
A Place to Change

“People like us, we’ve gotta stick together

Keep your head up, nothing lasts forever

Here’s to damned, to the lost and forgotten

It’s hard to get high when you’re living on the bottom.”


I took a deep breath after singing the chorus part of Kelly Clarkson’s ‘People Like us’. I was about to sing the next lines, when I didn’t notice someone was actually here.

“So noisy, my ears are hurting, someone is sleeping here.” I immediately turned around when I heard someone speak. I am currently standing in front of the rooftop ledge as I sing. And it’s the guy, from a while ago, who became my sink.


“So why don’t you get the hell outta here?”  I said too rudely to the guy who just interrupted my singing. To be honest I really love singing. It gives wonders to thoughts that are not enough to be said. Not that I am shy, but I am not used to people hearing my true singing voice. I always sing in the house when I am alone. I felt my cheeks heating up a bit because of the thought that someone had heard my singing. Oh god, I’m freaking blushing. My reactions just went from angry to a shy blushing girl. And I believe he had noticed it, he chuckled. 

I was about to mind my own business again when a sudden memory flashed into my head. This guy, I saw him here a while ago, then to the lounge room, where I had an argument with the cow faced friends and- “You are following me.” I said with the tone of certainty.


He stood up, now facing me, making the height difference between us is very visible. He again chuckled. Damn, his chuckle rings my ears. He brushed his hair backwards, and now that he is standing, I could fully see his body built. He is wearing a dark blue shorts just below his knee, and a black sleeveless shirt. Making me look at his distracting biceps, also to his admirable broad shoulders.                            This guy is drop dead gorgeous. 


“I believe you could be the one following me, and your eyes are dilating.” I almost flinched as he talked, I was taken back. My lips formed into a thin line as I hear the cockiness in his voice. I put aside the fact about who’s following who, because he just saw me checking him out, I can now feel my cheeks heating up.  I gulped as I hear his attractive low voice.

I looked away, I swear I am not like this. His presence just distracts me, because he is hot, that’s all. “Whatever.” I said, as I forced to roll my eyes at him. I glanced at him once again and noticed something. “Giant yoda.” I try not to laugh. 


He raised his eyebrows and said, “Says the one whose vomit looks like a clam powder and smells like acidic Cheetos.” I gasped while a gape at him. I took a step, threatening him that I could definitely win this conversation. I pointed a finger at him, opening my mouth to say something. But I got nothing.


Now I feel like I have a bad stomach. Because all I vomited was just the alcohol liquid, and the few chips I ate. “ you, stranger.”  I raised my middle finger trying to offend him, but instead I see him trying to stop himself from grinning. I was just getting a little bit more irate.


He then raised his hands in the air, calling defeat. But I could see his mothering mocking face.

He again chuckled for the nth time, Oh my God someone help me. “I have a name if you would consider, lady.” My face formed in a revolting manner because of the way he speaks formally.


I was about to say another rude remark when I heard a phone ringing. He roamed his hand on his pocket and held his ringing phone. He answered it. “Yes Hyung?” I languidly stared at him for a moment. I shrugged and started to walk away, exiting the rooftop.




“Really?!” I almost shouted when I saw that the cafeteria was closed. Why in the hell would they close the freaking cafeteria. I had no choice but to go with other options. I cursed the world. Why would they be not available now, when I was so lazy to even go anywhere.


I sighed frustratingly and decided to walk away from that useless cafeteria. I am so damn hungry right now. But I’ve got no choice but to drive to get to a restaurant, a girl’s gotta eat though. 

Right now the doctors had been checking again the levels of the calcium, serum glucose, potassium and some whatsoever of my parents. So I’ve got time to eat and roam around.


I went straight to my car and started to drive. I turned to some streets that were still familiar to me so that it won’t be hard to go back. But these streets got ty foods. I mean, I don’t even know these fast foods. I was about to turn to another street but then I finally got my eyes on my saviour. Subway. I always loved their sandwiches.


I pulled over in front of the Subway and went inside. As I opened the entrance door I heard the door chimes getting noisy. Oh my God they still use that peace of . It had caused a few people’s attention, and they see me, eyeing my whole existence. I sent them a tawdry death glare, not giving my all because I am too occupied to deal with their s. But enough to frighten them up and swore to mind their business.


Yes, everyday is like this for me, around people. I know that the way I dress is also one of the reasons they would look at me. One is also the way I get my make-up done. But not that much right now, thanks to that hospital. Also the smug look on my face, it can’t be helped.


I leaned against the counter once my turn is up. I didn’t need to look at the menu because there’s one thing I always order in subway. “One Chicken Teriyaki.” I torpidly said to the cashier, not even looking at the person. I heard someone softly laughed. “Your favourite huh?” I looked up, seeing the cashier guy smiling brightly at me. I just looked at him straightly, not even bothering to answer. I placed my money on the counter, “Having a bad day huh?” the cashier guy said. I closed my eyes, maintaining to not be peeved by this feckless guy. I shrugged, and stood still as I wait him to give my change. He then again laughed while counting money. Please tell me he’s not going to talk again. I swear his voice is so annoying. “I’m actually kinda used to have costumers like you, but-“ “Oh my God just shut up!” I cautiously said to him, and thank God that it made him stop talking. But caused people to look at the scene.


