OS #4 Spy (Jihyo/Kwangsoo OS)

Spy (Running Man OS)(Jihyo/Kwangsoo OS)

We all have seen just how good Jihyo is at fighting during Running Man filming sometimes. She's certainly one of the best spies in Running Man where she will almost never be suspected and caught until the very end. Maybe she simply has the talent in these spy games and fighting skills? What if...she was actually trained for it? What if...Jihyo is actually a real spy working for the government?





Ji Hyo hid behind the wall silently, being hopeful that she was not caught by anyone after what she did. From the side, Kwangsoo was seen struggling like a mad man as two guards covered his mouth and slowly lifted him up. He kept pointing at Ji Hyo again and again while mumbling words from within the guard’s hand. “Mmmm!!! Mmmm!!!”


Hearing Kwangsoo’s loud muffled voices, she warned him. “Quiet or I will shut you up for good.”


And then Kwangsoo got dragged away to the jail just like the others. As of now, there is only one person left for Ji Hyo to eliminate and it is none other than the Comander Kim Jong Kook. Luckily for Ji Hyo, there was no elimination announcement, so Jong Kook was still clueless about Ji Hyo being a spy in this game.


“Yah, Ji Hyo.” All of a sudden, Jong Kook’s voice was heard from behind.


Hearing his voice made her heart beat miles. Trying to keep her composure, she turned and greeted him. “Ah, oppa.. What’s going on today?”


“I don’t know. It seems weird.. Where’s everyone?” Jong Kook started scratching his head.


“I don’t know too.. But aren’t we supposed to find the box?” Ji Hyo asked with a blank expression on her face.


“.....” Jong Kook started scanning Ji Hyo from top to bottom. “Yah.... You’re not a spy, are you?”


As expected of the Commander of running man, Jong Kook is always quick in catching onto things like these. Despite that, Ji Hyo remained calm and started acting as if she was wronged so badly. She frowned and started raising her voice. “What are you talking about, oppa? How can I be the spy?”


“Then where are the other members?? You didn’t oust them?”


Ji Hyo exploded from his accusation. “How am I supposed to know? This place is so huge. They could be anywhere! Why does it have to be me everytime something seemed weird?” 


Ji Hyo’s raise of voice made Jong Kook laugh a little. “Yah.. I’m just saying. Why must you be so mad?”


“Coz you were accusing me of being a spy when I’m not..” Ji Hyo was showing the half pouty half angry face.


“Alright, alright..” Jong Kook calmed the furious Ji Hyo down and chuckled. “We have to find this box quick. The timer is going to run out soon..”


“I think Jae Suk oppa said that he found something over there just now.” Ji Hyo pointed at the other end of the hallway.


Jong Kook then looked towards that direction and pointed as well. “There?”




“YAH!!” Jong Kook’s eyes became wider than usual as he looked upon Ji Hyo in disbelief.


“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Ji Hyo couldn’t contain her laughter at all and started clapping with Jong Kook’s nametag on her hand. It happed in a flash. All Ji Hyo needed was for Jong Kook to look away for one second. One second was all she needed to rip his nametag off.


“This woman seriously...” Jong Kook was completely tricked by Ji Hyo’s acting and lost the name tag to her in the end.


“Oppa, there is no box actually..” Ji Hyo continued laughing. “The timer was actually for the other members to catch the spy.”


“And you dare tell me that you felt wronged...” Jong Kook sighed in disbelief as she followed him to the jail to greet the remaining members.


“Yahhh... Ji Hyo!!!” She was greeted with boos by the other members whom she ousted earlier.


Kwangsoo then came forth and pointed out. “This noona gave me the armbar.. Seriously, I thought my whole arm was coming off and I felt like dying so much. Not only that, she said that she was going to shut me up for good if I scream.”


Haha then added. “She pressed my face on the gound and pulled my hair!” Haha screamed with a frustrated tone. “My mother in law watches this show! What am I gonna do!?”


Jae Suk laughed. “Yah, Ji Hyo.. You’re really something.”


Jong Kook continued. “How can anyone be so good at lying while keeping a straight face like that?”


Suk Jin then complained. “Seriously, she is not normal. What is she?”


Gary joked. “Could she be a real spy? A real spy.”


Ji Hyo froze a little from Gary’s statement. It didn’t last long as she started laughing. “A real spy? This oppa is really funny.”


“I’m always trying to be funny for you, Ji Hyo. It is all for you.” Gary’s single statement caused the whole set to burst into laughter.


Jae Suk then continued. “Anyway, today’s game. Winner is Song Ji Hyo!”


With an applause from the whole set, the filming for today ended. “Cut!” 


Gary then walked over to Ji Hyo. “Ji Hyo ah, do you wanna have group dinner together?”


Jae Suk who happened to walk past them at that moment teased a little. “Seriously what are these two doing? Filming has already ended. The both of you are over.”


“Ay, hyung! It’s still Monday!”


“Yah, it’s over! Go home and sleep!” Jae Suk laughed.


Jihyo then smiled and replied. “I’m sorry, oppa.. Maybe not today. I have something else on later.”


A little sad at Jihyo’s rejection, Gary sighed. “Which guy is it now?”


“What guy!? I just have something to do later!” Jihyo started laughing out of confusion. “Alright. See you next week, oppa.”


“See you, Jihyo.” The Running Man members bid her goodbye.


Jihyo then immediately rushed home without any hesitation. Whatever she was going to do later seemed really important for her to rush like that.


Kwangsoo noticed that Jihyo had left her water bottle on the table and picked it up. “Oh? Isn’t this Ji Hyo noona’s?”


“Yes it is.” Gary pointed at something written on the bottle. “There. I even signed on it.”


“I should really return this to Jihyo noona since I’ll be heading to that area later too.” Kwangsoo said.


“Alright. Tell Jihyo that I miss her already.” Gary laughed.


Once Jihyo reached home, she ran into her room and tossed her bag aside. She immediately switched on her desktop computer and started typing some code. As soon as she typed in a secret code and accessed her computer, it showed the words ‘International Secret Agency’. “I need to get this done by tonight… Or else the entire country will be in danger.”


After clicking on some more buttons, she clapped. “I got the location! It’s time to make a move.”


She then clicked on a red button on her desktop table and watched the cupboard flip open. There were items that were only used by secret agents such as a bulletproof vest, a mask, boots, a gun and other gadgets. She geared herself up and looked into the mirror for a short while. “Man, I look good.”


As soon as Jihyo opened her door to complete her mission, Kwangsoo was standing outside, staring blankly at her and her costume. Kwangsoo couldn’t recognize her because she was wearing a mask. The silence was so awkward. “Who are you? Isn’t this Song Jihyo’s house?”


