
A Place to Change

I got inside of the room and looked at my parents. Aren’t they tired of sleeping? I groaned in annoyance as I remember the situation a while ago. Why do I always have to be the one who messes up things? When I just wanted to have a great time.


Feeling a pang in my head, I immediately went up to the bathroom and placed my hands on the washstand. I closed my eyes as I waited for something to come out of my mouth. But nothing’s coming out. I feel like someone’s going to vomit big time later. I got my bag and pulled out my lipstick. At least I have something to make my appearance good right now. I look like someone who has gone through the most depressing challenge ever.


30 minutes had passed and nothing unusual happened. I heard a knock on the door and the doctor from a while ago came in with a nurse with him. I fixed my position on the couch when the doctor came in. He looked at me like I’m some kind of a project.


“How’s it going Chaewon?” I wanted to roll me eyes as I hear the dull tone of the way he speaks. I stood up and faced him. “Never been better” I half smiled at him, trying to prevent my sarcastic tone. He raised his eyebrows, and nodded, hinting out my sarcasm. He turned around and focused on my parents.


“So what are you gonna do?” I curiously asked the doctor and peeked behind them to see what they’re doing.


“We are going to give them medications and monitor their current condition, just to make sure they’re okay.” The doctor simply said to me. I don’t even know what is the name of the doctor of my parents.


“Is it going to take long?” I asked him. He then turned around to see me and looked at me. I flinched as he placed his left hand at my shoulder, I slightly backed up a little because of his sudden actions.


“You could get some fresh air out there and come back if you’ve rested enough.” He smiled at me while I focused at his eye wrinkles forming.

I slightly nodded, and walked out of the room, not showing any courtesy to him. I find his personality boring anyways. 


I decided to go in the cafeteria, until I didn’t know where I am right now. Every floor in the building is pretty wide and has a lot of corners. Who wouldn’t be lost here? I turned in a corner and just found people, waiting for something I guess. I scanned the room and I was about to leave when I landed my eyes on someone familiar.


As I recognized who it is, I immediately stormed towards her. She was the one I asked to ing look after my parents. I didn’t notice I already gained audience as I marched to her. I think it is because of just my eye-catching appearance or my dramatic stomping, or both.

I placed my hand on her shoulders and dragged her to face me.  “Hey you , Where the hell were you?” I didn’t specifically mean to call her that, but I said it with sarcasm and it creased her face more.


“I was working.” She stated the words with politeness. And I can’t believe she can just go easy with me. Since I was getting irritated with her, I want to shout at her. “Look at what have you done to my parents!! You are supposed to look after them! Aren’t  you a nurse?!” I started, her face began to show reactions.


“Yes, I am a nurse but I am not someone who needs to take care of your irresponsibility, I had lots of work to do.” I still hear the politeness of her voice but I could sense her displeasure behind it.


“I gave you money, I paid you!” I said, trying not to growl at her. I think my monthly period is getting near. I’m getting mood swings, and this girl isn’t helping at all. She reached out for her pocket, I was confused as I watched her. Eyeing her from head to toe, I noticed she had a nametag on her upper left chest. So her name is Jihye.


“Now you didn’t.” She held my hand and almost slammed the two 50,000 won bill to it. I closed my hands tightly, not caring even if the money was crumpled in my hands. She is so getting in my nerves. But now isn’t the right time, I’m starting to get dizzy.


“.” I lastly said and before I walked out of the place, I noticed some people were looking at me with different judgements on their faces. Some of them were familiar to me already, since I’ve been here for almost one and a half week. What a great way to create a reputation, I’m used to it though. I smugly looked at them and flipped my hair before walking away.



I peeked through the open door at the highest floor of the building. I think this is the rooftop. As I took a walk to see what’s in there, I saw such a wonderful view. While I walk to see a better view, I suddenly felt something going up through my chest. I held my stomach and placed my hand on my thighs. I looked up to see my surroundings and saw a boy coming towards my direction. When he stopped in front of me and met my eyes, I think he was a bit taken back. Do we know each other?


He was about to say something when  the awaiting liquid inside my stomach had finally got out. I closed my eyes and placed my hand on his shoulder while vomiting. Yes, I’m gross, I know that. After all my vomiting, I swear I think that was the extreme vomit I had ever let out. I wiped the sides of my mouth using the hem of my shirt. As I was about to fix my posture, my gaze stopped at his shirt, covered with my vomit. “Oh, geez.” I gaped at him, meeting his disappointed look.


