She's Handsome


Chapter 1


          Having just finished playing her guitar, she left to go to work. Would it be so weird if she thought that her job was the best considering that its just a little coffee shop?

          "Raeyook! Hurry up, I want to go home already" said one of her co-workers. "Alright, I'm just gonna put my apron on" Raeyook wore her apron while walking towards the counter. "Yaass, finally. Took you quite a while to get here. My guess is you've been playing again huh?" Raeyook was already wiping the counter when she stiffened "Huh? What are you talking about? I don't know what your talking about, Minhee" her co-worker, now know as Minhee, just chuckled at her defense and shook her head "I'll be taking my leave now!" she realeased a sigh and continued her work

           This pretty much sums up Raeyook's daily routine. Now that her shift is over, and its 8 in the evening, she decided to stop by a convenience store to buy something for dinner.

            Once she bought dinner, she made her way home. "Mom, I'm home" she said. She walked towards the living room which consisted an old sofa, a wooden coffee table, an old tv, and her mother sitting on a wheelchair. Her mother paid no attention to her so she walked straight to their kitchen. Raeyook placed the frozen dinner in the microwave to heat it up for it to be edible.

           When she heard a ding from the microwave, Raeyook removed the food and placed it in a plate. "Mom dinner's ready. Sorry I couldn't cook a meal for you. I haven't had my pay to buy groceries yet." 

            She walked towards her mom and placed the now full plate to the table and sat on the sofa beside her mother. Raeyook scooped up a spoonful and blew the food to lessen the heat and neared the spoon to her mother's mouth. She wasn't shocked at all when her mother slapped her hand away. "I'll eat when I want to." said her mom.

             Raeyook just wanted to know why her mother hated her so much and little did she know, her words slipped out of her toungue before she even thought about it "Why? Your asking me why?! If it weren't for you your father would have lived! And instead of being a help, your doing nothing but play that stupid guitar of yours! Atleast your older sister has a nice job and is out of the country. But I'm stuck with you! You are so useless!" 

             Hearing all this raged Raeyook "Well I'm sorry that you think I'm of no help! I'm trying to do my best in my work to atleast manage to buy groceries and your medicine! But you're treating me this way and it hurts for me!"

              "It hurts for you?! I'm the sick person here! All because you were stupid enough to walk in the road full of fast paced cars and your father loved you too much and saved you!"

              "If I knew that my life would end up being like this and my dad loves me so much, WHY DIDNT HE JUST LET ME GET HIT BY THE CAR AND DIE INSTEAD?!" 

              A slap can be heard ringing inside their home. Raeyook looked at her mother in disbelief and ran to her room with her eyes b with tears. She let herself fall in her bed and cried herself to sleep.



           Morning came and Raeyook felt so tired, but nonetheless, she still stood up and did her morning routine. Once she was ready, she left her room and saw that her mother's door was ajar. She decided to peek at her mother who was sleeping soundlessly with her back facing the door. She heaved an audible sigh and closed the door.

            Raeyook has already grabbed her guitar and hung the strap into the right side her shoulder. She took her phone from her backpack and looked at the time. 7:30. 

            She fastened her pace and in time, the bus came in her bus stop. As she rode the bus she quickly scanned for a seat, but it looks like there was none, so she just took hold of the bars in the bus.

            As she arrived from her stop, she walked to the usual street she walks to. 8:00. She stopped her tracks and took out a foldable stool from her backpack, took her seat and removed her guitar from the case. She scanned the crowd and oh boy was their faces glad to see her again. She put a smile in her face and started playing a piece. A piece which she composed long ago and gave all her feelings into.

            She didn't just played one song, no sir, she played quite a number of songs. Sometimes she would just play a melody from her phone and dance. She loved this. She loved performing for people very much. She loved how they like her songs and manages to put a smile on their faces. Oh how happy she was! But it all has to end once her phone began to ring as the screen displayed '10:00'. She has to leave.

             Raeyook stopped playing, returned her guitar in its case, folded the chair and placed it inside her bag and slung both on her shoulders. She took one more look at the crowd and bowed to them and left with a smile plastered on her face.

              She walked briskly knowing that she's going to be late again. 10:25. She looked at the sign of a building 'Aroma'. She entered with a bell ringing from the door and her co-worker a.k.a Minhee looked at her direction and smiled "Wow, you're pretty early" she let out a chuckle "Well I wouldn't want you to wait for five minutes because I was late before" Raeyook let out a teasing smile and headed to the staff room to get her apron and put it on.

               Minhee stayed for a while stating that she has nothing to do at home and tried to help out, if sitting and laughing was considered help that is. 

               Since there's not much costumers, so the two decided to chat with each other. "Hey can you sing for me?" asked Minhee. The other was flustered and managed to stutter a 'what'. Minhee rested her face to her propped up hand "Sing fow me pweaase" the latter cringed at her attempt to act cute and laughed "Your gonna have to work harder than that to make me sing" Minhee's face showed shock but she's smiling "Excuse me? But you totally cringed and for all I know people tend to like it when they cringe!" the two laughed at each other's silliness, but the door rang indicating that there's a customer.

               "Welcome to Aroma! Can I take your order?" shouted Raeyook cheerfully. "Excuse me, are you Jung Raeyook?" a tall, slender female wearing something that looked like a business attire and a pencil skirt asked which made both girls widen their eyes. "Yes that's me, but um, how did you know my name?" the female smiled 

"Would you like to join our company?"


A/N: Woooww first chapter is up!  Okay I'm seriously determined to write this because the idea is bugging me to bits. And its okay if you guys really don't want to read this because I just want to let all this ideas to flow out of me if you guys get what I'm saying here.

Anyways, please give a comment, tell me what you think of this chapter and stuff, if you liked it, if my writing , if anything y'know. Oh and subscribe! If you want to y'know.  

Byee for now!

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Won't be able to update again. Sorry about that. I'll be back as soon as possible!


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Park_Yujin #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon!! I like soonyoung's attitude here, it makes him hot. Oooohhh... I'm looking forward to this story. I'm waiting for the update XOXO
Chapter 7: I know how difficult it is in university but I hope you will continue with this story,
it's really nice :)
Astriana #3
Chapter 7: Yesssss. Thank uuu <3
Chapter 7: Thanks for not abandoning this story it meant a lot and its ok even if u update once a month at least u will update ;)
EllinianPrince #5
Chapter 7: Please don't abandon this story.. I really like it so please continue! I will be very sad if you don't... Any ways i will support you to finish up this story, and i was pretty sad when I found out it wasn't an update.. Please continue, I really enjoy this plot and wish to see what you have in store for us!! Thanks author-nim! I will support you and comment on the chapters and give you feed back whenever I can!!
Chapter 7: I was really happy when I saw this was update but it turn out to be something else... I really do like this story ;]
Astriana #7
Chapter 7: Aww. I'd like you to continue it since I quite like it. I always look forward to your updates.
EllinianPrince #8
Chapter 6: Please update author-nim! It's been a month and I am waiting, lol sorry for annoying u but I like this plot a lot!! Cx thanks a lot again, and I'm sorry for noting u when u may be busy
Chapter 6: great u update! ;)
Chapter 5: I just found this story n its kinda great n I hope u'll update soon ;]