“Yah! What are you doing here at this time!?” Jihyo raised her voice from beneath the mask and Kwangsoo recognized it almost immediately.


Kwangsoo looked back at her with a shocked expression. “You’re Jihyo noona!? What’s going on? Why are you dressing up like this?”


Frustrated, Jihyo removed her mask. “I’m going for the filming of my new movie!”


“…” Kwangsoo blinked. “Noona, you have no new movies coming up though.”


“Ugh! It’s a new movie, alright.” Jihyo tried to make up an excuse.


“Then why are you wearing your costume from home? Isn’t everything from the set?” Kwangsoo frowned. “Noona, what’s going on here?”


Jihyo rolled her eyes and pulled Kwangsoo into her house. “Yah, why are you here!?”


“I just wanted to return the bottle to you!” Kwangsoo took a bottle out of his bag.


Jihyo grabbed the bottle and desperately pushed Kwangsoo out of the house. “Alright, I got it. Now just leave and don’t ask so many questions, okay?”


“Noona… I think there’s something going on here.” Kwangsoo was still suspicious.


Jihyo then sighed and rubbed her head frustrated. “Why must you appear at my house now out of all the times???”


“Noona, what’s going on?” Kwangsoo asked once again.


“Alright.” Jihyo asked. “What do I look like to you right now?”


Kwangsoo looked at Jihyo from top to bottom. Wearing a full bodied spandex and a bulletproof vest with some gears tied to her back and waist, only one thing came to his mind. “You look like a spy?”


“Yes. Do you understand the situation now?”


Kwangsoo blinked. “You’re not just dressing up to go to a club, right?”


Jihyo rolled her eyes. “Would you believe if I said yes? What are you even talking about!? I’ve been spying on the terrorist activities for a few weeks already… Now, I finally got their location and I’m about to end this once and for all.”


For a moment, Kwangsoo’s mouth was trying to form some words but they just wouldn’t come out of his mouth. After a few tries, he finally got it out. “This isn’t a hidden camera, right?”


“What do you mean hidden camera!? This has nothing to do with entertainment at all! This isn’t TV!”


“Wait wait wait wait... This is too much for me to take in…” Kwangsoo started laughing by himself because he couldn’t accept such a ridiculous fact. “Are you serious?”


“Aish! How many times do I have to explain!?”


“What the heck is ‘aish’!? I’m just asking. Why are you so mad??”


“Seriously, I already told you. I’m a secret agent working for the government. This isn’t a hidden camera. I’m a real spy.”


“But noona aren’t you an actress?”


“Being an actress is merely my public job, do you understand now?”


“How do you even get any sleep then?”


“I don’t! Why do you think I always look sleepy and blank during Running Man filmings!?”


Only then Kwangsoo saw the truth behind Jihyo’s fighting skills on the Running Man set. “Ah... So that’s why you were so good at fighting… It makes sense now...”


“Right. Now you know the truth. So why don’t you go home and pretend none of these ever happened.”


“Noona, but you’re an actress. So, wouldn’t they recognize your face and hurt the ones you know?”


“That’s why I have a mask. And they don’t watch South Korean entertainment so I doubt they even know the fact that I’m an actress. I don’t think they even know who Jaesuk oppa is.”


“That doesn’t make any sense.. How can anyone not know who Jaesuk hyung is?”


“That’s not the point here!” Jihyo sighed. “Just go home, Kwangsoo. Okay?”


“Can I come along?”


“No! Are you crazy!? It’s too dangerous! This isn’t a game, Kwangsoo!”


“But I want to be a spy.”


“No, you can’t.”


“I’m going to tell the whole world about your identity then.”


“Oh my god Kwangsoo! Why are you such a betrayer even outside of Running Man!?”


“Noona, I just want a taste of how being a spy is like.” Kwangsoo said.


Knowing that she would never be able to convince Kwangsoo out of this, Jihyo sighed. “Alright. You can come along. But remember this. Once you’re in, you cannot pull out from the mission.”


“Yes yes!” Kwangsoo nodded excitedly.


“Now gear up.” Jihyo gestured.


After gearing up with an extra set of spy costume, Kwangsoo couldn’t stop looking at himself in the mirror. So he started posing, but not for long as Jihyo smacked him on the back of his head.


“Stop posing and let’s move!”


“…” Kwangsoo then quietly followed Jihyo to her garage. “We’re driving there?”


“No.” Jihyo clicked a few buttons and the ground below them started descending slowly. Beneath Jihyo’s car garage was a small plane with a long runway that leads straight out to the suburbs so nobody will ever notice.


“Oh my god this is so cool!!” Kwangsoo almost lost himself in awe. “I haven’t seen anything like this before!”


Jihyo smiled and entered the small plane along with Kwangsoo. “That’s a good sign. Now buckle up. We’re about to go fast.”


“How fast?” Kwangsoo asked.


“Jet speed. Literally.”


A smile crawled upon Kwangsoo’s face. “It’s so cool.”


“Let’s go!” Jihyo clicked on the accelerator and flew the plane to their destination in an incredible speed.


“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!” Kwangsoo could only scream at how fast they’re going. “SLOW DOWN!! WE’RE GONNA CRASH! WE’RE GONNA CRASH!!!”


“So noisy…” Jihyo got irritated.


Within a few minutes, they’ve reached the enemy’s base. It was an amazement how Kwangsoo was screaming non-stop for the past few minutes without getting his throat dry. “I want to vomit.”


“You wanted to come with me, so don’t blame me.” Jihyo then removed her seatbelt and went to the backdoor and opened it. 


“Noona, what are you doing?” Kwangsoo asked.


“Unbuckle and come over here, Kwangsoo.” Jihyo said.


“Eh?? Why?” Kwangsoo’s eyes widened.


“Aish, just unbuckle and come here! Why must you always ask so many questions!?” 


“…” Kwangsoo went behind and sat beside Jihyo. “I’m here.”


“Stay still.” Jihyo started tying a belt around herself and Kwangsoo.


“Noona… You’re not going to do what I think you’re doing, are you?” Kwangsoo got frightened.


“I’m sorry, Kwangsoo. Just cover your eyes and mouth while falling.” With that, Jihyo hugged Kwangsoo tightly and kicked themselves off the plane.




“Aish!! Keep quiet!!! We’re in enemy base now!” Jihyo used one hand to cover Kwangsoo’s mouth while the other pulled on the parachute. As they landed in a nearby forest, none of the enemies could see them.


“…” Kwangsoo was frozen in fear from the free fall earlier.


“Kwangsoo ah, are you okay?” Jihyo chuckled for a moment seeing Kwangsoo’s situation.


