
Jinkook one-shots~24/7=heaven

Jungkook could still remember it clear as day. He could remember their first date, they day they met. Their first kiss.... Everything. But as he poured his heart out in heart wrenching sobs... They all became blurred. All his memories with TaeHyung, blurred, black and white. So fake and tv like. All Jungkook could do was let out sobs and tears, his dark hair sticking to his teary face. Everybody stayed quiet while the boy cried. Staring at the dark wood of the coffin his boyfriend latex in. Used to be boyfriend. The thought causing more tears to water in his eyes, making his vision swim. He kept crying until a hand on his shoulder and the rain no longer pelting him made him jerk back to reality. "Jungkookie.... Everyone's gone." He looked up at Jin. Jin's eyes were puffy from crying over his best friends death. He looked back at the rest of the group. Hoseok oddly quiet. RapMon muttering his apologies, anything he had wanted to say to TaeHyung. Jimin clung to Yoongi, the pair soaked, due to the fact neither could let go of each other to hold an umbrella. Jungkook stood shakily, Jin supporting him as he stood. The six boys walked away. Not knowing that a transparent TaeHyung followed, leaving his physical body behind.

TaeHyung watched as Jin and Jungkook grew close. As they bonded, connected, and before long, they were dating. Sharing the same bed, living together. TaeHyung felt happy, but feelings of betrayal, hurt, and anger still bubbled up slightly. It wasn't until March 23rd did he realize he needed to let go.

TaeHyung had been watching them both that day, the 24th would be the day he died, making it a year since. Jungkook was in a horrible mood, feeling sick, getting clammy. His hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. At the moment he was cuddling up to Jin. Both sitting on their plush white bed, watching tv. "I miss him..." Jungkook whisperd, eyes glazing over. "Sh..... Baby, don't be so sad... He would t want you to be..." Jin looks down at his boyfriend, concerned. "Don't be like that, don't be so hard on yourself, okay?" Jin murmmers, kissing the top of Jungkook's head. "He...." Jungkook's eyes water, tears threating to spill out, he bites his lip. Jin turns his head. "Baby...." He looks at Jungkook. "Are you gonna be okay...?" But Jungkook's tears spill, watery drops flowing down his milky skin. TaeHyung felt his heart wrench, he still caused him pain. Even when he was dead. And it probably hurt his best friend, Jin, to see Jungkook still stuck on him.... And- and Jin wrapped his arms around Jungkook and kissed him. It was a sweet long kiss full of passion. You could describe their first kiss as a heated make out section. But TaeHyung, TaeHyung felt like it was sweet, it felt like he was free. He accepted it. And Jungkook could let go. And so could TaeHyung. Those two would always be watched over by TaeHyung 24/7, while TaeHyung watched all the way from Heaven, he was finally in peace. As was the two lovers.

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