She's Handsome


Chapter 6



             Soonyoung woke up seeing both beds beside his were empty. He though Jihoon would still be in his room, for Raeyook, he didn't really care where he was.

             Knowing that he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, even if he wants to, he got up and headed to the bathroom to wash his face. After washing his face, he walked past the living room, he did a double take to see Raeyook and Jihoon sleeping on the sofa with Jihoon's head on Raeyooks shoulders and Raeyook's head on Jihoon's.

             "What the hell?" Soonyoung said, it made the two wake up. Both stared at him.

             "Oh, you're up" said Raeyook

             "When did you two get so close huh?" Soonyoung narrowed his eyes on both of them

             "Stop saying nonsense Soonyoung." Jihoon said as he stood up and went to the bathroom

             Raeyook cleared and said "I'll go and make breakfast"


             When they finished their meal, which consisted of eggs and bacon (it was the only food left on the fridge), they all washed themselves up and wore casual clothes. Jihoon returned to his room while Soonyoung was watching tv in the living room.

             Raeyook was sitting in the dining room and was staring at her phone. Still, her sister hasn't replied. What did I expect she thought. She was about to stand up when she heard the front door open and a person saying "Good morning Paradox! We have a busy schedule today, so let's go!"

             She went out of the kitchen to find Manager Kang by the door, hands both on her waist. Manager Kang smiled at her and whispered "How did last night go?" Raeyook found herself sighing and said "Barely survived." this made Manager Kang chuckle.

             Soonyoung and Jihoon were now together, standing behind Raeyook "Are you two going to continue talking or what?" said Soonyoung. Instead of Manager Kang getting mad and scolding them again, she beamed and said "Let's go then!"



             When they arrived at the company, Raeyook noticed that Jihoon immediately went to a small studio inside their practice room and shut the door.

             Soonyoung, however, played a music from the computer that has huge speakers connected to amplify the volume, and he started to dance. (Song)

             Raeyook was just standing there not knowing what to do so she continued to watch Soonyoung dance.

             His dance, she noticed were very smooth and accurate, sharpening his moves in the right timing of the song. He's so good, I definitely can't match it. Soonyoung continued to dance until the first chorus. When the second verse started, he stopped and looked at Raeyook. She stared at him in confusion as to why he stopped

             "Your turn." he told her

             "What?" Raeyook said, confused

             "You. Dance. Now. I want to see how you dance"

             This made Raeyook flustered. Soonyoung moved to the side and she stepped to the center facing the mirrors. She waited until the pre-chorus came and started dancing when it did. She could clearly tell that Soonyoung was watching her intently, with both his hands on his waist, which made her extra nervous that's why her moves were a bit sloppy.

             After dancing till the end (Soonyoung didn't say when to stop so she danced till the end), she looked at him through the mirror and fidgeted nervously. She could see that Soonyoung was thinking to himself but she couldn't read what he was thinking so she just stood there, awkwardly.

             More silence came and Soonyoung looked at Raeyook who jumped a bit (She's been looking at him the whole time). "I guess you can dance. You're moves are too sloppy, I don't know what moves you were doing but you did good compared to other trainees who can dance. You dance like Jihoon. But he's better obviously. Let's see how you do with a choreographed one." 

             Come to think of it, this is the first time she danced with a real choreo since she danced freestyle everytime in her usual street. This is also the first time she saw Soonyoung dance. She hasn't seen Jihoon dance though.

             "The dance goes like this" and he started teaching the choreo to me.

             "I've danced this with Jihoon, so we'll be dancing this together when you debut." that made her look at him with wide eyes "When I what? This isn't a practice dance?" he glared at Raeyook and said "Did you not hear me? I said what I said, you should just pay attention and listen carefully"

             "Bend your knees lower. No, lower. Yes like that"

             "Its reach, like this. When did you reach for something that goes so low? Stupid."

             "I told you a hundred times, like this! What are you a dog?"

             "Sharply! Do you not have bones? Idiot"

             "Smoothly! Why are you so stiff? Stupid"


             Raeyook didn't have any idea how long she's been practicing the choreo over and over again but she felt like her whole body was burning, she was tired. They ran through the choreo one last time, after that she heard Soonyoung say "Alright, short water break" and she collapsed on the floor immediately huffing and puffing for air.

             She saw Soonyoung wipe his sweat with tissues and grabbed two water bottles and threw one to her direction. She catched it on her instinct and sat up. She thanked Soonyoung but either he ignored it, or he didn't hear it because he just drank from his water bottle until its half empty.

             While she was drinking on her water bottle, Jihoon went out of his studio and made way to them "I finished the song" they both looked at him and Soonyoung asked "You finished what? I thought you didn't have any idea for a song?"