“Am I in heaven now?” Seems like Kwangsoo’s soul was still stuck up there somewhere.


“You’re on the ground.” Jihyo assured. “You’re alive.”


“Noona, I think I’m going to die.”


Jihyo laughed. “Do you see now? This is the life of a real spy. Now follow me closely.”


They ran over and hid behind a huge rock. From there, they could see the main gate of the terrorist base and there were a few enemies guarding it with guns. Kwangsoo rubbed his eyes and stared. “Are they really terrorists?”


“Why don’t you go there and ask them yourselves?” Jihyo suggested.


“Noona, I’m just asking! Why do you hate me this much!?”


“Then don’t ask stupid questions. Of course they are real terrorists! Now stop bugging me. I’m trying to find a way in!” Just then, Jihyo felt something poking the back of her head. “Stop disturbing me, Kwangsoo!”


“Noona…” Kwangsoo said in a soft tone.


“What!?” Jihyo turned over and saw two of the terrorists, each of them pointing a gun at their heads.


“Who are you two?” The terrorist asked.


“We’re just trying to find the toilet.” Kwangsoo answered with a straight expression. “Isn’t there a toilet somewhere around here?”


“Stand up.” Said one of the terrorists.


“Alright, alright. Don’t shoot.” Kwangsoo had both his hands up and slowly stood up.


“…” While Jihyo kept silent.


Kwangsoo kept on talking to try calming them down. “Sometimes you need to just calm down and have some tea, you know? Jongkook hyung gets angry often too. That’s why he goes to the gym to let it all out... Have you tried one of our gyms?”


The terrorists looked at each other with a confused expression. Jihyo then took this chance to push one of the terrorist’s guns away and knocked the other guy down with a strong head-. She then locked her legs onto the remaining terrorist and gave him the arm bar. After breaking his arm, she released a punch on his face that took him out immediately.


“Oh my god!” Kwangsoo was in awe. “That was the coolest thing I’ve seen in my entire life, noona.”


“Thanks.” Jihyo smiled back. 


“It’s a good thing you don’t break our arms during Running Man filming...” Kwangsoo sighed in relief


“I know. And please don’t ever learn that.” Jihyo said.


“It depends on how hard Jongkook hyung hit me. Anyway, what do we do now?” Kwangsoo asked.


Looking at two unconscious bodies lying on the ground in front of them, Jihyo had an idea. “Kwangsoo, I will need your help for this. You like being a spy don’t you?”


“Hold on. You don’t tell me that you’re planning to-”


“Yes, Kwangsoo. I am. You will have to dress up as one of them and divert their attention while I ambush them and take them out. Or else, we’ll never be getting in there.”


“I almost lost my head earlier!” Kwangsoo was still shaken from the gun that pointed at his head earlier. “What if I died!? All my fans are going to cry! I’m the Asian Prince!”


“Stop shouting!” Jihyo placed her hand over Kwangsoo’s mouth to shut him up and scare him more. “Do you want them to catch you and torture you!?”


Kwangsoo then shook his head vigorously and finally calmed down. “Noona, what exactly are these people actually trying to do?”


“They’re terrorists and assassins… They came here to kill the president and bomb the building.”


Kwangsoo’s eyes widened in shock from Jihyo’s preposterous statement. “Noona, you aren’t supposed to joke like that…”


“Who’s joking with you!?” Jihyo was putting up a very serious expression on her face.


“I’ll be taking my leave first. Good luck in your mission, noona.”


As soon as Kwangsoo stood up, Jihyo pulled his arm. “Wait, where are you going?”


“What do you mean where am I going? I’m going home. I don’t want to be in caught up in this mess. I still have a recording early in the morning tomorrow.” Kwangsoo explained.


“It’s already too late to not get caught up in this. You pulled yourself into this. You’re not going anywhere. You’ll be coming along with me until I complete this mission.”


“......” For a few seconds, Kwangsoo couldn’t comprehend her sentence. “Noona, I know you’re crazy sometimes but what you’re telling me right now is too much. You want me to disguise as one of them and bluff them? They’re real terrorists! I can’t act like one!”


Jihyo laughed a little at Kwangsoo’s pathetic expression before becoming serious once again. “Look. They already saw your face. If you go back right now, you might not even live to see tomorrow.”


Kwangsoo froze from the scary statement. “Noona!! Why are you cursing me like that! Why doing this to me!? I’m very scared right now!”


“I’m telling you the truth. You have to stick with the plan for now. You’ll be safe with me.”


He then dropped onto the ground and screamed. “ANDWAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!”


“You idiot! Be quiet!” Jihyo smacked his arm and picked him up from the ground. 


“I think I’m going to vomit soon. For real.”


Jihyo tried to convince Kwangsoo. “Think about it. You love being a spy don’t you? You’ll get to be a real government spy if you come with me. What do you think?”


It sure was easy to convince him. A smile slowly crawled up to his face. “A real spy? As in I get to use cool gadgets like you?”


“Yea sure. Of course.” Jihyo answered just for the sake of keeping Kwangsoo’s mouth shut. “Now do you accept this mission?”


“Well, I guess so.” Kwangsoo then changed his clothes and wore one of the terrorist’s clothing. “I’m feeling uncomfortable.”


“Just stand it for a moment. We’ll complete this as fast as possible. Now go distract the guards.” Jihyo gestured.


“Wish me luck.” Kwangsoo let out a huge breath and stood up.


“Good luck, Kwangsoo. Fighting!” Jihyo then crawled to the other side and waited for Kwangsoo to distract the terrorists.


Kwangsoo walked towards the main gate with a straight expression but his heart was beating miles. As expected, they stopped him. “Who are you?”


After an awkward silence, Kwangsoo answered with a straight face. “Kim Jong Kook.”


“Kim Jong Kook?” The terrorist frowned. “Never heard of that name before.”


“I’m a new recruit.” Kwangsoo answered with a straight expression once again.


“We have no new recruits…” One of the terrorists started doubting.


“I’m the dishwasher actually.” Kwangsoo didn’t seem to stop giving esxcuses.


“We don’t wash dishes here.”


“Exactly. That’s why I’m the new janitor.”


“…” Both the terrorists then pointed the gun right at Kwangsoo’s face.


“Wait wait wait!!” Kwangsoo stopped them. “Okay, I’ll talk. I’m actually a singer. Ever heard of the song ‘One Man’? Han namjaga-isseo… Nol neomu saranghan…” Kwangsoo started singing and getting into the mood.


“What the hell are you singing over here!?” The terrorist pulled the hammer and was ready to shoot.


Just then Jihyo appeared from behind and slammed both their heads together extremely hard and took them out in one shot. “Yah, Kwangsoo you idiot! Why did you anger them!?”


