07 (READ A/N!)

She's Handsome

Chapter 7


A/N: I guess I'm continuing this? Some of you guys didn't allow me to abandon this story so I guess I'll continue. But please be patient as it is very difficult in a university. But I will try to update as much as I can.

This is a short update for now

And I'm back.. I guess? HAHA



             After having lunch with Manager Kang, the three returned to their practice room. Jihoon sat on the couch and said "So how's the choreo going Hosh?"

             Like waking up from a trance, Soonyoung looked at Jihoon. "Oh, its doing great." he cleared his throat, glancing at Raeyook.

             "I told you I could help bro. I finished all the songs so its no problem" said Jihoon.

             Raeyook also joined the conversation "I can help too!"

             Soonyoung looked at her, keyword: looked. Not glared like the usual. Soonyoung was majorly considering her help as it was badly needed.

             Sighing, he agreed to both their help which made Raeyook surprised. Happy, but mostly surprised. She imagined him glaring at her and yelling I can do it on my own, I don't need your help

             "Alright, what have you done so far?" Jihoon asked Soonyoung.

             "Well, it goes like thisㅡ" Soonyoung played the music and gulped before dancing, praying that Raeyook wouldn't notice the same dance moves she did, she didn't.

             When he finished, he cleared his throat and looked at both of them throught the mirror, mostly Raeyook.

             "Wow! When did you choreograph that? That was cool. But.." said Raeyook "It looked familiar.. and it lacks feelings" minimizing her voice in the last part

             He doesn't remember his own dance moves? Soonyoung asked himself but sighed in relief about it. 

             "Those were great Hosh. I'll try and think of dance moves then I'll show you okay?" Jihoon told Soonyoung

             "Me too!" said Raeyook and started thinking of dance moves. Soonyoung looked at them both and tried to make more moves for the song



             "Oh gosh I'm tired!" said Raeyook as the song ended

             "Look on the bright side, we finished the choreo!" said Jihoon

             Soonyoung glanced at Raeyook and faced her, which startled her a bit, and mumbled "Thanks for helping"

             "What?" said Raeyook. The gears on her head seemed to not be functioning

             "Whatever. I won't repeat myself."

             "Did Kwon Soonyoung the great just said thanks? What a miracle!"


             "Oh god, are you blushing?!" 


             Soonyoung looked at himself in the mirror and indeed, he looked like he was blushing. He scoffed and said "As if. I just turn red when I'm tired like this"

             Jihoon was just watching their interaction when Manager Kang went in "When are you going to start recording?" they all looked at Jihoon who just said "Uhh.." Jihoon looked at the time and it said 10:10pm

             "Oh.." Jihoon just suddenly snorted and laughed out loud

             "Has he gone nuts?" asked Raeyook and Soonyoung looked at the time. He, too, laughed out loud. Raeyook looked at Manager Kang in confusion in which she just shrugged.

             As they finished laughing their asses off and regained their composure, Jihoon spoke first and said "Maybe we'll rest for a while and do vocal exercises. Then we'll start recording."

             Manager Kang nodded and said "Alright then, I'll prepare the recording studio for you three. I'll call Bumzu for help in the recording. You can go there when you guys are finished."

             The three nodded nad Manager Kang left. "So, what were you two laughing about?" asked Raeyook. Both guys looked at each other and smiled.

             Soonyoung looked at Raeyook and said "What time is it?"

             "Uh, its 10:10?"

             "Okay, look at my eyes."

             Raeyook tilted her head in confusion. She did not get what he wants to tell her by looking at his eyes. But one thing she noticed, His eyes were very pretty.

             "You don't get it?" Soonyoung asked and Raeyook shook her head "Tsk, whatever." Soonyoung just drank water and Jihoon chuckled

             "I'll explain it for you, its because his eyes are like the clock when it strikes 10:10. Its ends are a bit tilted upwards" 

             "Oh! Okay, I see it" and Raeyook laughed.

             Raeyook heard an audible 'hmph' from Soonyoung. But she just smiled. After all, she's starting to actually help them and she feelis like she's already, slowly, begining to be accepted.

             "Shall we start our vocal training?"

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Won't be able to update again. Sorry about that. I'll be back as soon as possible!


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Park_Yujin #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon!! I like soonyoung's attitude here, it makes him hot. Oooohhh... I'm looking forward to this story. I'm waiting for the update XOXO
Chapter 7: I know how difficult it is in university but I hope you will continue with this story,
it's really nice :)
Astriana #3
Chapter 7: Yesssss. Thank uuu <3
Chapter 7: Thanks for not abandoning this story it meant a lot and its ok even if u update once a month at least u will update ;)
EllinianPrince #5
Chapter 7: Please don't abandon this story.. I really like it so please continue! I will be very sad if you don't... Any ways i will support you to finish up this story, and i was pretty sad when I found out it wasn't an update.. Please continue, I really enjoy this plot and wish to see what you have in store for us!! Thanks author-nim! I will support you and comment on the chapters and give you feed back whenever I can!!
Chapter 7: I was really happy when I saw this was update but it turn out to be something else... I really do like this story ;]
Astriana #7
Chapter 7: Aww. I'd like you to continue it since I quite like it. I always look forward to your updates.
EllinianPrince #8
Chapter 6: Please update author-nim! It's been a month and I am waiting, lol sorry for annoying u but I like this plot a lot!! Cx thanks a lot again, and I'm sorry for noting u when u may be busy
Chapter 6: great u update! ;)
Chapter 5: I just found this story n its kinda great n I hope u'll update soon ;]