CH.3 ♕ 032007

CH.3  032007

03102007 AT 9:36 AM  //  Im Yonkyung

Since Minji and I are both vocalists, we spen most of our days cooped up inside the recording studio just rehearsing—we'll get to learning choreography when all of the group's paperwork is set, Miyeon unni said.  Doing this as a mere trainee, well, it pretty much because you're alone in that studio with just one other person, the voice coach, for around three hours only to then head off to Japanese language or dance class.  But being in there with Minji now that we're part of the debut batch ... I don't know, there was just a very different atmosphere.  It felt alive.  It didn't even matter that we're there to rehearse our respective parts and maybe even take a shot at recording a bit for the whole day.  The whole day.  Minji's constant rambling and Jeom Jihae unni, who is the vocal coach for Nell, Epik High, our group, and future idol groups set to debut under our label, constantly rambling back keeps us all interested and willing.  It didn't hurt that she was pretty chill either.  
"God," Minji muttered into the mic as she tried to catch her breath after a nearly impossible high note, "how much longer until lunch time?"

God is correct.  Because she's equipped with such a wide vocal range, Jihae unni decided to play around with Minji's high notes for adlibs to include in our title track the moment we entered the studio at seven this morning.  This girl is really amazing, I'm telling you, but just listening to her adlibs gives me a feeling that the choreo is going to be relentless.

"We've got another two hours until lunch time, but I'm feeling awfully generous today," Jihae unni said with a smile as she stood up and Minji took this as a signal to put her headphones away and bolted through the exit of the recording booth, "I think we all deserve twenty."  She took her purse from the coffee table and gave the two of us a questioning look, "I'm going to get something from the vending machine in the lobby.  Do you two want anything?"

"Orange juice, please," came our simultaneous reply, and Jihae unni grinned.  "Okay, orange juice for both.  Don't leave this room, you got me?  We'll start off with Yoonkyung in the booth when I get back."  

With that, she took her leave.  Minji chose this moment to reach into her baggy hoodie's pockets and fished out her glasses, taking a seat next to me, making sure to spread her limbs out so that she's at a comfortable position.  Well, comfortable for her, at least.  She brought her legs up to rest atop my thighs so that I was all but immobilized.  With a grin she said, "So I was on the phone with Sungyeol last and he told me the funniest joke.  Okay, what did Tommy get from his grandmother on Christmas?"

Hearing her pronounce the American name, I couldn't help but laugh because if that was funny imagine Sungyeol saying it, oh god.  But I played along anyway.  "I don't know, what?"

Hiding her giggle behind the back of her hand, she said, "Nothing, she died on Thanksgiving!"

I facepalmed.  "What the actual hell," I deadpanned, "How was that a funny joke?  That's sick!"

"That's why they're called anti-jokes!  I mean, get with the program, unni."  

Glaring, I lightly flicked her forehead.  She swatted my hand away as I abandoned the subject saying, "So how's that boyfie of yours?"  Completely aware that she actually is boyfie-less, I know how much it ticks her off whenever people assume any guy is automatically her boyfriend because she's legit that friendly.  Plus we're to be group mates.  Better to know now about her romantic ties in case I run into one of them in the future when the feelings have gone away.

With pursed lips she muttered, "That's not funny, ahjumma," before actually catching me in a headlock.  "Ya, say that one more time and I'll have your head!"  She kept me there for a few beats before adding softly, "If there ever is I'll tell you when I'm ready."  

Score!  I disentangled myself from her arms and said, "Alright, but you know you can trust me right?"

Nodding, she pursed her lips.  "Of course!  It's just weird saying it right now, you know?  Plus we're debuting soon.  There's just going to be no time for love.  And considering the fact that it'd be weird getting involved with any of the guys under the label," her face twisted in disgust, "well, it's just gonna make things awkward."  Minji took that moment to grin, the most mischievous I've seen this whole day, "So, got any ideas as to where we're eating lunch today?"

I scowled.  No.  This is where I put my foot down.  I cannot get this girl get the best of me again, even if it was actually me that offered the first time.  "Do you mean where you're gonna be eating lunch today?  As in alone?  Never am I going to be treating you, Sungyeol, or the both of you together to a meal ever again.  You two my wallet dry!"

"Ha!" she exclaimed, "You should've know better than to invite him, you idiot!  Do you not see how tall he is?  Of course someone his size would take in a generous amount of food, especially when it's free!"

Hitting her shoulder, I whined, "I mean, I knew that, but I thought he'd have at least some humility and not eat as excessively as he usually does!"  Pointing my finger at her, I accused, "And what about you?  You're also supposed to be dieting, maknae."

"Guess what?" she asked, rhetorically I presume, then stuck her tongue out, "We don't even know if I actually am the maknae, so ha!  But seriously though, where you eating?  I'll pay for myself this time, I promise.  You can hold me to that."

"Hmmph, I doubt it," I replied, crossing my arms and giving her a disapproving glare, "Actually I'm going to my dad's' house for lunch with Yoona.  We're apparently celebrating our upcoming debuts, but I know dad's just missed us.  How can he resist his youngest daughters?"  

Yoona, my younger sister, is in the debut batch for the new girl group SM Entertainment is debuting in August so our father called us over to celebrate.  Plus dad's been nagging at us as to how we're going to handle being idols under different labels and still expect to be family so I bet that's a subject he's going to touch upon, but I don't know what he's so worried about.  Family has and will always come first to Yoona and me; we're really big on filial piety and I intend to keep it that way.  

Minji smiled.  "Ah, that's right.  The ImYoon sisters are making their debuts."  She then put her thinking face on and stated, "The media's gonna have lots of fun with that.  Imagine how much they'll be on your backs if you two ever have a fight publicized?  Thank god I'm a only child.  Speaking of which, I think I deserve to finally meet the other half of 2yoon.  I mean, I know it's gonna be weird to meet up with people from the debut batches of different agencies, but I think it'll be fun.  But fine, I guess I'll just find Sungjong or someone else to get lunch with.  So anyways, how were my notes?  Off, right?"

"What are you talking about?" I gaped, "More like off the hook!  I mean, I can only dream of reaching those notes!"

She burst out laughing.  "Okay, first off, please stop speaking like some surfer chick right off the beaches of Hawaii.  Please, just do us all that favor."  I couldn't help but glare at this because, hey, I don't talk like I'm a surfer chick!  "And, shut up!  You so can reach those notes, too!"  Snagging my lyrics sheet from the coffee table, she scanned it.  "Alright, we'll start with the basics.  Sing this part with me," she muttered, pointing out a line.

And that's basically how Jihae unni found us: being good students, harmonizing that particular part of the chorus together.

To: Queen Sungjongie 

ya do you want to grab lunch together?  yoonkyung unni is busy.

From: Queen Sungjongie 

call~ hello kitty cafe at hongdae sound good?  we haven't been there in a while!  please, please, PLEASE????

To: Queen Sungjongie 

aish, i swear you're the only guy i know who'd ever suggest that.  alright!  meet you at the entrance by 11:10.  sungjong-ah, don't be late or else i'm leaving you, i promise that.

From: Queen Sungjongie 

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, you're really the worst!  fine!  i bet i'll get there before you!

To: Queen Sungjongie 

ohohohohohohooh, don't get cocky now!  fine, whoever gets there last will treat the other for dinner!  no take-backs!!


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WARNING BTW: i've been out of touch from kpop for a while now so idk about new groups and such, so i'll be relying on past knowledge. if you guys have any sort requests, ideas, or y'know just general feedback MY INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN!! (also i'm cringing at this writing omg)
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Chapter 1: u aight u aight