She's Handsome


Chapter 3


             Screams were filled in the air, lights were dancing in all corners, light sticks were high up in the air swinging wildly back and forth. It felt like the whole place was jumping up and down with the crowd.

             Can you imagine that all of those were done by just two people? Both were dancing, both were singing. Everything was in a bliss! All the people were chanting and screaming the lyrics of every song.

            While these two people were on stage dancing and singing their hearts out, at least it seemed to be in peoples eyes, someone was watching, and boy was this person not happy.



            After the concert ended, the two headed backstage to their changing rooms "Man I'm so tired right now" said the first male while the other scoffed "You're tired? I have to go make more music! I'm way more tired than you"

            When they both arrived at the changing room, a woman was inside and has her arm crossed. The first male that got inside rolleed his eyes "What are you doing here Miss Kang?" you can defenitely tell the irritation in his voice "I'm here because I'm your manager, if you have forgotten Mr. Kwon" the other male got in as well and ignored Miss Kang. She sighed and said "Hurry up and change. We're going back to the practice room." the two looked at her like she was on fire "Why would we go back there? I have to go back to the dorm and sleep!" said 'Mr. Kwon' while miss Kang just walked her way to the exit.

            They were on their way back to the dorm and riding their car when the guy sighed "Seriously! She's the most irritating person I have ever known! She always tells us what to do! I know she's our manager but isn't it us that makes our songs and choreography? She can just quit this job of hers! Hey, don't you agree? Jihoon?"

            Jihoon looked at him with bored eyes "Shut up already Soonyoung. Even if you complain, you can't do anything about it. The company will be the one to decide. Lets just do our jobs normally" Soonyoung pouted at his best friend.

            Best friend you ask? Well you heard that right. Soonyoung and Jihoon are the bestest of friends. They were together ever since they were in diapers! They were together when they auditioned for Pledis Entertainment. They were still together when they got accepted. And now they're together as the duo of Pledis called "Paradox". This means that they are opposite each other but they suit each other perfectly and creates the best performances for everybody.


            As they arrived at the practice room, they both sat down at the sofa that has always been there since they were trainees. "So? What do you wanna tell us? Again?" Miss Kang sighed at Soonyoung's attitude.

            "Listen you two, you have been in the industry for almost 5 years, and here you are being a complete brat! I am your manager and I would love to be respected just like the way I respect both of your decisions in making your performances. When you two were trainees, you were both so happy in making music and choreographies, you two gave your all for the fans to be happy! The music were all so new, so different as well as the choreo but now . . . I wonder what happened? Most of the choreo were reused, the melody of one song sounds like the other. What happened to the passionate choreographer Kwon Soonyoung? Where did the hard working music producer-composer Lee Jihoon went? Are you two just Hoshi and Woozi now? Where did the 'shine' in you two went? I thought you loved what you were doing. Why is it that I can't feel the love you two put in your performances anymore? The company is near bankruptcy, you two are our only hope."

            After all of what Manager Kang said, Hoshi stood up and slung his bag on his shoulders "Are you done?" he asked "We're tired, if you aren't done, you can tell everything else tomorrow" said Woozi while walking towards the door.

            As they both left, Manager Kang just sank at her seat and held her head as if she was having a migrane "Having a migrane because of those two" she sighed and headed to her home as well.



            The next day, Hoshi was at the practice room dancing and creating new routines with Woozi who was holding his guitar trying to compose a new song. "Ah! I can't do this anymore!" shouted Hoshi while he threw his red cap across the room. Woozi looked at him and sighed "I don't think I'll be able to compose anything today, too. My mind is so blank right now"

            The door swung open which revealed Miss Kang who walked in and looked at the two guys inside who were staring back with bored looks "Did you two even thought about what I said last night?" Woozi looked back at his blank notebook and scribbled something down while Hoshi turned the stereo on and danced. "They're ignoring me!" Miss Kang whispered to herself and stomped her way out of the room and into the city.



            Melody. A beautiful melody can be heard while Miss Kang was walking down the streets of Seoul. Miss Kang couldn't help but follow where the music was coming from. This type of melody was new to her, she hasn't heard anyone sing this yet. As she made her way through the crowd, she saw a girl on her guitar strumming the chords, and sing the lyrics of the song. Miss Kang didn't notice that she has already taken out her phone from her purse and started taking a video of this girl.

"As usual, Raeyook always manages to put a smile on my face!"

"Just your face? Heck all of us are happy because of her!"

"I'm inspired once again!"

"I'm not crying! There's just something in my eye!"

"Gosh its so beautiful, my ears are bleeding"

            When her song ended she played music from her phone and you can notice that it was still her voice singing from her phone. She stood up and danced while the music was blasting everywhere. As the girl danced, she took a hand from the crowd and brought her in the 'stage' as if she was asking her to dance with her. Soon, there were more people inside the circle dancing. There were kids and elderly! Miss Kang found herself smiling and dancing along this strange girl. Oh what a wonderful day it was suddenly for Miss Kang.



