First Fall

The Fall of Autumn


 “Shut up.” Now pissed, I slammed my hand on the table which made everyone look at me. It was a wrong move as I heard the bell from the librarian and saw her brows raised on me.

“We don’t tolerate noise inside the library. You may go out.” I bowed my head as her stern voice echoed on the room and people were all looking at me, waiting for me to walk out the door. Filled with embarrassment, I bit my lip and gathered my things before glaring for the last time to Kai who was widely smiling.

“Hey!” Kai ran behind me and attempted to bring my things for me but I gave him a cold shoulder and continued walking. “Okay, look, I’m sorry. Please.” He muttered as we walked through the hallway-packed students. “I’m serious A.” I sighed as I stopped on my steps and faced him and pushed all the books in my hands on his chest. Good thing his reflexes were fast that he was able to grab all my things. In my peripheral, I saw how he had his usual grin again before finally walking again.

“Is my sorry really not enough?” He started again and just by the change of tone, we’re back to that same topic he was bugging me about just before we, no scratch that, before I was distressingly exiled from the library.

“A, I said I’m sorry.” I rolled my eyes for the nth time as I hear Kai’s line again for the past 2 hours. History lecture had just finished yet the only thing that repeat in my mind is his ‘I’m sorry’ and not the professor’s lecture.

I threw him an annoyed look before heading off again. He was tall, and in a matter of seconds, he was walking side-by-side me again and got my books from me which I was actually getting tired of already. “Come on A, I really need you right now!” this time, he whined like a baby as he looked at me with pleading eyes. That won’t work on me you devil. I ignored him yet again and heard him sigh in frustration. My lips quirked up, finally!

“You leave me with no choice A.” I rolled my eyes at him and continued walking.

“Sehun! Good to see you pal!” Kai shouted which made me halt in my steps. I looked back at him and saw his victory smile. “I have a lot to tell you. Girls confess their love for you to me left and right and I would love to update you.” He was now waving to his best friend Oh Sehun, my long-time crush and unfortunately, only he knows.

I closed my eyes and triend to contain myself from throwing my shoes to Kai. him for ruining my plans for the day! Urgh!

“Fine arsehole!” I managed to say through gritted teeth as I saw him sling an arm on Sehun’s shoulder and started whispering. Kim Jongin is a freaking devil, and I swear I heard his annoying laugh as I walked to the parking lot.

His black Hummer stood out on the lot. I ran to it and in frustration, I kicked the will but it was a big mistake. I whimpered in pain as I leaned on the car. Kai’s laugh resonated and I was welcomed by his amused expression.

“Take it easy A! You okay?”

Pissed, I gave him a mocking glare and rolled my eyes as he opened the passenger seat for me. Oh, I won’t give you the satisfaction you devil! I passed by him, purposely bumping his arm with my shoulder, and opened the back seat for myself and shut if loud enough for him to wince for his baby. He ran his fingers to his hair, as if calming himself, before taking the wheels.

“So, I was planning on renting this place for our anniversary.” He started as he maneuvered the car and looked at me through the rear view mirror.

I’m really pissed so I paid no attention and fiddled with my phone. He then cleared his throat from my ignorance, “Or I could call Sehun t-“

My eyes widened, “It’s a ing good idea Kai! Tell me your thoughts!” I said with sarcasm and saw how he smirked after getting a rather long response from me. “Seriously, it is.” I nodded and realized that we reached Four Seasons Hotel.

Kai stopped the engine and opened the door for me. “Seriously A, I look like a driver every time I’m with you!” he whined

“I will gladly leave Kai.” I smiled at him and he shook his head before leading me inside.


We were welcomed by the hotel manager and led us into some kind of hall which was enormously big for the event but nonetheless, it was nice. I turned to Kai who was listening intently to the staff.

“Hey, isn’t this a bit flashy? I mean for a simple anniversary celebration?” Kai turned to me, “You think so?” I nodded and scanned the place again, “It’s a bit awkward.”

He nodded and turned to the manager as if discussing things and in an instant, we were ushered to another room which was smaller but more fitting for the occasion. I nodded to Kai as he asked me if this was okay.


It took an hour to finalize things at the hotel and Kai was very sorry for me who missed my class. Yes, I missed class but I don’t really hold him responsible, it’s my choice. Kai was guilty and drove to CO-EX Mall to make up to me.

“Kai, you don’t need to.” I repeated for the nth time but he was closed ears on me and dragged me to my favorite fast food.

He looked at me sternly and made me sat on our usual place. “I’ll order you stay here okay?” I just nodded.

