Chapter 4

A Life

A/N: Chapter number 4! Please don't forget to leave me a comment. To let me know you're still with me :)

The sun had illuminated the room as Hyelin woke up. She realized, while attempting to stretch her arms, that she wasn’t alone and that she had no clothes on. Her head leaned against a sturdy chest with her blonde half pink and half blue hair sprawled all over this guy’s arm and pillow. She closed her eyes to try to remember what had happened the night before, but nothing came to her. She must have been still drunk because she was acting completely calm in her current situation.

Hyelin quickly, but quietly tried to roll out of bed. As she turned, an arm slipped around her waist and pulled her closer, so that the stranger’s chest was against her back and his head buried in her neck. Hyelin froze. She didn’t want the stranger woken up. She didn’t want the stranger to see her face. She didn’t want to see the stranger’s face either. And she most definitely didn’t want to remember how she lost her ity because of a dumb party she convinced herself to go to. So much for being social, she thought.

She slowly lifted the stranger’s hand off of her waist once she thought he went back to sleep and with her back facing him got out of the bed, picked up her clothes, and started putting them on. Mid-throwing her top on, she heard a rustle and she stiffened.

“Hey, you mind tossing me my jeans?” the deep voice asked. She bent down and picked up the boy’s pants and tossed it to him without facing him. “Thanks,” he said. “Do you mind telling me your name I can’t remember who you are? I usually don’t do things like-“

Hyelin rushed out the door in the middle of his sentence. She didn’t dare to reveal her identity because it was a mistake, all of this was a mistake that she wanted to take back. But she couldn’t. Hyelin took the stairs and sprinted down them just in case the guy in question decided to follow her out.

Upon reaching the lobby, Hyelin was spotted by Saemi, but ran past her as Saemi tried to call out to Hyelin. Saemi confused ran after her and into the bathroom where Hyelin was headed.

Hyelin went into the first vacant stall she could and threw up everything from the night before. She threw up all the alcohol and snacks, all the water she drank, all the fun, all the mistakes, all of last night came up with her vomit.

Saemi came into the stall and pulled Hyelin’s hair back. “Woo girl you must’ve had a rough night. Same here, I don’t remember half of it.” Saemi patted Hyelin’s back, “Let it out. I don’t think I’ll be partying for a long while. I only do this on holidays. Well American holidays since our Korean holiday’s we spend with our families.”

Hyelin chuckled and wiped with her hand and leaned back against the stall. “Yea, now I know why I strayed from alcohol, I don’t think it’s my thing.” Hyelin started crying. “I fell a victim to alcohol because I had a situation that I didn’t want to think about and so I came here knowing I could forget it all and try new things. Explore things I have never done in my 24 years of life, but one of them wasn’t supposed to be my ity.”

“Wait Hye, what? With who? When? Last night? Omg what er took advantage of you?” Saemi said with her eyes wide and filled with worry.

“To be honest, I don’t know who it was. He seemed sweet since he wanted to know who I was too, but I was so focused on trying to get out because I didn’t want to be seen to even look. I don’t even know who initiated it in the first place, so it’s not like I could lay the blame on any of us.” Hyelin sobbed.

“Hyelin, I know you’re upset, but what’s done is done and now we need to focus on whether you used protection or not? Before you left did you check if there was a anywhere? “

“Oh , I didn’t look!!!! But I would love to hope that drunk Hyelin was smart enough to check before anything happened. And I’m sure for a guy that can easily drink, party, and have is smart enough to come with contraceptives.

“I hope you are right.” Saemi said cautiously. “Come on out of here, we need to get you home. Will your parents freak out?”

“I live with my dad and he works abroad. So I see him when the Korean company needs him or during my birthdays and Christmas. He just left the other day, so I’m good.” Hyelin smiled.

“Oh I see well let’s get going so you can get home and rest up. We can stop on the way and get some haejangguk for your hangover.”