This guy is freaking tall. He has a lopsided grin, which makes him look more disappointed, plus his frown. That is making him look more hot and attractive.  Not knowing what to say, I just stood in front of him and looked at him. He looked at me with raised eyebrows and his eyes, getting wide. Even though he already has those bright, wide eyes.



For not so long, he finally spoke, “You know what, just have this.” He handed me a cup of ramen that is still untouched. I got the ramen from him and he lastly said, “Since I lost my appetite.” He abruptly looked at me and his shirt, with the mixture of my vomit and walked away while cleaning his shirt with his handkerchief.


I shrugged at the scene, not paying attention to it. I took the last glance where he had left and walked towards the benches to sit. Looking at the ramen just given to me, I opened it and sniffed it a little. It is still hot, just as I needed.



I threw the cup of ramen I had just finished a while ago in the rooftop. I’m feeling a lot better now, compared a while ago. But still has a pang of ache in my head. Placing my hands on the pocket of my jacket, I wandered around the hospital. Though it’s awfully boring, I tried to find something entertaining. I roamed around in every hallway, white painted, boring hallways you mean.


As I turned in a hallway, I saw a lounge, with around ten to fifteen people staying in here. And there I saw a television. That I haven’t seen for so long. I walked towards the front of the television, standing up near some people who were watching too.


When the program went on commercial, the breaking news suddenly turned up. There I saw my parents’ name. Showing the picture of the crashed airplane that I think they rode. I shifted uncomfortably as I look at the television, wanting to hear what the reporter is saying. But he is just talking about what would happen to the corporate group and their plans.

My father is one of the CEOs of a corporate group. It is successful enough to be known by people. But not that much to be ranked number 1. I just don’t pay attention to their s, what do I know about those stuff?


The news flashed again the picture of the crashed airplane, with a person explaining the things that happened. I wanted to listen attentively to the person talking just as I heard people beside me talking. “Too bad for that company.” I looked at the ground, I can’t help but to focus on what they are saying. “Yeah even though I think they are money freaks.” These two are bunch of ing clueless girls. I gritted my teeth and closed my fist to sustain myself.


The other one chuckled because of her comment. “Probably. I bet they’re sons or daughters are now crying in despair cause’ they don’t have anyone to give them money anymore.” I faced the two monkey girls who were talking . I’m not holding it in anymore.


“Can’t you two es shut your filthy mouths?!” I breathed slowly while looking at them intimately, also gaining some audience. They were taken back by my dramatic remorse. I think I’m just having such a bad day and they are making it worse. They looked at me with widened eyes, it took a while for them to realise.


“Geez, woman. You shut your filthy mouth.” Said the girl with the banana shaped face and smaller than the other, remarking my bad word I just said to them. I was about to say something when the other girl with the short hair wearing a glasses spoke. I twitched at the sight of the gap between her teeth.


“We weren’t even speaking loud enough. Are you bothered by our comments? Are you their daughter?” I almost flinched at the conspiracy. She said it with so much sarcasm and laughed with her fat cow friend, that made me so worked up.


I raised my hand and swung it to slap her face. Just a normal slap though, not much from previews people I slap. I heard some gasping from the room, but I couldn’t care much. Her cow banana shaped face friend covered because of being shocked of what I just did. While the girl I just slapped looked at me horribly while holding her right cheek.

Taking a look at the scene, I rolled my eyes. Realising this was just another frequent scene for me. I looked at them impetuously and sighed because I would just be wasting my time on them if I keep this long.


“You know what, shut your mouth. No one wants to hear your futile remarks and no one wants to see your repulsive teeth gap.” I looked around the lounge and oh boy, I’m probably famous right now. But believe me, I’ve been in the worst.


“You .” The fat cow hissed at me, when I was walking away.  I turned my head once again to face them and said “Thanks, you abominable .” I spit at her. Earning another bunch of judgemental gasps from the audience.


I once again took a last glance around the room, and there I could see the guy from a while ago, not far enough from the scene. And he is looking at me, I could see the surprised look from his face, the same reactions that people had, but with the hint of curiosity and amazement.  It must be nice having something more entertaining than watching the television, thanks to me.

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