“Just ing give me my change and my goddamn food, Jesus Christ!” I said, obviously frustrated. His radiant face had vanished and he finally gave me my change. I went towards an empty table and sat. Literally everyone is looking at me with judging faces. How I missed this, really.

The food was served to me immediately, just as I wanted. I started eating the sandwich with contentment. I was always such an eater.


I drank water after I swallowed the last bite of the sandwich. It feels so good eating an actual good food. I caressed my tummy, because of my pleasure after eating was a satisfactory. I stopped my caressing when I felt a cold material that rushed through my palms. I looked down to see what it is. It’s my belly button piercing. I’m wearing a crop top so it is visible. I almost forgot I got this done a few months ago with my boyfriend. Yes, I do have piercings. I also have one on the top most of my ear.


I stood up and left the restaurant. I could’ve ordered one more sandwich but I decided not to, cause’ I would see the pitiful cashier guy again. I drove off as I got inside of my car. I believe I’ve become farther from the hospital.

I glanced around the streets, hoping to see something interesting. And I saw an eye-catching view. The mini-stop. I really need to buy some personal things, and some snacks too. I parked my car in front of the mini-stop. I walked towards the store as soon as I locked my car securely.


I just grabbed the things that I needed, some snacks, sweets and ordered a hotdog on stick to eat while I’m on the way to the hospital. I don’t mind if I eat too much, I don’t gain weight that easily though. Hearing something familiar, I looked outside. Wow, Its raining. What a great surprise. It was awfully hot yesterday and now it’s raining hard, the weather’s got some serious PMS.


Proceeding to the glass door, I exited and was about to go towards my car- “Hurry up fat !” I shouted through the rain.  I was in the midst of the entrance, ready to leave, when this big girl was blocking my way, she was in front of the entrance door. I tried to find other ways but her plastic bags was scattered. I was getting wet because of the rain!!


She was just slowly getting out of my way because she still has to gather her messed up things. I pushed her, just enough for her to get out of my way but not to fall. But she did fall. What a weak creature. I shrugged and walked fast towards my car. I wanted to help her though, but nah.





“.” I cursed as I saw a sign that says ‘PARKING LOT FULL’. Where am I supposed to park?! Ugh. Looking around the area of the hospital, I saw some cars that had parked at the side of the hospital. Not pleasing enough but I’ve got no choice. I immediately parked my car as soon as I saw a space.

I was about to open my car door when I remembered it was raining. “.” I have no freaking umbrella. I whined furiously and waited for a moment to run to the hospital, wishing not to get wet.


As soon as I got inside, people were looking at me. Yes, because I’m drenched in rain. Great. I wiped my shoulders from the wetness and squeezed my hair, not caring about the dripping water. Am I an entertainer for them? Because I know I am quite familiar for them, and they are quite familiar for me too. I have seen others here somewhere.


I shot them a wary glare to warn them. I’ve had enough for today, I’m pretty sure they would just end up like the other people I had messed up today. Wow, I really am not in the mood today. It’s not always that I shut and mess people out.


I finally felt my body freezing as I take I look and tugged on the plastic bag. I groaned as I saw it’s also soaked in rain too. Oh God I’m freezing. Like hello, I’m just wearing a crop top and shorts, for God’s sake. Glad that I brought some extra clothes with me placed in my parents’ room.


I was about to move my off this spot when something caressed my back and shoulders with warmth. I looked to see what it is. A black jacket. I sighed as the cold feeling of mine had disappeared. But wait.                                                                                                          It’s the guy. He is facing me while he placed his jacket on me and fixed it. I tilted my face up to look up on him as I familiarize his face. I was tensed as I felt his cold breath brushing against his face. Why am I stiffening right in front of him, I don’t even know who this guy is!


I stared at him. After he had placed his jacket on me, he stared back. I came back to my senses and looked away, to his chest just below his shoulders, which only my height reaches. I’m not small, he’s just awfully tall. Not saying anything, he had walked away. I frowned, and looked at him who was currently walking away. How am I supposed to bring his jacket back?



“Hey!” I called him before he completely gets away. He tilted his head dramatically, that makes his perfect side profile visible, but makes him so cocky about himself, I rolled my eyes at him.”How will I give this back to you?” I asked. He finally turned his whole body to face me. He chuckled to himself before answering me, “Then give it back to me after you use it.” He cheekily said to me, as if we would meet again. I blinked at him, and he had completely walked away before I could even say something.


I shrugged to myself. I looked around and remembered there were people here, I totally forgot about them. 

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