“I didn’t. I just sang Jong Kook hyung’s song.”


“Maybe that’s why they got angry. You can’t sing.”


“Ay, noona. I can sing. Han namjaga-isseo~~~”


“Quiet or I will put a bullet in your mouth!” Jihyo placed her hand on Kwangsoo’s hand and shut him up immediately.


“…” Kwangsoo was completely speechless at Jihyo’s violent nature. “Noona, you’re even scarier now that I know you’re a spy. How can you say things like that?”


“Aish, just be quiet and follow me!” Jihyo took the card key from one of the unconscious guards and infiltrated the base. Kwangsoo followed behind quietly. They managed to sneak past a few of them and entered the building through a small opening.


Before they knew it, they’re already at the corridor, leading into the main hall. Jihyo’s main mission was to plant a bomb in a weapon room behind the main hall. Hiding at the corner of the wall, Jihyo took a peek and saw a bunch of enemies hanging around in the main hall so they can’t just walk past them. 


Jihyo then turned over and looked at Kwangsoo with a slightly concerned expression. “How are you feeling now? Good?”


“It’s really intense. I like it. Except for the countless numbers of times I almost died earlier.”


Jihyo then held Kwangsoo’s hand and assured him. “We’ll get through this together, Kwangsoo. Don’t worry. I will make sure to get us both out alive.”


Kwangsoo felt touched and smiled back. “Thank you, noona…”


Jihyo then pointed at the enemies in the hall. “Now you go through the hall past the terrorists and into that room right there. We’ll meet at the other side of it.”


“Ay, noona!” Kwangsoo brushed Jihyo’s hand away. “Right after telling me those things, you wanted to send me to my death!? Oh, I see now… I didn’t know you were this despicable, noona. I really thought you were being nice. You played with my feelings like this? This woman is a witch, seriously.”


After laughing softly, Jihyo assured once again. “Don’t worry, Kwangsoo. I know you can do it. You’re a good actor, aren’t you? Just blend in with them and you’ll be able to access the room. I will enter through the air vent.”


“Why don’t you blend in with them instead and I go in through the air vent?” Kwangsoo suggested sarcastically.


“Oh? Be my guest. Go ahead.” Jihyo gave Kwangsoo a push. “Go climb up the air vent.”


“…” Kwangsoo blinked. “I was just kidding, noona.”


“Aish, just do what I told you. You can’t even fit inside the air vent.” Jihyo said as she hopped into the air vent at the ceiling. “Now go in and distract them.”


“Why are you always using me as distraction?” Kwangsoo felt wronged.


“Because I trust you will succeed. Go for it. Fighting!” Jihyo cheered and started crawling into the vent.


“Fighting.” With a huge breath, Kwangsoo slowly walked towards the main hall. He didn’t make any eye contact with anybody. His eyes were simply fixed on the door he was told.


“Hey you.” Someone called out to him all of a sudden.


“Hmm? Me?” Kwangsoo pointed at himself in panic.


“Where are you going?”


“I’m just gonna go in there and get something.” Kwangsoo said.


“Get what?”


“My girlfriend’s photo is inside that room, so I must go get it. She’s a scary person. She would literally choke me if I don’t get the photo back.” Kwangsoo convinced.




Kwangsoo let out a huge breath and awkwardly walked towards the door once again. “…”


“Wait a minute…” The guy called him once again. “I haven’t seen you around here.”


Kwangsoo’s heartbeat sped up. “I’m a new recruit here. Nice to meet you.”


“What’s your name?”


“Kim Jong Kook.” Once again, Kwangsoo introduced himself as his Running Man fellow Jongkook.


“Oh? Which division are you from?”


“AZ887.” Kwangsoo blurted a random name out.


“AZ887?” The guy squinted. “Never heard of it.”


“Oh my goodness…” Kwangsoo started his explosion of acting. “You haven’t heard of the AZ887 division? It’s the new entertainment division. I’m a singer. They never told you about it?”


“You’re a singer?” The guy’s expression was unreadable.


After blinking a few times, Kwangsoo nodded. “Yeah.”


He then grabbed Kwangsoo by the collar. “What the hell do you think you’re doing down here?”


“E-Eh?” Kwangsoo started shaking.


Jihyo who had passed through the main hall remained inside the air vent and waited for a long time. “Why is Kwangsoo taking so long? Don’t tell me he’s been caught!?”


Immediately, Jihyo crawled back into the hall and suddenly, she started hearing loud music coming from the bottom. “What the… Isn’t this Jongkook oppa’s Loveable playing??”


She took a peek from a small hole and saw Kwangsoo singing and dancing loudly on a stage. “What the hell is he doing!?”


“Woooo!!!!” Everyone in the hall started cheering and going crazy at Kwangsoo’s singing and dancing even though it .


Kwangsoo screamed through the microphone and started copying Jongkook’s dance from his song Loveable. “Come on, dance with me!! Oh moributeo balkkeutkaji da sarangseureowo!!”


“Teach me how to dance!” One of the terrorist screamed.


“You don’t need a teacher for dancing! You are your own teacher! Just let yourself go crazy!!!” Kwangsoo screamed once again and continued his dance.


“That idiot! Why is he attracting more attention!?” Jihyo was so shocked that she had nothing else to say. Since everyone was facing the stage, Jihyo could pop her head out of the air vent comfortably and gestured for Kwangsoo.


Only Kwangsoo could see Jihyo popping her head out of the air vent from the top of the stage. “!!!” 


Jihyo desperately gestured Kwangsoo to stop whatever nonsense he was doing immediately. 


“Oh, that’s all I’m gonna sing for today. I’ll continue tomorrow.” Kwangsoo walked down the stage.


One of the guys stopped Kwangsoo. “Hey hey, come on. We’re not done yet. You can’t just leave us hanging here.”


Kwangsoo shook his head. “No, I really gotta go. You don’t understand how scary my girlfriend is. She would drown me in a pool for being late.”


“No no no. Come on. Sing.” The guy wasn’t showing any signs of wanting to let Kwangsoo leave at all.


“I really must go.”


The guy then took out a gun and pointed at Kwangsoo’s head. “Get back up there and sing.”


Kwangsoo flinched at the sight of the gun. “Hey hey! Come on! I’m just an entertainer!”


Seeing that the terrorists weren’t letting Kwangsoo go, Jihyo sighed. “I really didn’t want Kwangsoo to see me do this. I feel so sorry for him, really.” She started counting the numbers of enemies in the hall. “There’s 11 of them.” She then checked the bullets in her gun. “10 bullets… I can still do it.”


“Get back up on the stage before I shoot you.” The man was actually serious about blowing Kwangsoo’s brain off.