I opened my phone and saw numerous calls and texts from Krystal, somewhere from my cousin Lay and some classmates. They were all asking where I was.

From: Stal ♥

A! Where are you?

You’re ditching class?

Park Ga Eul! Ever heard of reply?

Argh. Still alive?


From: Yi Xing

Mei, let’s meet.


I smiled at the texts and replied to them.


To: Stal ♥

I had stuff to do. You out?


Yeah, I had to leave out the part that I am with Kai. Everything needs to go to plan and I hope she likes what Kai will do for her. I need to keep quiet as well because the two are actually in a fight and I don’t freaking know what’s wrong. It’s like their 5th quarrel for the month. Argh. These brats!

Kai had been bothering me for the day because he wants me to help him make up with Krystal but I really don’t know where to start with these to, a second their lovey-dovey and another second they are at war. And now, Kai’s arranged a big surprise for Stal on their 3rd anniversary and he wants me plan it with him, saying, I trust you Park Ga Eul. Tss.


From: Stal ♥

Thirty minutes more. I miss you!! :(


To: Stal ♥

I know! I’ll see you tomorrow Stal! :)


From: Stal ♥

Okay. Don’t forget sleep over tomorrow evening!


“Who got the high and mighty A to smile?” Kai mocked as he placed our food on the table.

I rolled my eyes at him and showed him Krystal’s name. His eyes glistened in awe and I just had to laugh at him.

“Yah! My phone might melt!” I mocked him this time and threw him a piece of French fries which he caught by his mouth. He sent me a glare and I just pouted and mouthed him, Showoff.

“Kai, just make up with Soojung again so you’ll stop bothering me.” I said as I sipped on my drink.

He flicked my forehead which earned him a kick on his legs. “Yah! I’ve been trying to reach her, but she keeps on shutting me out. She’s got my number blocked as well.”

“Well maybe you’ve gone out with your s again and she saw you!” I accused, of course, my friend won’t shut Kai off without a valid reason.

“Park Ga Eul, you know how I am. I barely go party anymore because it’s what she wants. Besides, I been keeping tracks of my actions and I think none of it is worth shutting me off.” He countered.

“I still don’t trust you.” I stuck my tongue at him and he rolled his eyes in defeat. “What you need right now is to go back to school and at least show Krystal your face!”

“I know, what about you?” He asked as he munched on his hamburger.

“Gross. Chew before you talk will you?” I threw him another fries and yet again he caught it with his mouth. “I’m meeting with Lay oppa.”

“He’s in Seoul?”

“Apparently, he texted me just now.” I shrugged and kicked Kai underneath the table.

“Yah! What was that for!” He asked massaging his leg. “Soojung’s class ends in 5 minutes!”

His eyes widened and immediately stood up. “I’ll call you later okay? Take care! Tell Lay hyung we should meet!” He then stormed out of the fast food to his waiting Hummer. I had to shake my head at him. Seconds after, my phone buzzed.


From: Yi Xing

Where exactly at COEX?


To: Yi Xing

Secret. Find me ;)

From: Yi Xing

Park Ka Eul!


To: Yi Xing

Arasso. Meet me at COEX Aquarium in 15.


After finishing my snack, I headed to COEX Aquarium where I saw a grumpy looking Lay clad in a three-piece suit. I had to remind myself to be careful of my words than trigger the monster in him.

“Zhang Yi Xing!” I ran up to him and hugged him. He did hug me as well but was looking at me with thin eyes, “Oppa!” I added.

“You’re staying here?” I asked as we walked through the pathway.


“I visited you at school, Krystal said you were MIA.” He opened up, “It’s unusual of you.”

I nodded in agreement. Actually, ditching class is very unusual of me because I was known as the academically-inclined, rule abiding student of Seoul High. I’m known for the achiever and perfectionist that I am and I like it to stay that way. A while ago, I had lost count of time and actually let myself break the rules just for once.

“I was with Kai, he had some stuff done for Soojung.” I explained as he eyed me as if dissecting my thoughts. “And oh, he said he wants to meet you.”

Since middle school, Yi Xing and Kai had been in the same dance team at school and I actually got to know him through Yi Xing.

“So you’re still the bridge between those two?” He speculated which made me throw him a punch on the arm.

I rolled my eyes at him, “I’m not a bridge okay? I’m merely helping her. You know how Soojung is, she’s not good at expressing her thoughts, while Kai is the one who overly expresses things.” I pointed out.

Yi Xing nodded, “Okay. Just be sure things won’t go wrong.” He meaning fully said and ruffled my hair and pulled me to another aquarium with numerous fishes.


Won’t go wrong? What the hell is Yi Xing talking about?


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