
Good Night

The very next morning, Wonwoo woke up, work clothes still on from the night before. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up, his room a mess. Homework papers and empty food wrappers scattered his desk while dirty clothes and shoes covered his floor. He groaned at the mess, flicking his head down then back, tying up his overgrown bangs into a little bun. He huffed loudly, the sound echoing through his room before he lazily stood up and began to clean.

This was usual morning routine; waking early to clean up the mess from previous study nights and such. He walked into his bathroom and stripped of his clothes, th cold room instantly sending shivers down his body. As he ran the water to warm, Wonwoo observed his swollen face in a mirror. His under eye bags had gotten worse and his skin was a shade of pinkish red: signs of an early pimple sprouting. He groaned loudly but quickly stopped, forgetting his mother was still asleep at this time.

He stepped into the warm shower, water flowing down his hair, onto his back and down the drain. He slowly washed his hair then the rest of his body, arms lazily scrapping over his tense muscles. As he stood under the spout, warm water gushing down his body, Wonwoo felt his stomach gurgle within him, him sighing from the sound.

15 minutes later, Wonwoo felt a little bit more awake as he stepped out of the shower, into the ventilated bathroom. He quickly washed his face with an apple smelling face wash and slipped on a hydrating face mask, his pores immediately opening up. He took a smaller towel and dried his hair, quietly exiting the steamy bathroom into his warm bedroom. There he dressed, slipping on his yellow and white uniform over his cold, shivering body. Fully dressed, Wonwoo stepped back into his bathroom, still a little humid from his hot shower. He peeled the wet face mask off of his face, rubbing the formula into his skin before rinsing his face and applying moisturizer. After brushing his teeth, Wonwoo gathered his papers and notebooks and organized them inside his navy blue backpack.

Wonwoo walked down his quiet hallway, tiptoeing so he wouldn't wake his sleeping mother. He scavenged through his empty fridge to find no food or snacks to eat for breakfast. He sighed, walking to his front door where he slipped on a pair of tattered converse and grabbed his pair of keys before opening the door.

It was cold outside and the sun was barely visible above the low buildings. Wonwoo sighed into the morning air, breath visible. He made his way down the street, towards the crowed markets, already fully functioning so early in the morning. He went down to his favorite tent that sold fried rice balls on a stick. Like usual, he ordered two sticks with a bright red hot sauce on the side. As he sauntered down the path between tents, he dipped the fried food into the red sauce before taking a big bite. The rice was hot on his tongue, the spicy sauce interacting with its bland flavor. As Wonwoo ate, he eyed a bowl of hot noodles on display under a blue tent. He eagerly finished his second stick, walking over to the glorious noodles.

The boy pointed to the one he wanted, putting up two fingers. Wonwoo didn't know why he was ordering two, maybe in hopes to give a bowl to Mingyu after school or something, he really didn't know. But there he was, paying the lady with a stained apron the price of two, stuffing the wrapped bowls into his bag before venturing out through the smoke and smells and out into the fresh air.

The sun was rising slowly now, Wonwoo seeing kids exiting their buildings in school uniforms and big backpacks. He walked alone, not minding the quiet. For the past three weeks or so, Mingyu would occasionally accompany him to school, since they lived only a block down from each morning. During those morning walks, Mingyu would talk and talk but Wonwoo never complained or spoke himself; he liked listening to the tall boy talk and how his voice sounded from just waking up. He liked it when their feet would match up as they walked or the way their arms would gently brush against each other's only for a small moment. But on the days Mingyu didn't join him, Wonwoo enjoyed the silence as he did now.

As he approached the school, Wonwoo made his way up the flight of stairs, a little out of breath once he landed at the top. Walking into the school building, Wonwoo was met by a rush of cold air and a pair of hands on his shoulders. He turned, Vernon's face so close to his.

"Wassup man?"

Wonwoo smiled at the boy, fixing his shirt that Vernon messed up. They walked down the hallways, Vernon saying hi to people this way and that. Wonwoo walked beside him, stopping when Vernon stopped to talk to someone or moved out of the way for a group of people to talk to him. He immediately lost him in a crowd of people but Wonwoo used it as a way to escape, picking up his pace as he neared the end of the halls.