Then Jihyo leaped into action. She jumped off the air vent and immediately released ten shots that successfully took out ten of the terrorists from behind. The gunshots shocked Kwangsoo pretty badly.


“WOOAHHH!!!!! YOU SHOT THEM, NOONA!! YOU REALLY SHOT THEM!! THAT WAS A REAL GUNSHOT!! A REAL GUNSHOT!! THIS IS CRAZY!!! I CAN’T HANDLE ALL THESE!!” Kwangsoo immediately crawled out of the way and hid behind a table.


The remaining enemy scoffed and took out a gun from his pocket. Before he could aim at Jihyo, it was kicked away by her roundhouse kick. She then attempted another punch but was blocked. The guy attempted to punch Jihyo again and again but she was a little too slick. Even so, Jihyo was struggling with evading. Jihyo is incredibly disadvantage when it comes to brute strength. She’s good in the other aspects but not good in anything strength based. Kwangsoo knew she needed some help. Gathering all his courage, he came out of hiding and right before the enemy could land a successful hit on Jihyo, he pulled the enemy’s hair from behind. Kwangsoo was wrenching his hair back and forth like how he usually did to the other members in Running Man, but only this time it was with his full strength.


“AAAHHH!!!!” The terrorist couldn’t help but to scream in pain. Who wouldn’t?


Jihyo took this chance to somersault to the front and used both her legs to lock the enemy’s neck before flipping him over to the ground and punching him unconscious. All in a split second.


“Noona, you look so cool right now.” Kwangsoo had his right hand covering his mouth with awe.


Jihyo was happy that Kwangsoo helped her and tapped him. “Thanks for helping, Kwangsoo. I never thought you’d come and help me.”


“Aigoo, that was nothing.” Kwangsoo scratched his head.


“Alright. Now let’s enter the room before the others arrive.” Jihyo said as she pulled Kwangsoo’s hand.


She grabbed one of the guard’s card key and accessed the room. It turned out to be another corridor. Jihyo checked the radar once again. “This corridor is like a maze… There are a few of them roaming around. It’s gonna be hard finding the exit. We’ll split for a moment and find the exit. If you found it, contact me with one of this.” Jihyo gave Kwangsoo an earpiece.


Kwangsoo seemed really happy at the fact that he received an earpiece. “Thank you, noona. Wow, I really feel like a spy now.”


“Get your head together.” Jihyo helped Kwangsoo wear his earpiece. “Alright, listen very carefully Kwangsoo.. This is very serious.”


“I’m listening.” Kwangsoo replied with his voice still a little shaken.


“All you need to do is find a way out of this maze and contact me through the earpiece. There will be some terrorists roaming around in this maze. If you think about it, this is not much different than our common Running Man spy game. The both of us are the spies. If we are found out, then it’s over. See? It’s the exact same situation.” Jihyo placed her hand on Kwangsoo’s shoulder to assure him.


Being dumbfounded by Jihyo’s statement, Kwangsoo pushed her hand off his shoulder. “Noona you must be joking with me. How is this the same?”


“No, it’s the same! If we’re caught, we’re out. Simple Running Man game.”


“Does Jaesuk hyung use a real gun to shoot us when we’re out!? Does Jongkook hyung chase us with knifes!?” Kwangsoo exploded being dumbfounded by Jihyo’s statement. “This noona is out of her mind seriously.”


Kwangsoo’s explosion made Jihyo chuckle a little and tried to calm him down. “You just need to not get caught. That’s all.”


“It’s easy for you to say. You’re a real spy, noona... I’m just a spy from Running Man. It’s different.”


“Yah, come to think of it, you aren’t even a good spy in Running Man.”


“Ay, noona.. I am a good spy.”


“Then prove it to me!” Upon saying this, Jihyo smacked Kwangsoo on the back of his head. “Stop boasting and start delivering something.”




Jihyo and Kwangsoo both gasped and kept quiet.


Kwangsoo nudged Jihyo’s arm a little and whispered. “Noona I’m scared.”


“Shh!!” From the corner of the wall, Jihyo could see an enemy walking towards them. “Wait for it…”


Just when the terrorist passed by the corner, Jihyo released an elbow on his nose that stumbled him before Kwangsoo pulled his hair. And because of the hair pull, the terrorist screamed and attracted everybody else’s attention. Jihyo quickly silenced him with a head- on his face.


“Yah, why did you pull his hair!? You should punch him to silence him! Not pull his hair and make him scream!”


Kwangsoo shrugged. “That’s the only thing I know how to do! I can’t fight like you.”


“Just stay there and let me do the fighting!” Jihyo complained.


Then, footsteps were heard. More enemies were running towards where they were. Kwangsoo got panic. “Remember your mission, right? Separate and find the exit.”


“Nononono…” Kwangsoo got scared all over again as he pulled onto Jihyo’s shirt. “Let’s move together.”


“No! It’s faster this way! And if you come with me, you’ll just slow me down!” Jihyo keep trying to pry Kwangsoo off.


Kwangsoo was still being stubborn. “Come on, don’t be like that.”


“They’re coming already, you idiot!” Jihyo became desperate and kicked Kwangsoo away.


That kick accidentally sent Kwangsoo right into the sight of the enemies. “HEY, STOP RIGHT THERE!!”


“YAH, THIS NOONA IS CRAZY!!!! I’M NOT A REAL SPY!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?” Kwangsoo started running for his life towards the opposite direction as a few terrorists chased after him.


“I’m so sorry for that. We’ll meet up later, Kwangsoo!” Jihyo too started running.


“OVER THERE! SHE’S OVER THERE! STOP CHASING ME!” Kwangsoo desperately pointed to where Jihyo ran to.


“Yah, you idiot! Why did you tell them!?” Jihyo cursed as soon as Kwangsoo sold her location out.


“YOU REVEALED MY LOCATION FIRST!” Kwangsoo desperately ran deeper into the maze and hiding from the enemies at the same time. The maze was a little bigger than they had expected. Both of them had quite a hard time searching for the exit when they’re being hunted down. Kwangsoo had a memory of when he became the mastermind for creating a maze for the Running Man members. “Yes, I created a maze before so I should be able to have a rough guess of where the exit is.”


“Kwangsoo ah.” Jihyo voiced out from Kwangsoo’s earpiece.


“Yes, noona?” Kwangsoo answered immediately.


“I found the exit. It’s right here. You need to get here.”


“…” Most certainly an icon of misfortune. Now Kwangsoo had to go all the way back and find Jihyo’s location. He almost thought that he would be the hero of this mission. “Noona, you stole my spotlight.”


“What are you talking about? Just get over here! I’ll guide you.” Jihyo said.


