Best Friends with B.A.P

Best Friends with B.A.P

The LA concert was the only concert you were able to attend so far.  The boys had been gone so long and you missed them so much that you had gone all out and booked the suite with enough rooms and beds for all of you to stay there.  You had never been away from them this long in the last 5 years.  Even during the last world tour you had been able to work in more concerts.  

This tour was different too, it had a different feel then the last one.  You had never expected to start dating him, even though you had grown up next door to each other and had been inseparable.  You had only always been friends, the best of friends, but just friends.  You depended on each other for everything, even more so now that you were lovers.  

When he had first became a trainee you would sneak to the company at night pretending to be his sister and bring him and all of the other boys’ food.  When he did get the rare chance to come home he would bring them all with him and you all would never leave his or your room.  It was easy and natural to become close with all of them.  At one point you thought it would be a different member that you dated but it never happened.

During the 2 years that the boys were on a “vacation” as they like to say, it had been extremely difficult for all of them.  They had all relied on you a lot, late night talks, fests and hard core crying your eyes out.  That’s when your relationship went from best friends to lovers.  A lot changed for everyone in those two years but it all ended up for the better. 

The concert had been amazing, it was a packed house, and you had gotten a seat in the back so you could watch all that happened.  Watching the boys and their Babyz was an amazing experience.  They both loved each other so much.  They sang along to every song, they jumped, clapped, screamed and some even cried.  The tears flowed from your eyes as well when the boys teared up during the final good byes.  You knew how much this meant to them and you couldn’t be more proud.  

You jumped from your memories when the door flew open and the laughter came through the door.  They scattered to different rooms putting their stuff away.  Gukie approached and stood in front of you while you tried to lean to the side so you wouldn’t miss the movie.  “Why didn’t you come back stage today?  You should have waited for us too.”  “I sat in the back, I love watching it all, not just you guys.  I can see you guys whenever I want.”  You said with a smirk “It was amazing though, I loved every bit of it” You sat up and looked into his eyes.  He gave you his signature killer smile, winked and messed up your hair. “Next time come back stage, we missed you.”  You push his hand away and he dances into the room to put up his stuff. 

You hadn’t even noticed that Himchan hadn’t walked in with the rest of them.  He came through the door with his camera in hand, going through his concert photos.  He sits next to you without a word and puts one leg over your knee. “Chani, you’re going to smash me.” As you act like his leg weighs a million pounds.  He lifts his other leg and lays it across you as well in response.  "You should have come to visit us back stage."  With a sigh you give up, “Did you get any good pictures?”  “A few, I’ve already found my favorite, I think I’ll make it my screen saver.”  “She's that cute huh?” you say with a giggle.  “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”  He turns the camera around to show you and you suddenly regret buying him those very expensive high power lenses for his birthday.  He’s captured a picture of you looking like a proud mother, tears beginning to form in your eyes.  “Chani, no, how did you even know where I was?”  “I’ll always know where you are no matter how far apart we are.”  You push him off your legs and blush.  With a very y wink he gets up and goes to his room to put up his camera.  

It’s gotten a little chilly so you get up to get your blanket.  Guppie is struggling on the floor with his phone cord. “Guppie, where’s the cable I bought for you?”  He looks up at you a little lost “hmmmmm …”  “You can’t use those ones here remember?”  “Oh, right, its in my bag” He jumps up to go get it then pauses.  He turns to you “You didn’t come back stage” He says looking a little hurt.  “Oh, did you see the move I’ve been working on?  I did it during my solo, how did you like it?”  Before you can even answer he twists and body rolls right into you.  “It was amazing, you had babyz dropping like flies” You try to say in your most composed face.  “There’s food in the kitchen” He stares past you into the kitchen and makes a run for it. God, you hated it when he practiced his new moves on you.   You grab your blanket and head back to the couch. 

Daejae walks into the living room; you’ve refused to call them anything else for the last 4 years because whenever there’s one the other isn’t far behind.  Somehow, even though you never call either one of them by their real name everyone always knows which one you are actually referring too.  Dae picks you up off the couch and spins you in a circle.  “THAT SHOW WAS AMAZING.  EVERYONE HAD SO MUCH ENERGY!”  Laughing, you don’t fight it, “I was there and I saw it all.”  He drops you to your feet and looking at you with his hands on his hips.  “Why didn’t you come back stage?”  “I had to come back and get that ready for you.”  You say with your hand pointing behind him.  Dae turns to the kitchen and sees all the food you have prepared for them.  With a quick kiss on the cheek and a finger heart pulled from his pocket he turns to the food and leaves with a mumbled “I love you.”  You’re not sure if he’s talking to you or the food.  With a shrug you turn back to the couch. 

Jae has already made himself comfortable and has changed the TV from the movie you were watching.  You know it’s a losing battle so you sit next to him and lay your head on his shoulder.  You lose 99% of the fights with Jae, he just bats his beautiful eye lashes and you give in.  Plus they all work so hard you have a tough time telling any of them no.  “You better come back stage at the next concert.”  He says it so matter of fact you can’t do anything but agree, “Ok” He puts his arm around your shoulder then messes your hair up.  Why do they like doing that so much?  You sigh and focus on the movie.  

Zelo stumbled into the living room with food in his hand. “Did you make all of this?”  “Mhmm” He lies down next to you and puts his head on your legs that are curled up on the couch.  “It’s so good; can you please come on tour with us and cook every day? ”  He tilts his head back and gives you a pouty face.  This is still adorable AF even though he’s turned into a y, no chill beast.  “Babe, I have a job, I can’t leave it to cook, and I’m not even a cook.”  “But we miss you too, if you cook it’s a plus and why didn’t you come backstage?”  He bites down lightly on his tongue that is sticking out of his mouth and winks at you.  You tilt his head back to the movie and shush him.  

You wake up to the sound of ending credits and realize you are along on the couch.  You get up and walk to the kitchen.  They’ve devoured the food and you decide to leave the dishes for tomorrow.  You head over to the only single room and stand in the door way staring at him; he’s dead to the world, one shoe still on his foot and the other on the chair in the corner.  You chuckle to yourself a little and wonder what ever took you two so long to actually get together.  
As you take his shoe off he wakes up long enough to grab you and pull you into his chest.  Before you even know what just happened he is snoring away.  You bury your face in his chest and listen to the steady rhythm of his heart beat as you fall asleep in his arms.

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness!!! You make me fangirl even more ^0^
Please tell me,who she's with??!! XD
Chapter 1: I usually don't enjoy one shots but this is one of the very few that I do <3 good stuff