Chapter Three

Depend On Me

"Taeyeon, a word please." Master Jun.K says as I lay on the floor after three hours of rigorous training. I pant to catch my breath as I stand up and stand in front of him. 

"Yes, Master," I reply and he folds his arms against his chest. 

"You seem to be worrying over something. You can tell me what is troubling you." He tells me but I know that it was an order that I should tell him. I really can't tell him about the mark or the fact that a vampire is constantly going to be coming to me. Lie, that's all I can do right now. 

"I'm just tired," I reply as I rub the side of my neck as I stretch it out to the other side. He raises an eyebrow at me as he steps forward again. Please, don't say it. Please, don't say it...

"Liar." He casually shrugs his shoulders and walks past me to the equipment behind me to pick it up. Damn it.

"Aish! Why don't you believe me?" I ask as I ruffle my hair a little before huffing and putting it up in a ponytail. 

"Because I know you. You rub your neck when you get nervous and when you're nervous it most likely because you're lying to me." He continues cleaning the equipment up as he speaks and doesn't look my way. He does have a point, ugh

"You know what, I'm going to take a shower then head out." I point towards the door before I begin walking towards it. Catch. 

I spin around and catch the small blade that was thrown at me, which I'm guessing was originally aimed at my back. Jun.K stands with a cold expression and his eyes staring down at my exposed wrist. . 

"I can explain!" I exclaim as he makes his way towards me and grabs said wrist to hold it closer to him. 

"You better start right now!" He has never yelled at me before and hearing it now was scaring me half to death. He releases my arm and stares down at me with his cold eyes; making me feel wrong for this.

"I went out last night-" 

"Without protection?! Do you not know how much danger you put yourself in?!" He interrupts as he yells at me for my stupid mistake. I wish that I never went out last night. 

"Only I was protected. By a vampire." I cringe away from Jun.K as he looks as though he could explode at any moment.

"Taeyeon?" I grab hold of Jun.K when he turns to the source of the voice with his blade in hand. Taek Woon stood there with a worried expression as I struggled to keep Jun.K still. 

"Get out of here!" I yell at him when Jun.K breaks away from my grip and dashes at Taek Woon. Wait... How did he move that fast?

"What did you do to her?!" Jun.K suddenly snaps at Taek Woon and this causes me to come out of the trance I was in and rush over to them. I push myself between them and press my hands against Jun.K's chest; attempting to move him away from Taek Woon. 

"Master, stop and we'll explain everything!" I exclaim as he tries to move me out of his way. I hear a growl from behind me and I knew Taek Woon was starting to get angry. I can't have him attacking my Master. 

"Let go of her, you flithy half-blood!" 


Sorry this is so short but the next will definitely make up for it! :3 

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Chapter 4: Hey, welcome back ^^
Lili7-7-7 #2
Chapter 3: aw update soon, plea~se!
Chapter 3: Nice little twist there ^^
Michua1011 #4
Chapter 3: Gogogo~~Chapter 3!!pls~~
WiseGirl #5
Chapter 2: Please continue updating T.T It's too good
WiseGirl #6