Maybe, you, are different

My dear butler

Tik tok..the sound of the clock becomes clearer in the night. i am lying on my bed, but somehow, i just cant sleep..i wonder how was key now..? is he sleeping? does he like the room? how does he sleep like? the next second, i then realise, i am already at key's door.

I kepp back the hands that i wanted to knowck on the door, just one look to make sure he is ok and i will go back..i promise myself, and i walk carefully and quietly to his bed. As this room is the room for the daughter of the last owner, this room is basically in baby pink, only the bed and the curtain are in white colour. Key is sleeping on the white bed, he looks like a barbie doll, beautiful, but has no life. The pale face has become paler under the moonlight, the hair carefully lie on his forehead, now he looks completely like a girl.

At the next minute, key suddenly open the eyes and grab my neck, he then push me down on bed and press on me. As it all happens too fast, i can't even react to it..but when he saw that it was me, he quickly let go of me and stands up " lord..key doesn't know its you" he slowly say, like a child that did something wrong. Looking at his 'poker face' i suddenly has a evil thought...

"COUGH COUGH* thought i am on my way to go meet the childrens with wings just now" i exagerate and swing my hands around. He bend down and help me to get my breath by patting on my back "sorry lord..." after minutes of silence, he suddenly speak

"my lord, can i ask you a question?" he carefully say

"of cause" i nodded my head

"what is ' children with wings' ?"

i lift up my eyebrowns and answer : "Angels"

but he looks like he still don't get it, "what's a angel..?"

i look at his flawless face, he donno what is angel? i donno why, but i felt like a soft part in my heart is being hit.

"come, key, sits beside me" i pat on the space beside me as i lean against the wall, he quietly sat down while i pull his blanket to cover both our legs. "Angels are the most beautiful and pure things on the world, they live in heaven" i looked out the window and smile to him "which is somewhere above the sky" he turn and look out too..i then continued "they are mostly childrens and babies, because people thinks that childrens and babies are the purest thing, not dirty by this world" he didn't have any reaction, he is just looking into my eyes while listening to me. I feel like he has seen through me but i still cant see him, he is far from me yet so near now. I also tell him about things like heaven and some fairytales to him, slowly, i fall asleep on his shoulder. I actually didn't sleep when people are beside me....maybe, this butler, is different.

3rd person POV

Key take a look on the lord who is on his shoulder, he didn't wake him up, he just don't want to destroy this beautiful picture. He looks out of the window and look at the dark sky with only a few stars and a half moon, "heaven...angels?" he mumbled to himself. He doesn't know about those words, he doesn't know fairytales, he doesn't know how to smile, he doesn't know how to have expression, he doesn't know living in a room with colour is so nice, he doesn't know living in a room with window beside him is so blessful, he doesn't know he has fallen asleep too...he doesn't know, in his heart, this guy beside him has already went into his heart because this is the first time he let his guards down when he sleep, the first time he felt so peaceful....maybe, this lord, is different.


So~ this is the third chapter~ i hope u like the story so far >< and thanks alot alot for all those sweet comments...well, actually, my head in on fire now, this chapter is a second first, i already write my third chapter and is going to post it, but ALL OF A SUDDEN, my com just ing lag there.....=.= and i was like: WTH IS THIS U CHICKEN COM and i swear i am banging my com with my head....and so, this is a second typing~ well, i must tell you, typing with anger is no joke, my fingers are still pain because of the strength i use when i am typing the second time -.-''

But i hope this has no affect in you sweet readers reading this story >< and i will update again soon...XD once again, thanks for reading!! :D ILY~

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Jomi96 #1
uhh when do u update? I'm waiting for so long, please, you're story is adorable! <3
I totally like your story!! >.<<br />
Even though only a few days passed since your last update, I hope you will update soon. ;D
luciferXsatan #3
Thanks for the support!! ><
SMstan4ever #4
SMstan4ever #5
Omo.this is too awesome!!><
luciferXsatan #6
thanks for the comments guys!! >< i will update today!! <br />
T.T <--- move ttm~
Jojojo123 #7
Can't wait for your next update! Update soon!! ^^
Jomi96 #8
awww it's sooo cool! UPDATEE SOON!! XDD
luciferXsatan #9
haha thanks for the comment!! XD key makes all ppl goes lalaland!!~~ :X