deny it Kevin because I never forgot it. I was there ten years ago and I could really tell how you regretted that time…”

And suddenly I remembered something that happened ten years ago.


One week had passed since I received the letter from Lhian. I heard that she already went to Seoul and that was the reason why I couldn’t find her in the campus anymore. I was so sad when I heard about it so I looked for Cindy, her best friend, to get some news about her.

“Why are you looking for Lhian?” she asked.

“Well, she gave me this last week after the incident in the ball.” And I handed her the letter.

“So, she confessed to you…” she said while looking at the letter.


“But, why are you still interested to know about her life in Seoul?” she asked me suspiciously.

“Well, I just want to ask if you now her current address so I can send her letters too.”

“And why?” she continued to ask.

“So, I can be sure that she’s doing alright…”


“So, I can tell her… what I really feel for her.” I finally gave in.

“What do you really feel for her?”

“Okay, since I met her – we were in sophomore that time – I really had a crush on her. I thought it was just a crush. But it wasn’t. I didn’t want to cheat with Dara that time, so I was really controlling myself. However, when I learned about Dara’s secret – it didn’t really hurt me because I felt like my heart was really meant for her. That’s why I don’t want to waste any time. I want her to know that I also love her.”

Cindy looked so surprise with my confession. But then, she smiled and tapped my shoulder.

“Well, that’s really nice to know Kevin. Unfortunately, I don’t know her new address but don’t worry once I l get it, I’ll let you know.” As she assured me.

But fate really made it hard for me because Cindy had to leave and move to Los Angeles. We lost our communication so the only hope I held into was the letter that Lhian gave me.


I never thought that Cindy could still remember it. She told me that she didn’t tell Lhian about my secret since she could see that Lhian was already happy with AJ. But after what happened, Cindy encouraged me to follow Lhian to Japan. Not just to make sure that she will be fine, but to confess my love for her.


Author's note:

And there's Chapter 40! Yay! To be honest,  I didn't expect it to be this long. Maybe it's because some of my chappies are pretty short. Anyway, forgive me my beloved readers, I'll be in a hiatus in a while (perhaps, 3-4 days), Mrs. Sarang needs to work on some papers. But I promise, once I come back...more excting and KEVLHIAN moments! ^_^ 

And a little gift (I'm not sure if it's really a gift, though...) but here's some selcas for you <3

Saranghaeyo~ <3

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Fluffydar #1

I've got a song for this fan fiction it's called "Distance" by Christina Perri
I suits the fan fiction pretty well I've gotta say
Fluffydar #2
Chapter 60: I cried soooo many times in this!!~~
Because it was sad but sweet~
Chapter 12: @chapter 12 - Just reached chapter 12. So I'm going to stop and comment. I really like the sequel. I feel sorry for Kevin. Ten years of waiting... and AJ gives me butterflies in my stomach. He is so sweet! I want to read more now, but can't. I'll definitely make sure to read more and comment tomorrow!
Aigo~ I'm pretty late but fic...SO MUCH :') You're amazing man
Aww cute <3
Btw just found this story after I begun reading 3 months ago ^^
scoobie #6
WOW sooooo amazing!!!
xxcarmenxx #7
OMG i love this story! I can't wait for your next one!(: <3
eLiSey #8
aww~ so sweet~~ cant wait to read another story by you!!
omg its over!
the wedding vows were sooo sweet!
thanks for making this!