
Hot Young Blood
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"Oh my God! Kim Taehyung for God's sake stop doing that!!!" Ahreum threw a pillow on her brother's face. Taehyung, who likes to call himself V for some reason is screaming like some psychopath is chasing him. He just did that, while the family is sitting and watching a news on TV. Their mother didn't do anything, she's honestly so tired of Taehyung being like this, meanwhile their father just gave them a look, this scene is basically the norm inside their house. He's too tired to even sigh. 

"Yaaaaah! You fatty! How dare you throw pillow in this face?! Don't you know that this face might save you in the future when you starved because you didn't succeed in life?! Be careful uh!" Taehyung snapped back. Ahhh~~ Kim Taehyung, praising himself in the way when he can also insult her. 

"You know how weird you are?! You are so weird nobody will want to marry you!! You will grow old alone!" she replied. She don't know if that's possible. There's million of girls after him to the point that they don't even care if he's weird enough to be consider as crazy. Girls thought that V's 10-D personality is "cute". Honestly, she rolled her eyes on that . Dancing in public to embarass himself, acting like a monkey in public, or being just the weirdest you can imagine is not consider "cute". It's scary.

"You think you are?! You think Jin hyung will be there for you forever?!" he shouted. That's when their mother had enough.

"YAH! STOP SHOUTING AT EACH OTHER AND LET ME BE AT PEACE!!!" she shouted on top of her lungs. Her two children treat each other like mortal enemies. She can't remember raising two monkeys who does nothing but to throw banana peel at each other. 

"I honestly don't know what to do with you two! What if me and your father were gone?! Are you going to kill each other?!" she added.  Taehyung and Ahreum stared at each other will full hatred.

"Aigoo. You're making me die. Aigooo." she said while clutching her chest. She stand up and went towards somewhere, leaving her family at the living room. When she was gone, their father started to clear his voice. Both youngsters sit straight. Their father is a military colonel. He is tall, good looking man with masculine figure. He looks like Taehyung so much, and a little bit of Ahreum. 

"I'll go sleep." he said and stand up. Leaving the two in silence at the living room. Ahreum is the first to stand up to go to her room and to have enough of this day. 

Taehyung was left there. He stared at nowhere and sighed. Is he really crazy? He stood up and went to his room to wrap up the day.

Inside her room, Ahreum stared at the wall, where Jin and her picture is hanging. They were posing really sweet on that picture. She smiled. Jin is such a nice guy, too nice that she thought he's too good for her. Once in their relationship, everyone said that. "Kim Ahreum is JUST pretty. Nothing really special about her." everyone says. Everyone starts blaming Taehyung for building up the foundation of their relationship, it's halfly true, since if it's not for her brother, she will never get a chance to know Jin's existence, to sum it up, she won't be happy as she is today.

Her smile faded as she remember what Taehyung said earlier. She's really sensitive when it comes to this kind of things. Jin is one of the most important person in her life, and the idea of losing him will surely be the reason of her slow death.



In the middle of the class, Ahreum's eyes caught the cherry blosson just beside the window where she seated. She started drawing invisible circles on her desk while looking at it. God~ how she wish she can just head to vacation and be free and have some extraordinary fun. Their parents promised them a vacation on a beach. But that promise is getting really old.

They're currently studying English Literature which she's sure everyone is just pretending to listen and understand.

"Va.ca.tion. Va.ca.tion. Va.ca.tion. Beach. Sand, water, palm trees, seagulls." she murmur. Their teacher who's drown in teaching, caught Ahreum murmuring something.  She smirk first before clearing .

"Ah, yes seagulls." Ahreum daydreamed.

"Kim Ahreum who wrote 'Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise'?" the teacher asked. Ahreum didn't pay any attention on the question.

"Seagulls." she even raised her hand. Laugh can be heard all over the classroom. Even Jin can't hold back his laugh, everyone including the teacher laugh at her.  Her bestfriend, Jiyeon shook her head and pinch her sides.

"Why seagulls? It's Shakespeare!" she whispered. Ahreum just went with the flow and fake a laugh. Such an embarassing scene!

"Ms.Kim? Are you daydreaming about having a vacation already? That reminds me! Since spring break is just around the corner.." the whole class cheered. Ahreum is the one who lead the cheer, and everyone is cheering with her.

"Yah! I'm not done speaking up yet!" their teacher shouted. The class went back to normal.

"Spring break will officially start next week. I suppose everyone knows that already. Before everyone go straight to vacation, you have to do a requirement." this is the time where everyone groans. 

"Read Oscar Wilde's 'The picture of Dorian Gray'. The new semester will be all about the appreciation on the stories by classic novelist." she announced. A lot groaned. The school bell rang and everyone started cheering up again. The teacher left the room and Ahreum stretch up on her seat. 

"Aigoo. This seagull brain. C'mon, let's put make up on. I don't want my Min Yonggi to see me ugly." she said. Ahreum scoffed hard. Jiyeon has this delusion of Suga being her boyfriend, which he isn't, he barely even look at her.

"That's right! Dream on my friend. Dream on." she chuckled. Suddenly, Jin appeared in front of her, behind him is his three other henchmans, Jhope, Namjoon, and Suga, who's looking as pale as ever. Jiyeon froze on the freaking spot. 

"So, seagull huh? Did you say it because you're actually thinking of it?" Jin joked. Ahreum waved her hands 'no'. Behind Jin is his henchmans, Jhope, Namjoon, and Min Yonggi, who looks as pale as ever. Jiyeon froze on the spot.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... Right now, seagull is too surreal." she replied and shook her head.

"By the way, we would like to invite you and Jiyeon of course." Namjoon said.

"Invite where?" Ahreum asked. 

"We'll go to the beach, on spring break, with everyone." he announced. Ahreum scoffed hard.

"Yeah, right!" Ahreum and Jiyeon high fived. She thinks that Namjoon is really good at jokes.

"But it's true though. I miss going places

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Chapter 10: I'm waiting for that scene in the prologue to come up
Angsty Jungkook is making me sad
Yoongi and Jiyeon is kinda angsty too
Queenjk #2
Chapter 9: Poor jungkook...
ayamimi #3
it such a beautiful story .. I can't wait to read it
Thank u for giving us a story like this of kookie
I'll support you
Chapter 5: This story has too much feels~~ I can't even >.< Author nim? Wae?/
ruvyduvy #5
Beautiful Story!
radish_kimchi #6
Chapter 2: JEON JUNGKOOOOOOk*Jimins voice* MY heart hurts for him.
radish_kimchi #7
Chapter 1: Authornim good start now to wait for next update. Fighting!!