             "Well.." Jihoon briefly glanced at Raeyook and she caught it "Come on and just listen to it"

             After listening to the song she heard Soonyoung say to Jihoon "Oh perfect!" (in english) "This sounds good. Can I have a copy? I'm gonna start making the choreo." Jihoon took a usb and made a copy for Soonyoung. When he was finished, he handed the usb to Soonyoung, who went out immediately.

             "The song sounds great by the way" said Raeyook. He glanced at her for a while and returned to look at his computer "I've been composing it since this morning at home." Raeyook thought that Jihoon's 'room' could be a mini studio as well. Jihoon stood up and said "I have to let our music team to hear this for confirmation as an official song for the new album. See you." with that, Jihoon left the practice room

             Raeyook looked at Jihoon's studio for a while. She noticed that there were a lot of small toys lined up on the desk, there was also a piano, his headphones, his guitar, small speakers and his computer. She thought it was amazing for him to finish the song in that time period. But she remembered she has to practice the dance again to perfect it so she went out of the mini studio.

             She saw Soonyoung standing near the computer with the speakers blasting off the newly composed song while doing small movements. She closed the studio's door and neared him, watching.

             It looked like he was having trouble creating a new routine "Can't think of anything. " he was facing his back to Raeyook so when she hesitantly tapped his shoulders, he jumped and faced her

             "Need some help?" Soonyoung glared at her and said "I don't need help from you, thanks."  thought the 'thanks' sounded sarcastic. He paused the music and went out of the practice room as well.


             After a while, Raeyook thought it would be great to try and make her own choreo for the song so she played the music. She absorbed the lyrics first, and when she got the meaning, she restarted the song and did freestyle. There was a little hiphop feel in it but the lyrics were deep, the message was along the path of 'starting over again'

             Raeyook remembered her family, her mistakes that she made, intentionally or not. She wanted to start over again. She wanted to apologise to her mother, to her sister, she wanted to live with them again and start differently thinking that maybe everything would turn out better. She kept on dancing, her body moving freely through the music, she didn't realize that someone was watching her



             Soonyoung went out of the practice room to check on Jihoon. But when he heard what they were talking about, he couldn't undersand. It was all something about the tone this, the sythesizer that, the bass in this rhythm and all those. His head was getting dizzy from all those, so he went back to the practice room. But when he opened the door, music greeted him and he saw Raeyook dancing in the middle. He felt a surge of emotions when he watched her. How? He didn't know.

             He fished out his phone from his pocket and recorded her video. Don't get him wrong, he was just trying to save the steps because he might forget it if he just watched.

             When the music stopped, so did Raeyook. Ths made Soonyoung stop the video and enter the room. Raeyook looked at him through the mirror "How long have you been there?"

             Soonyoung shrugged "Just now." he headed to the computer and sat down. He searched for different dance covers for inspiration to pretend that he wasn't watching Raeyook at all a while ago


             Raeyook's phone ringed and she took it out from her bag which was lying on the sofa. "Hello?"

             "Raeyook?" the other side replied. The voice sounded oddly familiar to her. She checked who the caller was and saw the name Kim Yura, it was her sister.

            Her eyes widened when she realized it was her sister. She couldn't believe it! Her sister actually called her! But, what does she have to do now? She hasn't talked to her for a long time now. It felt really awkward for Raeyook. 

            "Hey!" When she did reply though, her voice sounded deeper than her own which made her jump herself. She glanced sideways and saw Soonyoung staring oddly at her before returning to continue watching cover videos.

            "Raeyook, this is your number right?"

            "Of course it is! Why are you calling me though? Aren't you busy?" Now she's sounding really lame, Raeyook thought

            "Well I bought a ticket to Korea. I'm coming home. For good." 

            It took Raeyook quite a while to process what she heard, and when it did "WHAT?!" with this, Soonyoung glared and made a 'tsk' sound. She gave him an apologetic smile and mouthed 'sorry' and returned to focus on her sister.

            "A-Are you serious? Why so sudden?"

            "I want to that's why. I think I've earned enough money here. Besides, I miss mom already."

            "Y-Yeah? When? When are you coming back?"

            "Probably in two weeks. You don't have to pick me up. Mom still lives in the same address right?"

            "Yeah. Of course. I-I'll try to visit you, as soon as possible when you get back."

            "Okay, I gotta go now. Bye"

            "Bye" I'm doomed! Raeyook thought. If her sister is coming home, it would mean that she'll be there to take care of mom, that's one good thing. But she'll definitely find out about her job, which she hasn't told her what it is, it might shock her and hate her even more. And she remembered that her sister would come home in two weeks, that's the time she would have her debut! Oh the terror!


