The Sect

The Fortress of the Forsaken
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Once the questions were complete, the screen displayed one word.



The screen then rose into the ceiling, making a doorway, and Sunny walked out into a large white room where most of the people were already sitting. A few were holding their heads up high, but others were sobbing. Sunny saw the shy girl from before, who was crying into her lap, and walked over to her. She looked up at Sunny and sobbed.

"The screen said Weak! ....Weak!" She said, tears streaming down her face. Sunny sat next to her and put an arm around her. She hated to see people sad, even if she didn't know them. Suddenly, Sunny saw Tiffany hopping out of a newly opened door on the side of the room.

"Delinquent! Delinquent! I am a delinquent!" she sang. Sunny smiled at the fact that they had the same result of the test, even if she didn't know what it meant. Tiffany bounded over to Sunny and the shy girl, and asked them what they got.

"I got Delinquents as well, and she got..." she faltered at the word, feeling a rush of sadness for the girl. "...weak."  As if she had been turned into a completely different person, Tiffany became somber and sat down with the girl. She rubbed her back lightly.

“I don't know what this world is, but if you need help, look for Sunny and me. Okay?” She says, and the girl smiles a little.

“I will, t-thanks. I'm gonna go see if there's a bathroom." she said quietly, and she got up and turned her head. “I'm Seohyun by the way.” She said before rushing off.

"So, yer a delinquent, like me, are ye, scallywag?" asked Tiffany, who suddenly changed expressions.

"Yep!" Sunny replied, confident yet still confused.

"I'll take ye under my wing! Or shall I be under yours? You'll be my parrot, matey!" Tiffany put an arm around Sunny.                                            

"Come, Polly!"

"It's Sunny," she said under the tight grasp of her new friend's arm.

"Sunny? Weird name for a parrot but alrighty then!" she replied, losing her accent in the process. All of a sudden, 8 people entered the room through large wooden doors. Sunny recognized Jimin, but nobody else.

A woman with long hair the color of sea foam stepped forward.

"Hello, I am IU, leader of the Wise Sect. Those who saw the word wise, please step forward." She waited a moment, and when no one stepped forward, she sighed. "A shame. Perhaps the next batch."

Next, a short woman with thick glasses stumbled up.

“I am Wendy, leader of the Weak Sect. If you saw the word ‘weak’, please come forward.” Seohyun, who had given up on her search for a bathroom, walked over to her and shook her hand. They then walked through a door to parts unknown to Sunny.

Jimin was next. "Hybrids, if any of you is tough enough for my Sect, come join me." One of the boys walked up to him and shook his hand proudly. They walked out the door as a tall, slender girl stepped up. She introduced herself as HyunA, leader of the Seductive Sect, and the blonde girl stepped forward and joined her. The next leader was JHope, leader of the Brave Sect, and he took the last boy out. The next few leaders talked to Tiffany and Sunny about their Sects: Logical, Childish, and Loyal. Finally, the last leader, a woman with bubblegum pink hair tied in two buns and tattoos all down her arms hopped forward.

"I guess you two are with me. Good thing, we need more girls. I'm Boa, the leader of the best Sect of them all." She says, and Tiffany leaped over and gave her a high five.

“I'm Tiffany! Great to meet you Boa!" She says, beaming widely.

"I'm Sunny. I'm not exactly sure why I'm here, but this Sect does seem to fit me the best, so it's great to meet you!" She says, smiling nicely and calmly. Boa gave her a high five as well and they strode out of the room, the doors closing behind them.




Sunny soon found out just how different the Fortress was from the rest of the world. Everything seemed to work by magic and almost everything Boa said seemed to whiz over her head. Most of it was boring history, but some of the facts were completely mesmerizing, like the fact that the entire city was burrowed and built in less than a month.

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justnobody #1
Chapter 3: Keep writing, this is nice update, tq
Chapter 3: This is only getting even more interesting every time you update, i'm in love with it already ^.^
Chapter 2: "It knew all that from a scan?"
"Yes we did" Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! That was funny! XD
Wait, delinquent? She'll be like a thief? Hahahaha why~? she's too cute for a thief... She would be a cute pretty thief tho... I would let her rob me if she wants... XD Hahahahaha!
Great chapter author, I hope you update soon!
See ya next ^^
justnobody #4
Chapter 2: delinquent? hahaha. why???
Chapter 2: Love it!!!!!!!!! <333333
yuansaga #6
Yayyy another story by you :) , hwaitinggg ^^
justnobody #7
Chapter 1: thank u.. this will be a good story. I anticipated more :)