“Noona, why are you doing this to me. There are terrorists searching for me. How am I supposed to go back there??”


“Just act. You’re good in acting, right?”


“…” Kwangsoo went silent for a moment. “Noona, you’re a real witch. How can you say it like it’s so easy?”


Kwangsoo’s dissatisfaction made Jihyo laugh. “I know. Kwangsoo. But you need to get your here so that we can leave this place as heroes of South Korea.”


“Heroes?” Kwangsoo’s face brightened as he placed his right hand over his mouth. “Noona, are you serious? We’ll be branded heroes?”


“Yes. So please get over here and make sure you stay alive alright?” Jihyo said.


“Okay. I’m wearing one of their uniforms. So just act natural. Just act natural…” With that, Kwangsoo turned around the corner and as expected as the icon of misfortune, a terrorist was standing right there in that corner. He was startled for a short moment but he managed to remain calm and walk towards the terrorist’s direction. He avoided eye contact and bluntly opened his mouth. “He’s not here. I’ll look for him at the other side.”


It somehow worked. The terrorist simply walked past him and didn’t suspect a single thing. Right after Kwangsoo moved to the other corner, he fell on his knees and almost vomited after having a nervous breakdown. Jihyo who heard Kwangsoo panting over the earpiece became worried. “Kwangsoo, are you okay?”


“Noona, I feel like dying seriously.” Kwangsoo then stood back up and continued making his way back to their starting point.


“You’re doing a great job, Kwangsoo. I’m so proud of you. Now I’ll give you directions to my location. Go left and then right.”


Kwangsoo followed Jihyo’s directions. “Ya. Then?”


“Go right again.” Jihyo said.


“Which right? There’s like 3 rights here.”


“Uhh…” Jihyo seriously didn’t remember which right she took. “Try the second one.”


“Second one?” Kwangsoo took the second one and that ended him up at a dead end. “Noona, are you trying to play me? It’s a dead end.”


“It’s a dead end? Uhh… Try the first one then.”


“Don’t give me the word ‘try’, noona! You’re trying to get me killed or something?” Kwangsoo exploded. “This better be right.” Kwangsoo followed Jihyo’s directions and finally reached where Jihyo was hiding. “Ay, noona. You should have remembered your own route!”


Jihyo went in to hug Kwangsoo without even answering him back. “Oh thank god you’re alive. I was so afraid something would happen to you.”


“…” Kwangsoo became silent for a moment. “Noona, sometimes you’re just so warm and sometimes you’re just so hateful. Do you have like multiple personalities or something?”


Jihyo chuckled. “Let’s go, okay?”


Jihyo and Kwangsoo pushed the exit door open and finally entered the weapons room where they’re supposed to go.


“This is the room. Good thing there’s nobody here. But I bet it won’t be long till they find the unconscious bodies laying around.” Jihyo then opened her pouch and took a few things out. She then tossed a few at Kwangsoo. “Help me plant these.”


“???” Kwangsoo stared at the few strange looking items on his hands. “What are these?”


“Bombs.” Jihyo answered straight to the point.




Jihyo smacked herself on the head. “Oh right. Why did I even pass a real bomb to you? I almost mistaken you as a real spy. Then give those back to me.”


“The only thing I know how to plant are seeds, noona. Not bombs. I’m scared of those things.”


“It’s just a bomb.”


Kwangsoo’s eyes widened. “It’s just a bomb, you say?? Noona, you have to know I have a weak heart. I’m not as manly as you.”


“I’m so sorry for that.” Jihyo laughed.


Kwangsoo sighed. “Noona, after everything that happened since earlier on, I find that you’re no different than an onion.”


“Why so?” Jihyo asked while planting her bombs.


“Yeah, whatever you do makes me want to cry.”


Jihyo was struggling with planting the bomb. “Hey, help me hold this. My arms are not long enough.”


“See what I mean?” Kwangsoo lowered his body and held the bomb. As soon as Jihyo let go of the bomb, Kwangsoo asked. “It’s not going to explode, right?”


“It is going to explode if you don’t stay still. This bomb is a little unstable.” Jihyo said in a cold tone.


“…” One statement from Jihyo made Kwangsoo froze. “Noona you’re a fox, really. I don’t think there’s anybody else as cunning as you. You’re not just a fox, but a fox witch. How can you tell me that only after I hold the bomb!? Come and take it back!”


“Just hold still for a moment.” Jihyo started planting other bombs.


“Ay, noona! Stop pretending and grab this bomb from me!” Kwangsoo got more frustrated.


“…” All of a sudden, Jihyo smacked both hands on Kwangsoo and scared him. “BOOOOM!!!!!”


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Kwangsoo started rolling on the ground and screamed out of fear.


“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” While Jihyo was losing herself beside him. “I’m so sorry, Kwangsoo. I couldn’t let the chance slip by. This bomb is totally fine. Come give it to me.”


After regaining his heartrate, Kwangsoo sat up and panted. “Noona, forgive me but I was this close to slapping you on the face 2 times.”


“I’m so sorry.” Jihyo let out one final chuckle and planted the last bomb. “Alright, all done. Now let’s go!”


Just when they were going to open the door, someone else was attempting to access this room. As Jihyo changed the codes of the door earlier, they’re finding difficulty entering it. Loud banging were then heard from behind the door. Kwangsoo panicked. “Noona, someone is going to enter…”


The door was starting to break open with the brute force of a few terrorists banging on it with some metal rods. Kwangsoo kept on tapping on Jihyo’s shoulder. “Noona noona!! They’re going to break in soon! We’re going to die!” Kwangsoo then fell down on his knees. “ANDWAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!”


“Quiet, you! We need to hide now!” Jihyo smacked Kwangsoo on the head and pulled him behind one of the septic tank.


Then, the door burst open to reveal a few terrorists holding onto guns and searching the room thoroughly. The both of them kept perfectly still and tried not to make any sound at all. “…”


Jihyo took a peek and saw about 20 terrorists in the room. She loaded a gun she stole from an unconscious terrorist earlier on. “10 bullets with 20 enemies… This is not good at all.”


“What are we going to do, noona?” Kwangsoo whispered.


“Do you have your gun with you?” Jihyo asked softly.


“Why would I even have a gun with me??”


“I gave you one at home, remember??” Jihyo said.


Only then Kwangsoo remembered. He changed the spy outfit that Jihyo gave him into one of the terrorist’s outfit. He must have disposed of the gun along with the outfit. “I’m sorry, noona. I may have tossed it away.”


“Yah, pabo! You tossed the gun away!? You should have kept it with you!” Jihyo accidentally raised her voice a little and caught the attention of the terrorists.


“See what you’ve done? You just attracted them.” Kwangsoo blamed.