            As Miss Kang entered the CEO's office, she was greeted by a sad smile by the CEO while she greeted him with a very happy smile and a light bow. "Someone's happy today. Did anything interesting happen?" asked the CEO to Miss Kang. She chuckled and sat herself down to one of the chairs "Well, I guess I did encounter someone interesting today." she gave her phone to the CEO. He looked at her curiously before taking her phone and pressing play.

            How magnificent! Even the CEO was brought a smile on his face. But he was still curious "What do you want to tell me through this video Miss Kang?" he asked. Miss Kang took a deep breath and said "I was thinking of casting her sir and adding her to Paradox" the CEO widened his eyes and returned the phone "You are aware of how big of a comotion that will cause. She's a girl, and Paradox is a boy band even if there's just two of them." Miss Kang looked down and sighed "I know that sir, but we can fix that!" the CEO cocked his head sideways trying to understand what she meant and when he did, he widened his eyes "Miss Kang it will be very dangerous if ever we did that. It will cause trouble not only to the company, but to Paradox as well" she couldn't help but plead the CEO "Please sir, let us just try. She might be our only hope in saving the company! She might even make those two remember how music was supposed to feel. I'm sure you felt it too sir." After a few reasonings the CEO finally agreed and told her to cast her as soon as possible.

            Miss Kang immediatley went to the street where she saw the girl playing but she was not there. "Excuse me? Do you know where this girl is?" She asked a stranger and showed her phone where there was a picture of a girl playing her guitar. "Oh her? She works at a coffee shop nearby!"

"Can you please tell me her name?"

"Yeah, her name is Jung Raeyook"

"Which coffee shop does she work in?"

"Oh, she works at the nearby coffee shop called Aroma"

            Before the stranger could ask her a question, she told the stranger thanks and headed down the street towards the coffee shop. She looked for the girl as she entered the coffee shop. A girl shouted cheerully "Welcome to Aroma! Can I take your order?" the two females looked at each other briefly before miss Kang went closer to her and said "Would you like to join our company?"



            It has been 2 days since their Manager left them and hasn't returned to give them another lecture. Hoshi and Woozi were now just slacking off for the have not gathered anymore ideas for a new album. Hoshi was lying on the ground with Woozi's feet on his stomach "Seriously Jihoon I'm all out of ideas! How did Super Junior last for more than 10 years?" Jihoon grunted and said "Why are you asking me? Ugh. And do you think I would be lying here if I had an idea for a song?" they both sighed and stared at the ceiling.

            Suddenly the door swung open and revealed Miss Kang. Jihoon turned his head sideways to see her while Soonyoung craned his neck backward, so now he sees things upside down. "Get up, you two!" said miss Kang in a strict voice "Why did you suddenly come back? I thought you left for good" said Hoshi while getting up with the help of Woozi.

            As they both got up they dusted theirselves and fixed their clothes. "What do you want?" asked Woozi "You here to finally help us in making the album?" said Hoshi. Miss Kang smirked which made the two raise one of their eyebrows "I'm not going to help you. A different person is." the two cocked their heads to the side in sync "You two are going to have a new member"





A/N: Yoooo! Sorry for not updating in a while. I was supposed to update this last friday but I was busy.

Anyway! I got a posteeeer! How do you guys like it? Its from 3 Dimensional <3

By the way, this is the other side's point of view if you guys didn't get it yet hahaha

That's the update for today! I hope you guys liked it! Comment on what you think okay? I love hearing your opinions~

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Won't be able to update again. Sorry about that. I'll be back as soon as possible!


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Park_Yujin #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon!! I like soonyoung's attitude here, it makes him hot. Oooohhh... I'm looking forward to this story. I'm waiting for the update XOXO
Chapter 7: I know how difficult it is in university but I hope you will continue with this story,
it's really nice :)
Astriana #3
Chapter 7: Yesssss. Thank uuu <3
Chapter 7: Thanks for not abandoning this story it meant a lot and its ok even if u update once a month at least u will update ;)
EllinianPrince #5
Chapter 7: Please don't abandon this story.. I really like it so please continue! I will be very sad if you don't... Any ways i will support you to finish up this story, and i was pretty sad when I found out it wasn't an update.. Please continue, I really enjoy this plot and wish to see what you have in store for us!! Thanks author-nim! I will support you and comment on the chapters and give you feed back whenever I can!!
Chapter 7: I was really happy when I saw this was update but it turn out to be something else... I really do like this story ;]
Astriana #7
Chapter 7: Aww. I'd like you to continue it since I quite like it. I always look forward to your updates.
EllinianPrince #8
Chapter 6: Please update author-nim! It's been a month and I am waiting, lol sorry for annoying u but I like this plot a lot!! Cx thanks a lot again, and I'm sorry for noting u when u may be busy
Chapter 6: great u update! ;)
Chapter 5: I just found this story n its kinda great n I hope u'll update soon ;]