After getting through the door, Hyelin rushed to the bathroom and the water in her shower. The bathroom and shower was all glass and clear. The bathroom wasn’t very big but it was inside of her room and since the bathroom walls were glass you could see everything from the inside of her room. It was one thing she liked about this apartment. When she and her father were searching for apartments for her, this one caught her eyes because every room was spacious and she had a thing for plain clear and white interiors. She loved it because she could decorate it any way she wanted and it wouldn’t look bad. Hyelin is a er for change. She can’t stick with one thing for long. She changes the color theme of her room and she moves furniture around constantly.

Hyelin sat on the tile floor of the shower and let the water spill down her body. She closed her eyes and let the tears fall as the water from the shower head washed away with it. She wasn’t sure of what she had just done. She can’t remember last night at all. For all she knew, she could’ve gone all the way with that stranger she woke up with or they could’ve started but not finished. She hoped it was the latter.

Hoping to wash off her sins from the night before, Hyelin scrubbed and scrubbed at her body. She rinsed and soaped up over and over. She must have done it at least ten times before she felt somewhat decent.

After drying off, Hyelin got ready for work since she had a few article to run by her boss before typing them up and heading out. God she felt like and realized that if she were to ever go out again, it would be on a Saturday night and not the night before work.

Hyelin sulked into J&J and headed straight for her desk to set up her laptop. “Woah Hye you look like the morning after a rough night” her coworker, Sungjae, exclaimed.

She chocked up the coffee she had just poured for herself, “Oh my gosh, Sungjae. Shut up! I do not!” She didn’t try to dig deeper into his proclamation because he always joked around like that.

“I’m just messing with you Hye. Everyone knows the great Hyelin doesn’t do rough nights. She does them smooth with that thing the Americans do. Netflix and chill,” he winked.

Hyelin shoved his shoulder as she walked past him to her desk and gathered her papers to head off to her boss’ office. “You’re gross. I hope you know that.”

He smiled cheekily, “You only tell me every time.”

Hyelin knocked on her door. “Excuse me Mrs. Yoo. Here are my article topics for the week. I made sure to gather as much information throughout the week and even updated it this morning before leaving the house.” She placed the papers on Mrs. Yoo’s desk and bowed politely.

“Thank you Reporter Lee. These look nice. Before you go print out a copy for Photographer Yook and have him gather up some pictures for these articles. I am impressed to see three articles coming from you in one day. Tell Senior Designer Kim to be on standby for when these go up on the site.” Mrs. Yoo always has herself together and no matter what crisis, she can come up with the solution in no time. I always looked up to her and wanted to become her one day. It was my dream to own a publishing company that helped publish all sorts of things like books, newspapers, etc. “You may leave once you are done.” She finished.

Hyelin spent the next six hours writing and editing her news articles. One being the article she started in class about the mysterious heir of Kim Universals, who was rumored to be seen at Hotel A, in which the oldest daughter of their rival company—who is only eighteen—was seen coming out of Hotel A the next morning. It is believed she is the one he is engaged to seeming they were both seen at the same place at once. Hyelin only knew of the KU heir being seen because of a blind item from one of the employees.

When finished, Hyelin closed her laptop and prepared to go home for the night. Sungjae ran up to her outside of the building. “Hey Hye! Wanna grab dinner with me and Mingyu?” He asked.

She smiled tentatively, “No not today. As you predicted, I had a rough night and I don’t feel well. So I’m going to head home and sleep the rest of my weekend off.”

“Ok don’t get mad next week when you see our pictures uploaded on Instagram.” He waved goodbye.

Hyelin stood there and watched him walk off before turning her own way. Little did they know that she was completely serious about having a rough night. Little did they know she tried her best to hide how awkward she was walking because the muscle pain from the night before hit her. And as she waddled home that night she cursed herself for realizing that the pain between her legs were not from crouching in the shower this morning. 

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teleika #1
Chapter 6: Yes some progress.... Thank you author-nim
teleika #2
Chapter 3: Hey are you gonna update...
Chapter 2: Curious abt who is actually the mysterious son of the Kim's! Im guessing its jongin?? But what do i know haha
Keep up the good work!! :D