“It’s all because of you.” Jihyo sighed and ordered. “Alright. I will divert their attention and you run towards the exit. Get out of this place if you can.”


“What about you?” Kwangsoo pointed.


“Don’t worry about me. This mission was supposed to be carried out by me alone anyway.” Jihyo said. “Now wait for my signal.”


“…” Kwangsoo seemed concerned.


Jihyo took a peek once again before tossing a rock at the opposite direction. The rock hit the wall and attracted the terrorists’ attention to the other side. Jihyo took this chance to shoot start firing at them. “Go now!”


“Please stay safe, noona.” Without a moment of hesitation, Kwangsoo dashed towards the exit back into the maze.


Jihyo’s shooting skills were perfect. It was a surprise how she wasn’t given a water gun mission in Running Man yet. All ten bullets hit their targets. “Ten down, ten to go.”


The terrorists started shooting back at her but to no avail since she was on the run. She ran from one septic tank to another septic tank to avoid to bullets. When one of them crossed the corner, Jihyo who was hiding there immediately disarmed him with her armbar skill before knocking him out with a kick on the face. She then took his gun and checked. “7 bullets… Good.”


With that, Jihyo rolled into the enemy’s line of sight and opened fire. As expected, it took out seven of them at once. The two remaining ones started firing at her crazily, causing her to roll back to her spot behind the septic tank. “Damn it.”


One of them then ran to the back of the septic tank and aimed their gun at Jihyo. “It’s over, lady!”


Jihyo’s fast reflexes allowed her to disarm the terrorist before he could shoot and attempted a kick on him. To her surprise, her kick was blocked successfully. As she was going in for another punch, her arm got caught and she was held in a necklock. Jihyo was definitely not strong enough to pry the man’s arm off so she used her teeth to chomp on his arm hard. 


“AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!” The terrorist had no choice but to release her out of pain. She took this chance to jump and landed a strong double kick on his face and sent him tumbling onto the ground, unconscious. 


Little did Jihyo realize that there was another terrorist who was already standing behind her, ready to fire. “Crap!!”


“Hey!” Someone shouted and diverted the terrorist’s attention away from Jihyo suddenly. From a distance not too far away, Kwangsoo was seen holding onto a fire extinguisher. “Eat this!”


Kwangsoo then squeezed the handle and discharged the particles all over the terrorists, blinding them. Jihyo was certainly happy to see Kwangsoo here to save the day. “Nice one, Kwangsoo!” She took this chance to punch him on the face before kicking him on the stomach.


“Oh, let me! Let me!” Kwangsoo said as he stood in front of the terrorist and punched him on the face one time, causing him to fall over unconscious. “Wow, that felt good!!”


“You’re not going to start punching people on the face during Running Man, right?”


“Of course not... But maybe Jongkook hyung is an exception.”


Jihyo laughed. “Why are you always against him?”


Kwangsoo’s explosion of unsatisfaction started. “He bullies me a lot. He thinks he’s the most powerful being in the universe. Obviously he doesn’t know that I’m a spy who saves the country now. Or else, he would kiss my knee every time we meet.”


“Yah, let’s just go already.” Jihyo and Kwangsoo then walked out of the facility casually as they had already taken out all of the terrorists.


“Noona, you sure they have no backups?” Kwangsoo was a little concerned.


“What’s there to backup when there’s no place to back up?” Jihyo smiled while holding onto the detonator.


Once they are outside of the facility and at a safe distance, Jihyo started clicking on a few buttons on the detonator. “Good job, Kwangsoo. You helped me save Korea.”


Kwangsoo was most definitely proud of himself. “Ay, that was nothing...”


“Alright. All set.” Jihyo’s thumb was placed over the red button on the detonator.


Kwangsoo then tapped on Jihyo’s shoulder. “So you’re detonating it now?”


“On second thought… Would you like to do the honors?” Jihyo passed the detonator to Kwangsoo. “Since you love being a spy so much… I might as well let you try detonating a bomb one time.”


“…” Kwangsoo contemplated. “You’re just trying to shift all the blame to me, aren’t you? So that you don’t have to be responsible. Noona, I think you’re like an evil sorceress using her slave to do the dirty work for her.”


“That’s not it! Aish, just hold this!” Jihyo passed the detonator to Kwangsoo. “Kwangsoo ah, I know you like to be a spy. So I’m giving you a chance to detonate a bomb one time. That’s the only intention I have in my mind. Nothing else.”


“Are you serious?” Kwangsoo’s eyes widened.


“Mhm…” Jihyo nodded.


Kwangsoo placed his thumb over the red button. “I’ll press the button then.”


“Ah, wait.” Jihyo then covered both Kwangsoo’s ears with her palms. “It’s a little loud so you’ll need some earmuffs.”


“What about you, noona?”


“Me? I’m already used to the sound of bomb detonating.” Jihyo smiled. “Just click it.”


“Thank you, noona. I really appreciate it.” With that, Kwangsoo clicked on the red button and watched the entire building explode into flames.


“WOOOOOOOOWWW!!!!!” Kwangsoo was startled by the loud explosion.


“…” Jihyo merely kept silent and looked back at him with a strange and horrified expression.


Kwangsoo frowned. “What?”


Jihyo then turned around and started clicking onto her earpiece in panic. “Lee Kwang Soo has just detonated the bomb. I repeat, Lee Kwang Soo has just detonated the bomb. He’s a murderer. Put his name as the next target now.”


Upon hearing that, Kwangsoo almost died of a heart attack. He then snatched Jihyo’s earpiece desperately and screamed into it. “JIHYO NOONA TOLD ME TO DO IT!! JIHYO NOONA TOLD ME TO DO IT!! AISH, NOONA YOU’RE THE MOST CUNNING FOX I HAVE EVER SEEN! WHAT THE #$%^ DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU DOING!!??”


Jihyo then fell on the ground and laughing her heart out. She was laughing so much that she forgot to breathe. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Aigoo, I’m extremely sorry for that, Kwangsoo. The earpiece isn’t even switched on so nothing went through. I was just messing with you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”


“…” Kwangsoo’s legs then became wobbly and fell on the ground. “Aish, seriously… Noona, you just made me cuss some words that I haven’t said since the day I was born! Stop scaring me like that!”


“I’m so sorry for that, Kwangsoo…” Jihyo patted him. “So how do you feel after detonating the bomb?”


“Other than being scared to death by you, it feels great. Noona, go plant another bomb now.”


“Pffthahahahaha!!” Jihyo should have expected Kwangsoo’s answer but still it was funny. “Making a bomb is expensive. Unless you’d like to pay for the cost.”


“How much is it?”


