
Jinkook one-shots~24/7=heaven

He loved him so much. Yes, Jin loved Jungkook. Even if the love is forbidden. They would still meet at night or in the early morning to embrace. No matter how messy, no matter if they were caught, even if it would be the last, they always would meet in silence. Lips colliding, sweet words whisperd in the dark. Waves lapping at the shore. Headlights passing over their embracing bodies, the people behind the wheels unsuspecting, nobody knew of thier forbidden love, not even the members. They feared they would be broken apart, feared for never being able to never touch, kiss, of meet secretly each night. Yet today they were careless. They didn't care anymore. Everyone would just have to accept them. So they openly kissed. Jin's arms circling around the younger's thin waist. The younger's arms making their way around his Hyungs neck. And just like that, all worry, all fear, melted. All that was left was a passionate kiss, love, and hope. Would their members accept it? Would they get hate? Either way, none of it matterd with Jungkook in his arms. Yes, they loved each other. Yes, the members would accept it. Yes, there will be some haters. But it would all be worth it to be with each other. No more sloppy, stolen kisses in the dark. No more flashing headlights. Only love, kisses anywhere, kisses in the dark or light, no more hiding openly talking to each other. Because everything was going to be okay, because they didn't need to hide. Because, they loved each other.

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