this chapter is dramatic. (kind of)

If you were The daughter of Shinee's manager.. :> [temporarily on HIATUS]

Minho's POV

We just finished their recording at starking

I think I made a good impression on Soo-kyung's mom kekekeke..

*ring ding dong ring ding dong ring diggi ding diggi ding ding
my phone rang.. . an unregistered number? is it a crazy stalker fan? -___- seriously, I already have a girlfriend
ugh .. but, it might be someone important.. I think Imma answer

I answered the call ,  and I did not speak..

"yeobosayeo? minho ssi? this is soo-kyung's mom" OHMYGOD IT'S HER MOM

"ah! yeboseyo~ .. why call. u-umma?" I just called her umma OHMYGOOOOOOOOD , okay I'm over reacting.. now take a deep breath choi minho DEEP BREATH

"ah, I just called to tell you.. your relationship with soo-kyung.. I dont approve of it.. so from now on you guys are OVER"

"excuse me?"

"you heard me, your not soo-kyung's boyfriend anymore, in fact she's going on a date with kim bum later"

"kim bum!?"

"yes, her fiance" F-FIANCE!?

"fiance?how-how could she have a fiance when she's got me? " I felt tears building up in my eyes

"your not her boyfriend anymore, soo-kyung doesn't like you... she doesn't..and besides, I approve of kim bum for my daughter, you see, my daughter and kim bum are meant to be, their zodiacs, their birth stones even their blood types are compatible"

"b-but soo-kyung, she loves me.. she.. she will never-"

"minho ssi , soo-kyung does not love you.. if she did love you.. then why did she agree, on going on a date with kim bum? see? this is why I don't approve of you.. your so desperate! how pathetic! Your relationship with my daughter can never be , I am done talking. good day" and she ended the call..

I felt tears flowing down my cheeks... seriously, I'm choi minho , voted as most athletic among all the idols, I'm strong, but why.. why am I crying.. and worse over a girl
I knew it.. girls .. they're all the same they-

"minho! why are you crying!?" key rushed to comfort me

"k-key.." I could'nt say it.. I can't , the words just won't come out

"what's wrong?!" he asked worriedly

"soo-kyung.. and kim bum.. date.. soo-kyung.. and me.. over.. she. likes.. kim bum.." I spoke slowly

"BWO!?" key was surprised " kim bum and soo-kyung!?.. that bastard"

I nodded my head, and I clenched my fists " I knew it, love .. it never takes you anywhere It'll just end up hurting you.. I hate girls.. they're all the same.. soo-kyung she.. she's no exception.. she's just another .. like jessica...." I mumbled carelessly as I clenched my fists

key slapped me on the face, I could feel the burning sensation on my cheek , " how could you say that!?" he screamed as he grabbed my collar, and he slammed me into the wall
all the other members went rushing after they heard key scream, taemin , onew , and Jonghyun pulled key away from me

"ya! let go of me! I need to teach this bastard a lesson" key struggled , why is he mad at me? when, he should be mad at soo-kyung for hurting me!

"key! what has gotten into you!" onew growled


"YAA!!! I thought I said NO fighting!!!!" Taemin was about to cry

"ya! Choi minho , how could you say that, HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT SOO-KYUNG IS LIKE THOSE OTHER GIRLS!?HOW COULD YOU SAY YOU NEVER LOVED HER!?.did.. you.. did you even.. listen Minho. LISTEN. I loved soo-kyung minho, she was the first girl I ever took interest in.. she was my first love.. I WANTED HER SO BAD .. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I DID!? I GAVE HER TO YOU! i SURRENDERED HER TO YOU.. I GAVE UP MY FIRST LOVE BECAUSE I KNEW SHE WAS HAPPY IN YOUR ARMS.. I TRUSTED YOU MINHO.... WHY? BECAUSE I KNEW YOU LOVED HER TOO"key was still struggling

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT SHE'S LIKE JESSICA! SHE'S NO MINHO! YOUR THE BASTARD!!! CAN YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF NOW?!* key calms down a little* choi Minho, look at me.. and tell me DO YOU LOVE SOO-KYUNG OR NOT.. cause if you don't I'll take her back."

every word that came out of key's mouth was like a bullet . it was killing me slowly..
I looked at key, his eyes full of anger and hatred.. I just looked at him , he was waiting for my reply.. I love soo-kyung . yes , I do.. I have no doubts on my feelings.. but why can't I say it..

"minho, you can't say it can't you? your pride is too powerful isn't it? we all know you like soo-kyung.. no.. you love her.. but you can't say it. cause your too afraid to hurt yourself.." jonghyun hyung looked at me with disgust

I looked at key straight in the eyes.." i love her. I love soo-kyung.. and she loves me."

"she doesn't love you" key smirked

"no she does. I know.. I just know.. because she.. she's not just an ordinary girl.. she different.. that's why. that's why I fell in love with her" I finally said it.

key smiled " then go and ruin her date"

"but manager hyung-"

"don't worry we'll take care of him" Jonghyun hyung smirked

I was about to rush out when key pulled me back "nuh-uh minho ssi, your not gonna ruin a date looking like that *he showed me a mirror* "

Oh mygod he's right I look like a maniac. my eyes were kinda red from crying, my hair..ugh my hair

"sit, and we'll fix you" key smiled slyly , I just obeyed

key looked at onew "hyung, flowers" he ordered
"yes mam.. I mean sir" onew got his phone and started making calls

key looked at Jongyhun " yeobo, clothes" he snapped
"yes, yeobo" and jonghyun hyung ran to the closet

"me? me? what will be my mission umma?" Taemin was overly excited
"taemin *key looks at Taemin* go and with pikachu"
"ehh? but what about my mission?" Taemin whined
*I seriously can't trust this maknae with anything * key thought
"playing with pikachu is your mission" key looked at taemin with a serious expression
"aish.." and taemin trailed off with his pikachu

now for you hair and make up ..
"need help?" dannah noona , suddenly popped out of no where
"yes , noona just in time, we need you to give minho his best look EVER"
noona smiled slyly at key

"okay now I will get manager hyung busy " key smiled and he trailed off


next chapter's title: I'm here to take back what's mine.

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Chapter 51: unnie plssssssssssss
updates soon, I want to read more of your facfic
Chapter 5: lol. Onew's funny. 'I've never felt this way ever since Imet chicken.' lol. RLAB. XD
ontaetae #3
ill wait fmor your comback!!
readingglass #4
atemin111 <3
How long will you be on hiatus? New reader here!!
jhel24 #6
wow ,.. unni so yepuda .. and minho so chalsaenggata i really like those conversation .. <<<< :)
ForeverFifi #7
Just started reading, love your fic:)
I really love ur story!!! <3 love it sooooo much! HWAITING
kyaaah! choha! (/^o^)/ pls update soon!^^ we'll wait! really really like the story!