Skating Rink

Skating Rink

 He was always there, but he never came with someone, he was always by himself. Not that he seemed like he minded being alone.

He would skate around the rink for hours, flocks of girls would swarm to the rink everyday after school, just to watch him skate.

You knew next to nothing about him, all you knew was his name - Donghae.
He was amazing, he skated like he had been taught to skate before walking. It was hard to get close to him on the ice because of all the other girls who followed him around.

You wished you could get close enough to talk to him, just say hi, but he didn't even know you existed…

You stumble around on the ice, still learning how to keep your balance - but it was difficult with the swarms of crazy, lust driven girls flying around you.

It seemed like everyone except you knew how to skate, but you were determined. You would stay until closing if it meant that you would one day be able to skate like Donghae.

Eventually the herd of girls died down, finally it was just you and Donghae.
He was still skating, looking at nothing in particular.

You questioned if he ever spoke, or stopped skating - it was almost as if his life depended on it.

You sighed and continued lumbering across the ice, the soft whoosh of Donghae's skates passing you every once in a while.

The loud 'clack' 'clack' 'clack' of your skates echoed throughout the rink, clashing with Donghae's hushed scraping.

Your leg slips, you fumble around for a few seconds, arms flailing everywhere. Your was going to be sore tomorrow if you fell again.

Just as you were about to wipe out, powerful arms wrapped around your waist - steadying you.

"Lean forward," a soft voice whispered into your ear. You obeyed and bent forward a little.

"Now bend your knees," his lips tickled your ear, shivers ran up your spine -his voice sounded like raindrops.

He began gently pushing you forward - still holding onto your waist - he smelt so good.

It was a sharp, clean smell. Kind of cold, but very inviting at the same time - you were glad he was helping hold you up, other whys you probably would have fallen over.

You skated like that for quite a while, Donghae's arms wrapped around you, lightly pushing you along the ice.

"Donghae…" you whisper. You voice sounds foreign, like it didn't belong to you.

He doesn't answer, but you can feel his cold breath on your neck.

You close your eyes, admiring his strength and agility. He starts to slow down, you open your eyes, bitter that this divine evening had come to an end already.

Just as you were about to thank him for saving you from falling, he leans forward and sweeps his lips against yours.

You gasp, but he tasted so good. He wraps his arms around you, sheltering you from the cold of the rink.

"I've always wanted to meet you and speak to you the second I saw you…" he murmurs.

You wreathe your arms around his waist, giggling. How ironic.

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Chapter 1: shy Donghae no? hahaha cute
cuuuteee^^ I actually visualized it hehe
Chapter 1: So cute!! Kyahh <3
lileewd #4
ME TOO lovesastroboy, ME TOO!!!! THAT SHOULD BE ME!! :3 SOOO SWEET!! You should make a sequel..
oh my!!! its really sweet!! i want to get to know Donghae too!!! ^3^
cute !