[G] SuJuNumbaOneFan - DONE


SuJuNumbaOneFan (Mar 18, 2016 20:37:34) says about chapter 6: [GRAPHIC FORM]
Author's name: SuJuNumbaOneFan
Author's link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/809467
Story title: Dinner is Served
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1102112/
Main characters: Lee Sungmin, Kim Ryeowook, and Cho Kyuhyun
Pictures link: Anything fitting is fine.
Description: When Sungmin and Ryeowook mated centuries ago, they never thought about sharing a meal. But the idea of such a thing sparks an interest in them, as the vampire and incubus decide to chose a prey together. Unfortunately, that prey happens to be Cho Kyuhyun. What none of them expect is for the two supernaturals to decide the want to keep Kyuhyun around for perhaps longer than one night.
Genre: Supernatural AU, Dark Romance, Rated
Rated: M
Quote: "You're too tempting."
Colors: Black, Red with maybe small touches of silver or white (anything dark really)
Designer: Ivy Rose
Password: Shadow
Anything else: Something similar to your Mount Kud poster in your portfolio would be nice.
Have you subs, sent the kp and upvoted?: Yes, No (free?), and Yes
(For free requests write a blog about the shop with banner and link back, if you can't upvote state why) 
Blog link - only for free requests: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1119433
poster/banner/bacground/cover: Poster and simple background, please.
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