            Just as she was thinking of everything that might happen, Jihoon entered the room and said "The song got approved." 

            She let out a crooked smile and said "That's great!" In a bit too excited manner, which was totally unnatural. Although she gave a sigh of relief as Jihoon didn't seem to mind her reaction and instead headed to Soonyoung.

            "You have to do the choreo, Soonyoung. Need help?" 

            Soonyoung looked up at Jihoon and said "Nah thanks man. I can do it. You go do your stuff."

            Jihoon nodded at him "Okay, I still have to divide the parts now. I'll also have to make 4 more songs for a mini album atleast."

            Both guys exchanged 'goodlucks' to each other and Jihoon entered his mini studio and shut the door while Soonyoung continued to watch more covers.

            "I'm going out for a while" Raeyook said and got out of the practice room. She didn't care if Soonyoung would be mad at her for not practicing, she needed to think for a while. 


            When Raeyook's footsteps can't be heard anymore, Soonyoung took out his phone and watched Raeyook's dance. He copied the dance moves and improvised other dance moves for he thought it would be best to not copy everything. Besides, he still hated Raeyook for coming in too suddenly.

            He and Jihoon can survive the entertainment indusrty on their own! He thought. They really have made it this far, its just that they needed rest. Ideas would come to him soon, he reasoned with himself. Jihoon had his ideas already, naturally he would too since they both synchronize each other. 

            Soonyoung was starting to get frustrated, he couldn't do one move Raeyook did, so he watched the move over and over, squatting down to the floor, too focused to notice anything until he heard someone say "What are you doing?"

            Soonyoung was so surprised, he nearly dropped his phone. He stared back and saw Raeyook close to him and bolted away from him clutching his phone to his chest "What was that for?!" he told Raeyook and stood up.

            "Who was that you were watching? The place looked like this room."

            Soonyoungs eyes widened for a brief moment, but was unnoticed by Raeyook as he was facing a weird angle. "That's none of your business" he said. But what to do now? He has to learn that move! It was one of the moves that caught his eye, it means that the move is amazing.

            The move consisted of dropping down on the floor suddenly and raising the hips with both feet on the ground with some fancy hand movements. Soonyoung knew he could do it but he feels that he isn't doing it right. Something was missing, and he needs Raeyooks help. But heaven knows Soonyoungs pride is too high to ask for help. He's gonna have to practice without Raeyook knowing.

            Raeyook was just about to offer help even if she knew she'll be declined when Manager Kang entered the room. "Have you all eaten lunch yet?"

            That's when both Raeyook and Soonyoung's stomach growled at the same time. They were too busy to even notice the time, it was already 2:43pm and they haven't had their lunch.

            Manager Kang smiled at them both. She walked to Jihoon's studio and opened it without warning causing Jihoon to jump on his seat. "Come on mister producer, let's eat lunch. My treat! You two, come along as well." She headed out the practice room and Jihoon got up from his seat and removed his headphones.

            "I'm not gonna reject free food. You two coming or what?" said Jihoon as he went out of the practice room. "I'm coming!" said Raeyook and ran to the door. Soonyoung soon followed.





A/N: Update! Hope you enjoy.

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Won't be able to update again. Sorry about that. I'll be back as soon as possible!


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Park_Yujin #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon!! I like soonyoung's attitude here, it makes him hot. Oooohhh... I'm looking forward to this story. I'm waiting for the update XOXO
Chapter 7: I know how difficult it is in university but I hope you will continue with this story,
it's really nice :)
Astriana #3
Chapter 7: Yesssss. Thank uuu <3
Chapter 7: Thanks for not abandoning this story it meant a lot and its ok even if u update once a month at least u will update ;)
EllinianPrince #5
Chapter 7: Please don't abandon this story.. I really like it so please continue! I will be very sad if you don't... Any ways i will support you to finish up this story, and i was pretty sad when I found out it wasn't an update.. Please continue, I really enjoy this plot and wish to see what you have in store for us!! Thanks author-nim! I will support you and comment on the chapters and give you feed back whenever I can!!
Chapter 7: I was really happy when I saw this was update but it turn out to be something else... I really do like this story ;]
Astriana #7
Chapter 7: Aww. I'd like you to continue it since I quite like it. I always look forward to your updates.
EllinianPrince #8
Chapter 6: Please update author-nim! It's been a month and I am waiting, lol sorry for annoying u but I like this plot a lot!! Cx thanks a lot again, and I'm sorry for noting u when u may be busy
Chapter 6: great u update! ;)
Chapter 5: I just found this story n its kinda great n I hope u'll update soon ;]