Chapter 1: Almost Breaking

Winter's Touch





I struggled to turn off my alarm on a Monday morning. , it's Monday. Another long day of sitting, sketching, daydreaming, and sleeping my way through classes. It always haunted me when monday comes because it means submission of homeworks and school works. Oh crap. I have an essay entry due today. How come I forgot that? But who would remember doing an essay when you were in the middle of party and rave dancing on weekends? Hhmmm, I smiled at the thought. My alarm rang again, and I really have to get up. I hurried my way to the bathroom, then brushed my teeth, and put on my black shirt that has always been my favorite. I decided on my blue faded jeans and slid it all the way up my legs. I grabbed ny bag and immediately went downstairs. I made my way to the table and saw that my mom and dad, sister and brother were already there. I sat and noticed that there was not a plate on my spot. I got one and returned to the table.

"Marco, have you thought on joining the cricket team in your school?", dad said as he drank his glass of water. Harry, my older brother, glanced in my direction and to mother's, and went back to me again. I shrugged. "I don't know. I don't seem to be a bit interested in it.", I replied. Mom said, "You know what, Marco, you should have something that is worth your time and attention. Like Harry, joining the cricket team in your school. And Sandra also, getting more busy with her rehearsals for the town concert. What about you? Perhaps you have--" I rolled my fist into a ball and banged it on the table. Everyone was shocked, but not dad. Perhaps he expected it halfway. I said, "Can I decide for myself? I know what I like and what I want. And that is, nothing. Who cares if I don't have something to be proud of? Okay, you raised my older brother and my younger sister well and gladly became your puppets. So what you are doing now is working on your middle child which is me, and make this family into a happy little perfect one? I tell you, mom and dad, that won't happen. Not on the verge of your divorce." This time, everyone was shocked in my abrupt manner of saying the word. "Mom, you're getting a divorce?", Sandra asked, looking teary-eyed as ever. Harry, on the hand, was quiet and I can even see his shock. Dad denied and said, "We are not getting a divorce, Marco. You got it wrong. It's just a misunderstanding. Calm down." I laughed, and dad flashed me an angry and furious look. I said, "Misunderstand? So tell me, dad, who was it the other day on the phone? I can even remember you asking something about divorce and setting up a date on dropping the papers in mail. Huh, who was it?" Sandra was about to burst into tears. Mom hurried to her side and comforted her. Dad can't say anything since he knew I was right. I decided that I lost my appetite and maybe I can just grab a sandwich on the way. I picked my bag and left the room, without even saying goodbye to them.


I tuned in to my favorite radio station, believing that doing so can help ease my mood and the atmosphere. My favorite song came on, and I didn't notice that I was tapping my finger on the steering wheel. Listening to music can really help reduce the stress, I thought. No wonder how my Grandma was able to live such a long life, her being the music lover. I miss her. She was one of the people who truly understands me, aside from my buddies of course. In the family, she always makes me feel like I'm so great, even though I haven't achieved that much. She always compliments me even on the littlest thing. That is why I am her favorite, and I am happy with that. I just wished she was here, so that I can talk to her and be able to hear her comforting words. Then she would say, "That's okay, dear. Life can't always be smooth. It has to be rough in order for us to see the things that makes it one. And in the end, we can always make it through, and smoothen everything out. Just you wait, my son. You'll come back to me and say I'm right. I'll be expecting that, okay?". And I'd chuckle and reply, "Of course, Grandma. I know that you're right from the start. You're the best." Thinking of those times before makes my heart ache, and miss her even more. I stopped myself from crying, and stepped on the gas.

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