Jihyo whispered the value into Kwangsoo’s ear. “…”


“…” Kwangsoo became silent for a moment. “My entire wealth will be gone in a flash.”


Jihyo just laughed. “That’s why we don’t use bombs unless necessary. So consider yourself lucky to be able to detonate one today. Even some spies back in the base had never touched a detonator before.”


“Wow…” Kwangsoo smiled with one hand covering his mouth. “I feel so honoured.”


Jihyo looked at her watch. “Well, This mission was completed within 3 hours. It’s slower than my usual time but still not bad, considering you came along this time. But hey, you did a good job, Kwangsoo.”


“Thanks, noona.”


Jihyo then let out a huge breath and cleared . “Kwangsoo ah… I wanna apologize for pulling you into this whole mess and kept ordering you around and even scolding you.”


“Ay, it’s nothing… I was the one who jumped into this mess myself. I should be the one apologizing for almost jeopardising your mission.”


Jihyo nodded. “Apology accepted. All that matters is that you came out unscathed. You’ve been a really good partner for me today. Truthfully I haven’t had this much fun while doing a mission before this.”


“Noona why are you like that? One minute ago, you’re giving me all the stress and now you’re telling me this.”


“These are sincere words from my heart, really.”


“So am I a real government spy now?” Kwangsoo got excited.


“You have a full schedule as an entertainer and actor so how can you be a spy?” Jihyo said.


“…” Kwangsoo’s expression changed and grabbed Jihyo’s arm. “Noona, did you just con me?”


Jihyo laughed and resisted. “Aish, just follow your acting career! Why would you want to be a spy!?”


“Ay, noona! You promised to make me a spy after this is over!”


“Since when? Since when?” Jihyo denied.


“Noona, you’re a real fox. I’m very disappointed.”


“Kwangsoo ah… Your schedule is always full so you wouldn’t have any time for this anyway.”


“Isn’t that what you’re doing too?” Kwangsoo pointed out.






Jihyo suddenly looked behind Kwangsoo. “Oh, what is Seolhyun doing there??”


“Seolhyun??” Kwangsoo turned around.


As soon as Kwangsoo turned his head, Jihyo chopped the back of his neck and took him out immediately. “I’m so sorry to do this, Kwangsoo but nobody must ever know about this. Not even you. And the life of a spy is too dangerous. Please forgive me.”


Jihyo then called for a personal car from her secret agency to get Kwangsoo back to his home safely and make sure nobody sees him unconscious like that to avoid unnecessary rumours. As the taxi came to pick the unconscious Kwangsoo up, Jihyo couldn’t have felt sorrier about her actions even when Kwangsoo had helped her. Her secret identity as a spy must be kept a secret from everyone. “Change his clothes to a comfortable one and get him home safely. I’m not going to let you live if anything were to happen to him, get it?”


“Got it!” The driver got intimidated by Jihyo.


Jihyo then went home with her heart relieved that Kwangsoo wasn’t hurt in any way at all during the entire course of the mission. Jihyo merely wanted to teach Kwangsoo a lesson that being a spy isn’t always as fun as he thought it was.


The next morning, Kwangsoo woke up on his bed with a headache. His mind was still a little fuzzy. “Ugh… My head… How did I end up here? What happened?”


He was definitely confused as to what happened last night. It all seemed too real but at the same time it felt like a dream as well. Kwangsoo immediately picked up his phone and called Jihyo. “Noona.”


Jihyo picked up her phone with a sleepy voice. “Oh, Kwangsoo? What’s wrong?”


“About yesterday…”


“What of yesterday?” Jihyo yawned.


“…” Kwangsoo stuttered. “You know. The spy thing…”


“Yeah, I was the spy in Running Man yesterday. Why? You want to be a spy next week?” Jihyo blatantly diverted the topic.


“No no… Yesterday after filming, I came to your place to return your bottle. You know… You’re a spy and I was your partner… And we saved the country by detonating bombs…”


“Yah, are you out of your mind!? You called me this early to tell me these nonsense!? Who’s so free to become a spy with you!?” Jihyo raised her voice.


“…” Kwangsoo blinked. “Noona, my eardrums are about to explode seriously.”


“Try calling me another time, you rascal.” Jihyo gave a final warning and ended the call immediately.


“…” Kwangsoo was stunned for a moment since he felt framed. “Seriously, she curses more than the amount of rice I eat. Her nickname is really Song Ji Yok.”


One week then passed and the weekly Running Man filming is here. Jihyo started by complaining to the other cast members that Kwangsoo called her the other day about the spy thing. “This Kwangsoo called me so early in the morning and telling me weird stuff, seriously!”


Gary sighed. “She doesn’t even pick up my calls and she pick up yours?”


“Yah Kwangsoo, why did you do something like that?” Jaesuk laughed.


Kwangsoo started. “A few days back, I had a weird dream. Seriously it felt so real.”


“Everything about you is always weird.” Jongkook teased.


“…” Kwangsoo sighed. “I’m a little sad. Really.”


Jaesuk smacked Jongkook’s arm. “Why are you always treating him like that? Let him speak, seriously. Kwangsoo ah, continue.”


Kwangsoo continued. “The other day, I dreamt that Jihyo noona was a real spy and I became her partner to save the world.”


The whole set became silent. “…”








Kwangsoo gave a dispirited nod. “I look like an idiot now.”


“Yah, Kwangsoo I think you need more sleep.” Jihyo laughed.


“You sure none of those things happened?” Kwangsoo asked Jihyo once again.


“What happened!?” Jihyo laughed and pretended to be dumbfounded.


Kwangsoo kept scratching his head. “I don’t know… It all seemed so real.”






“Okay let’s move on.” Jaesuk ignored Kwangsoo and started. 


“Let me finish first!!” Kwangsoo complained, gaining laughter in the set.


Jaesuk intercepted once again. “Kwangsoo ah… There can only be one spy. And that’s none other than Yoomes Bond. You can be Avatar but you can never be a spy.”


“Ayy, hyung!”


After the laughter subsided, the weekly Running Man filming started. “Is there any guest today?”


“There is no guest today.” The PD said.


Tension immediately filled the entire cast as they looked at each other. “Yah, there is definitely a spy again today!”


Everyone was suspecting each other and chattering about except for Jihyo. She merely shot a smirk at the other cast members.


“Just look at her, just look at her!” Jaesuk nudged Jongkook.


“She’s looking incredibly suspicious.” Jongkook laughed.


“It could be her again. Maybe the PD wants us to think that she couldn’t be the spy this time since she was the spy last week.” Haha blurted out.


“Are you the spy again, Jihyo?” Sukjin asked.


With a cunning smile carved on her face, Jihyo shrugged back at them. “Who knows? Guess nobody will ever find out.”



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