
Good Night

Mingyu walked into his class the next morning feeling confident. He sure didn't feel like it though. He couldn't sleep at all last night because he couldn't believe, after all these years, he finally talked to his soon-to-be-soulmate. He would lay on his bed and close his eyes but every time he did, Wonwoo's smiling face would pop up into his mind, redirecting his thoughts from sleeping back to the jet black hair, Mingyu not being able to sleep at all after that. When he woke up after dreaming of Wonwoo, even his mom noticed his lack-of-rest-face. As he walked into the kitchen for breakfast, his mom gasped,

"Mingyu-ah! Did you sleep at all last night??"

She rushed over, her hands going up to his under eye bags, tiptoeing as she tried to reach Mingyus face. The tall boy just stood there, letting his mother examine his sleep deprived face, talking over her worried murmurs. 

"Mom I'm fine. Really. Just. Had a lot of homework. That's all."

Mingyu caught his sister walk into the small room, her eyebrows cocking as she saw what was happening. His face was then yanked down closer to his mothers, her frantic eyes searching his face. 

"Let's put some cream or something over it, you look like an overworked person but you don't even work! Come, come, eat quickly and I'll get some cream."

Mingyu rolled his eyes as he slumped down onto his seat, rice and eggs piled high onto his plate. His stomach growled loudly at the smell of the yellow and white canvas and he began to dig in, his sister sitting down across from him. Her voice was loud as he swallowed a spoonful of rice. 

"How was tryouts? Did oppa make the team??"

Mingyu rolled his eyes again. When his sister, named Min, said 'oppa', she meant Seongcheol, not Mingyu. Since they were friends for such a long time and Min would always follow Mingyu everywhere, she became close with most of his friends. He didn't like it one bit. His friends would always buy her treats or trinkets when his mom would force Mingyu to bring her with him when he went out. His friends acted like she was one of their own friends, treating her and such. And worse, they never did that to Mingyu himself. And plus her annoying aegyo would get her almost anything, even money. After years of going through that, Min was finally old enough to stay at home alone and Mingyu praised his mother for letting him hang out without her. As he scooped up the last bit of his eggs into his mouth, he spoke to Min, pieces of rice flying from his mouth. 

"Tryouts just started, we don't know yet jeez! And stop calling him oppa, you don't even call me that."

She made a face as she picked rice out of her hair. She yelled back at him in defense. 

"Yah! You're not worthy to be called Oppa. Seongcheol oppa is. Not you."

Right then the doorbell rang, Mingyu placing his dishes into the sink, rinsing off its surface. Min jumped out of her seat, running towards the front of their small house. Mingyu sighed, following her out of the kitchen. He watched as she looked through the peep hole, screaming loudly. 


She frantically opened the door, jumping up and down with her arms wide open. Seongcheol was smiling as he stepped through the threshold, wrapping his strong arms around Mins skinny frame. He laughed as he put her down, sliding his sneakers off. Mingyu waved to him and walked back into the kitchen, quickly rinsing his plate. Min was already rattling away, shooting questions at Seongcheol as she dragged him to the table. 

"How was tryouts? Did you make it? Did you make a goal? Are you sore? Did you have to run a lot? How was it?"

Mingyu put away his dishes, quietly slipping out of the room as Seongcheol calmed her down, telling her to eat. As he made his way to his room, Mingyu passed his mom, telling her Seongcheol was here. He then quickly changed and brushed his teeth and hair, making sure to spray on some good smelling cologne. He packed his things, his soccer bag already packed from the night before sitting on his chair. He exited his room, walking down the hallway, straight to the front door as he slipped some shoes on, calling for Seongcheol through the kitchen walls. 

"Seongcheol-ah! We gotta go!"

He walked into the kitchen, the whole room loud with everyone talking. Mingyu sighed and knocked hard on the wood, getting everyone's attention. 

"Mom, Seongcheol and I gotta go now."

His moms face lit up, her little body moving around the small kitchen rapidly. 

"Ah! Ok, here take these lunches. I packed them last night just for you two!"

She smiled up at Mingyu, him taking the bags and swiftly kissing her cheek. 

"Thanks mom. Alright Seongcheol, let's go!"

Min began to whine as she was still sitting at the table, one hand holding a spoon and the other latched onto Seongcheols arm. 

"Don't leave yet! I'm not done!"

Mingyus mom slapped her to let Seongcheol go, shooing the two boys out of the room. 

"I'll take care of her, you boys go. Be safe and look both ways before crossing the street!"

Seongcheol yelled out a thank you before closing the front door behind him. Mingyu stood outside, already out of breath. He looked over at Seongcheol and he was smiling back at him. They laughed, the sun slowly rising over the houses in front of them. 

"Every time man. Sorry bout her."

Mingyu chuckled at Seongcheol, him laughing loudly. 

"She's 7. And I'm just glad I don't live with her. "

They laughed some more before making their way down the dusty alleyway. 


"Dude, you look like ."

Seongcheols voice was loud as they walked through the markets, sweet and sour smells wafting into their noses. Mingyus eyes got wider at Seongcheols words, wailing out loudly. 

" mom was going to give me cream. . How bad?"

Seongcheol observed the dark circles, frowning a little. Mingyu groaned, hands covering his face. 

"What if I see him today? I can't be looking like this!"

Seongcheol rubbed his arm as he pulled him away from the smelly market. He took a small lotion bottle from his bag and handed it to Mingyu. Mingyus brows rose as he looked up at Seongcheol. 

"It's CC Cream. Put some on and it'll definitely cover all that up."