As he slipped into his classroom, Wonwoo hid behind the door, breath caught in his throat. He looked up to see Mingyu already seated in his seat, looking up at Wonwoo. He stood up, walking over to the boy. Wonwoo tried to breath regularly but couldn't control the air that was gushing from his mouth.

"Hey, you're here later than usual."

Mingyu stood a few feet in front of Wonwoo, casually leaning on a desk.

"Well you're here earlier than usual."

Wonwoo stood up from the door, walking to stand in front of him. Their knees almost touched as Wonwoo sat down on the desks table beside him, turning to face Mingyu.

"Why you gotta be so sassy this morning?"

Wonwoo scoffed, rolling his eyes before getting up and heading over to his seat. Mingyu smiled from behind him, closing the space between Wonwoo and him. He bent his head down, blowing air on Wonwoos bare neck. The boy instantly cringed, shoulders coming up to shield his neck, head whipping around to glare up at Mingyu, his mask of disgust covering his face. But Mingyu just laughed, patting Wonwoos lower back, at which he went red at, before plopping down into his seat.

"You're coming over tonight right?"

Wonwoo gingerly sat down at the question, carefully setting his bag down beside his legs.


Wonwoo glanced up at him, his brown orbs twinkling from the Suns reflected light that protruded from the Windows. Wonwoo took out his materials for the class, Mingyu doing the same.

"Oh by the way, I'm not going to sleep in class today so you don't have to write me notes."

Wonwoo blankly stared at Mingyu, his proud smile soon fading. The boy rolled his eyes, mumbling in response. Mingyu felt offended.

"What, you don't think I can do my own notes?"

Mingyu crossed his arms, daring Wonwoo to argue with him. The boy sighed a little, turning his head to look at him sideways.

"Let's face it, we both know you're eventually going to fall asleep."

Mingyu touched his chest as if he were in pure shock, only receiving small giggles from Wonwoo. Mingyu clicked his tongue, turning to face the board as students began to pile into the room, whispering to Wonwoo.

"Watch me."

Wonwoo gave him a blank look before shaking his head and preparing his notes.


Sure enough, Wonwoo was right: Mingyu had fallen asleep. He was doing well during the first half hour of class before Wonwoo watched out of the corner of his eye, Mingyu casually leaning his head into his propped elbow, fighting sleep away. But a few minutes after that he broke, eyes closing and not opening til the bell rang high above their ears. Fortunately, Wonwoo was a nice person and already wrote the notes for Mingyu, no, not because he liked the boy but because....oh who are we kidding he loved the boy that's why he wrote them.

Wonwoo wished he placed a bet on it; he could've scored a few won from Mingyus' sleepiness. As he packed his things, Wonwoo leaned over and gently placed his hand on Mingyus shoulder before violently shaking him awake. The boy quickly sat upright, murmuring quietly that he was awake.

"Wakey wakey, looks who's fallen asleep yet again."

Mingyu glowered up at the boy, shoving his school work into his bag messily. Wonwoo stood, leaning on one leg, written notes in one hand. Mingyu looked down at them, then back up at Wonwoo. He didn't know either to feel blessed or annoyed at him, but nevertheless took the paper from his hand, marching off. Wonwoo smiled to himself before following, exiting the empty class room.

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Chapter 14: aaHh H tHIS ENTIRE THING IS SO CUTE buT ,, , it's just my opinion bUuU UT they haven't had everything figured out like - the later bumpy roads of their newly formed relationship, neither of them hasn't even fully come out yet :' ^ )) ) anD yeahH wonwoo hasn't said ilyt sdghJ ,, that aside this is truly entertaining and lifted my meanie heart < 3

thank you for writing this!
ajexastxsvt #2
Chapter 14: Gahhhh! Ohmygoshhh! This is greattt! Whooo! Meanie for lifeeee!
khasabat #3
Chapter 14: Nah? Nah? This is finis? Just like this? sad! This is beautifull story.,
Youngjaeswifey #4
reiyohiru #5
Chapter 14: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 14: aww this is cute story
Chapter 14: So cute
Chapter 9: OMG THE SESSION LOLS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)