
Jinkook one-shots~24/7=heaven

Jungkook had never liked Jimin. No, I didn't. He liked Jimin in a brotherly way. So when Jimin had asked him out, Jungkook was left speechless. The boy only was able to stutter out a apology and mutter that he only thought of Jimin as a brother. Unfortunately, Jimin being the big cry baby he is, exploded into tears. And so, that was why Jungkook was sitting at lunch with all his friends scolding him on breaking his other friends heart. Jungkook tapped the table and sighed. Why did nobody ever take in account of HIS feelings. He liked Jin-Hyung. Seokjin.... Beautiful, sweet, kind SeokJ- "Yah! Jungkook! You even paying attention anymore?!" The younger boy snaps his head up in guilt, looking up at a pissed off Yoongi. "S-sorry Hyung....." The older sighs. "So mind telling us what you were thinking about?" Yoongi purses his lips and looks at Jungkook, expecting a straight answer. Jungkook hesitates, "I-I.... I like s-someone else...." The younger boy stutters out. 

Yoongi can't believe what he just heard. And from the others faces, they don't believe it either. The younger boy was usually cold or shy, didn't like anyone.... But... He just ADMITTED to liking someone else. He LIKED someone! How....? When...? "Who?" Yoongi turns to RapMon, his suprised and shocked look being replaced with a calm and serious one. Of course, leave it to Namjoon. "U-um.... I'd rather not s-say..." The younger boy says shyly. Since when did he stutter? "Why not?" The voice comes from Hoseok, who looks completely puzzled. The only one who wasn't frazzled at all being TaeHyung. Wait... Duh! TaeHyung and Jungkook were best friends, meaning the 4D alien knew! "Jungkook, do ANY, ANY, of us know who it is?" Yoongi says slowly, stealing a glance  at a pathetic looking Jimin. "U-um... I-" the younger is cut off. "I do." TaeHyung says causally. "Oh?" RapMon looks at TaeHyung. "Yeah." V looks at him blankly, than grins. 

"Hey.... Y-Yoongi Hyung....?" Yoongi turns around to face Jungkook. "Hey!" He smiles at the timid younger. "S-so, I-I'm gonna tell you who I like.... B-but promise not to tell anyone?" The younger swallows, eyes darting away. "I won't tell." Yoongi nods, he won't. "I-I like J-Jin H-Hyung-G......." The younger swallows thickly, playing with the ring wrapped around his finger nervously. Yoongi isn't suprised, he suspected that the younger liked the eldest. But the whole situation worked, after all, Jin liked Jungkook back, plus, that mean Yoongi had JIMIN all to himself! "Alright! I'll help get him for you." The younger smiled slightly, "thanks Hyung...."

Jungkook couldn't believe this was actually happening. He inhaled. Okay Jungkook you got this..... Okay, no, you don't. Jin smiled. "Hey!" Jungkook smiled back, shyly waving at the older. "Hyung... How are you?" Jin nods, "good!" Jin kisses his lover on the cheek. "No need to be nervous~" the older laughs. "Hyung~" Jungkook whines, looking at the older from underneath his lashes. The older swallows thickly and turns away, "l-lets just go...." Jungkook laughs, excited that Yoongi Hyung would be asking out JIMIN in a very dramatic way. "Oh... Wait. One last thing...." Jungkook looks at the older. "Hmmm.....? What?" Jin looks at him confused. "Love you." Jungkook smiles and pulls the elder in, kissing his soft plump lips. He never expected to be with the one he loved so dear thanks to Yonongi.

Jin couldn't help but be shocked at the sudden connection of their lips, but the shock passes quickly. His arms wrapping around Jungkook's this waist, pulling the younger closer, the sweet sensation of their lips moving, Jungkook's hands moving through his hair, Jin practically melts. He loves the younger so much, and their first kiss they both share is sweet. Both of thier lips molding together. Jin loves him so much. He wants to be with him 24/7, because when Jin was with his lover, it was litterally heaven.

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