He gestured to Mingyus face, a disgusted expression laid across his face. Mingyu hurriedly slapped the cream onto his face, his body cringing at the cold texture of it. He smoothed it over his forehead and cheeks, solely focusing on his under eye parts. When he was finished, he faced Seongcheol. His face wrinkled up and his hands were on his face, smoothing out the cream even more. When he was finished, Mingyu heard Seongcheols stomach growl loudly. They both looked down at his shirt then over their shoulders towards the market. Seongcheol smirked before running back to the place, Mingyu catching up behind him. 

The two boys walked onto their  schools campus smelling like fish. They spotted a tall blonde boy standing in front of the long stairs and jogged over to him. Hoshi smiled up at them, waving one arm high over his head, his hair bouncing on top of his head. 

"Hey guys! Woah, ew, you smell like fish."

Hoshi's nose crinkled as he covered his mouth, stepping away from the two. They both smelled their own shirts then each other's, both grimacing at the smell. 

"No worries, I brought my favorite cologne."

Mingyu smiled proudly before fishing out the bottle from his soccer bag. He generously sprayed the both of them, Hoshi coming out from under his covers, taking in a deep breath. 

"Ahh much better. Anyways, how was tryouts?"

The three boys talked as they made their way up the long stairway, to the classrooms. They talked until the bell rang, putting their gym bags away and dropping each other off at their individual classes. Mingyu walked alone to his class, passing rows of shiny lockers and closed doors, reaching his room at the end of the hallway. As he walked inside, students were sitting on top of desks, paper flying in the air, voices loud inside the small room. Mingyu slid a hand through his fluffy hair, eyeing Wonwoo in the back of the room. His breath caught in his throat as he noticed he wasn't wearing a jacket today, like usual. It was getting hotter outside as Summer neared. Mingyu slowly made his way to the back of the room, high fiving class mates as he walked past their desks. Just as he was about to call out Wonwoo's name, he heard his own name being called. Dino waved him to come over, his desk surrounded by people. 

"Hey, we're going to have a new student today. Rumors say she's drop dead gorg."

Mingyu leaned over Dino, peering at his bright phone screen. There was a girl on it with long, black hair and pink cheeks. She had light makeup on and was already wearing their schools uniform. Mingyu didn't take any interest in her but all the guys around him were swooning over her picture. He shrugged and quickly turned but felt a pair of hands on his arm, his body being spun back around. Minah, some popular chick, was staring at Mingyu, her hands traveling down his arm. She questioned him as he stood uncomfortably, the girls around him watching him. 

"Kim Mingyu, do you think she's attractive? People say she and you would look like a cute couple, do you agree?"

Mingyu gulped slightly, all eyes on him. He hesitated, before played it off coolly, flashing her a smile before answering. He shrugged his shoulders, leaning onto the desk underneath him, his muscles bulging underneath his white button up. 

"Nah, I got better things in life to do."

He shrugged her off, the girls whispering to each other before walking away, the male students turning back to Dino with the picture. Mingyu took the chance to escape the group, walking to the back of the room. He snuck up behind Wonwoo who had earbuds in. He blew air onto the back of his neck, the boys whole body tensing at the action. Mingyu laughed, sitting down next to Wonwoo. He pulled out an earbud as he stared at him, no reaction what so ever. 

"What, not even a smile?"

Mingyu playfully punched his arm, putting his bags onto the floor next to him. Wonwoo continued to stare at him, smiling to himself. Then, a teacher hurriedly entered the class room, briefly apologizing for being late. The students scrambled to their seats, a boy approaching Mingyu timidly. He  wirily gave him a smile, pointing to an empty seat across the room. The boy nodded then quickly ran to the seat, taking out his notebook. The teacher began to take role, Mingyus eyes wandering over to Wonwoo's desk. An open book and his phone and a yellow pencil laid on it, in perfect condition. Mingyu then stared down at his tattered notebook and half-working pen and sighed to himself. He felt like , the lack of sleep really getting to him. He yawned slightly, the teachers voice slowly fading from his ears. Mingyu laid his head on top of his arms, pencil in hand as he slept quietly. 

Wonwoo peered over at Mingyu to see the boy asleep, mouth slightly parted. Wonwoo smiled to himself, his heart fluttering at the adorable sight. As he wrote his notes, he glanced over at Mingyu again and thought to himself. He then took out a blank piece of paper and began to copy his notes onto it, finishing before class was up. When the bell rang and Mingyu still didn't move, Wonwoo leaned over his seat and poked his cheek, the boys eyes drifting open. His head shot up, looking around at the empty room. 

"W-what? Where is everyone?"

Wonwoo chuckled, handing him a folded piece of paper. Mingyu took it, watching Wonwoo get up and leave the room. He wanted to call after him but his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat. He unfolded the paper, seeing perfect, hand written notes on the lines from the textbook. Mingyu smiled to himself, eyes wandering around the room. He gasped, jumped out of seat and ran out of the room, his bag and papers trailing behind him. He arrived at his next class just in time, clutching the folded paper to his chest as he sat down in his seat, the bell ringing in his ears.

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Chapter 14: aaHh H tHIS ENTIRE THING IS SO CUTE buT ,, , it's just my opinion bUuU UT they haven't had everything figured out like - the later bumpy roads of their newly formed relationship, neither of them hasn't even fully come out yet :' ^ )) ) anD yeahH wonwoo hasn't said ilyt sdghJ ,, that aside this is truly entertaining and lifted my meanie heart < 3

thank you for writing this!
ajexastxsvt #2
Chapter 14: Gahhhh! Ohmygoshhh! This is greattt! Whooo! Meanie for lifeeee!
khasabat #3
Chapter 14: Nah? Nah? This is finis? Just like this? sad! This is beautifull story.,
Youngjaeswifey #4
reiyohiru #5
Chapter 14: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 14: aww this is cute story
Chapter 14: So cute
Chapter 9: OMG THE SESSION LOLS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)