[G] Vmebtsme


Vmebtsme (Mar 23, 2016 05:54:25) says about chapter 3: [GRAPHIC FORM]
Author's name: Vmebtsme
Author's link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/1257858
Story title: Cherry Blossoms
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1104595/
Main characters: Sehun and Hyeri (OC)
Pictures link: can you pick one for me? Thank you.
Description: The story is about two teenagers after graduating from high school. Both are childhood friends and Sehun made a promise
to Hyeri that he will meet her again under the cherry blossoms 10 years later. Hyeri agreed to the promise only to wonder if 
Sehun and her will truly meet as she think waiting every year for the cherry to bloom is alright.
Genre: high school ( a little bit as it is graduation), drama with angst
Rated: nope
Quote: Let's meet again 10 years from now, around the time these cherry blossoms bloom
Colors: can you decide it? I'm not so good with colors
Designer: MYMILKYU
Password: shadow
Anything else: can you make it with cherry blossoms in the poster? Like ethereal feel?
Have you subs, sent the kp and upvoted?: I have upvoted, subs but not the kp/ free
(For free requests write a blog about the shop with banner and link back, if you can't upvote state why) 
Blog link - only for free requests: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1120624
poster/banner/bacground/cover: just poster
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