Summer Violin Romance


A young woman who is extremely shy; a type of girl who is very hesitant and easily gets easily intimidated despite coming from a well-off family. The young woman plays the violin because she comes from a family of renowned musicians; her mother is a famous pianist while her father is a famous violinist, that's why her life revolves around music and her daily routine is sleep, wakes up, takes a bath, play the violin, sometimes she eats or cooks and goes to the library to read books about music then she repeats the whole process but then her cousin who loves romantic stories enters her in a reality show that will make her a little bit exciting, challenging and she will feel those overhelming feelings. Will the young girl change? or the reality show will just make her more stuck of what she is now?...lets find out in the story.


Genre : Romance, Drama and Comedy
Main Characters:
Hwang ________ (You) :
A seventeen year old young woman who is shy, hesitant and easily gets intimidated despite coming from a well-off family. Her life revolves around music; she played the violin when she was still five years old but she only sometimes plays in public because of her shy personality and she easily gets nervous. Other than playing the violin and reading books, she also likes to eat sweets like cakes and white chocolate.
Kim Kyoung Jae (Eli):
- A nineteen year old guy who is the rapper of U-Kiss. Eli is said to be the most handsome member of U-Kiss because of his charismatic looks and also the funny mood maker in the group because of his funny expressions and sense of humor.
Minor Characters:
U-Kiss :
- One of the most popular groups in Korea and in other parts of the world. They are very talented guys who are charismatic on stage but when they are off stage, they are like normal guys who likes to have fun. U-Kiss loves their fans and they always remain humble even they are now at the height of their career.
Nicole Jung :
-An eighteen year old young woman who plays the clarinet and a little bit of the piano. She is your energetic cousin who loves reading romantic stories and she always helps you to change into a more sociable person.
(many more characters to come)~^^
I hope that all of you likes the characters of my first ever story here :)
I am anticipating your comments~^^
no silent readers please.


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New reader here! & I gotta say I LOVE YOU FF!!!!!!!!11
i love it, it is so cute <3
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Update!!!<br />
The 2 chapters u updated is so cute nd i liked it! Update soon
Update :D
WAAAHH!!!!!! Update!!!<br />
Heylow there~! Silent reader here nd new btw, liked ur fic. Update soon~! Its cute btw. I'll subscrbe
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....update again XD
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