Good Night and Thank You

Lost Memories & Dirty Tricks


This sentence got me out of my lethargy. Firstly, this lady was claiming to be my mother, but which prooves did I have ? Secondly, she was invading my life without caring about me. Thirdly, she was planning things, regardless of how I was after a eight-month hospitalization, and that I needed at least to rest for several weeks. And finally, she was thinking I was able to come back to school the next day ! I aprubtly turned back, so as to face her.


« What are you thinking of ? Do you really think I am able to attend lessons at school ?! If you really were my mum, you would care about me, instead of speaking without stopping. Come on, say it that you want to get rid of me !That's the reason why you want me to go to school, uh ? For me, you're just a random person. So stop pretending, and tell me what do you really want... »


I had shouted, and everybody was surprised, starting with me. The little girl started to cry, and her sobs were the only noise for a while. My mother bleached, and clenched her jaw. Concerning Ji Yong, his face closed, and he sank into his seat.


« Stop it »


My mum whispered this word, but it echoed in the silent.


« You can't say that. You're totally in the wrong. I worry for you Kim Eun Ae. Extremely. That's why I speak, not to scream because my own daughter doesn't recognize me. Doctors have talked about returning to normality, so I try to be normal, as if nothing was wrong. Before, you enjoyed going shopping, that's why I asked you that. And for the school, you had always wanted to be part of a ballet school, so I thought it was the right time. I know you don't know me anymore, and that I mean nothing for you, but I hope I can help you to get your memory back, so that we'll be a whole family again. Though I made mistakes in the past, I love you Eun Ae, and you can't change that, even if you can forget it. Though I made mistakes in the past, I hope you'll be able to forgive me. Because your sister needs you... »


Tears were flowing over my cheeks, and I couldn't help that. Even if I didn't understand the end of what she said, I was now sure she was my mother, and that she just wanted me to get better. I really felt ashamed for having getting mad at her. A great shame toward my sister too, who was surely wondering why I was like that.


« -I'll take care of you... Uh...

-Kim Hye Woo, she smiled at me. My name is Kim Hye Woo. »


I smiled back at her, through my tears, with a shining smile. For the first time since my accident, I was happy. I had a family, a friend that I remembered, and I felt accepting. My past would be easy to get back, and I would be able to live a happy live with these memories. I knew it, or I thought that I knew it...


When the car stopped, I came out quicly, eager of seeing my new house. The street was peace and quiet, neat and tidy. The house where we had stopped wasn't a house. A black iron gate opened onto a lawn mowed with care, with, on its middle, a path leading to a patio surrounded by flowers. In the center was a fountain which poured gallons of water. Around was the villa : huge windows was lightening an interior tastefully furnitured and equipped with the latest technologies. It was a one-floored villa, but it seemed big enough to accomodate several families. It was very vast, and I felt very tiny, compared to it.

Nobody had told me my mother was that wealth. Actually, nobody told me anything. They just had put me into a plane, telling me my dad was dead but that my mum and my sister were waiting for me in Korea. It was better for me to be with known people. Even if I didn't know them yet. I left this bad thoughts and started walking on the path. I turned back as a voice called me.


« -You left without saying goodbye Eun Ae ?

-Ji Yong-ah ! You-you left ?

-I have to go to work. I'm sorry...

-No don't ! I thought you were staying with me, that's all. Goobye then !

-See you tomorrow. »


He kissed my cheek and get into his car. I strangely felt helpless without him. He was the only one I seemed to know, and he left me. My mum walked toward the house, grabbing my hand and pulling me. But she was walking too fast for me. When I entered the house, all my body was shaking, and my breathe was cut. Willing to hide my difficulties, I didn't say anything, and visited the whole house. My bedroom was the last room. When I entered it, I just saw the bed which was there, and lied down on it. Before I completely slept, I heard someone leaving the room silently. I whispered a thank you, and fell asleep, knocked out with tiredness.





Quite useless chapter. I'll try to update next soon, I promise it will be better and more interestings. Please, if you find any mistakes, just tell me okay ? Thanks ~~ :)

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update soon
Irisintheair #2
this sound interesting. it's my first time reading the main character losing memory. keep up the good work and keep update!<br />