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If people were asked on to describe the twos relationship, it would be described as naivety.

Just innocent gestures, sometimes blurting out words like "can I kiss you?" or "can you kiss me?", nothing more. There were anxieties and sudden excitements at times, showered each other with kisses and frequent pokes, looking like adolescents going on their first date, blushing whenever they made eyesight.

It was the total opposite when they were alone, rough scratches, neck kissing, the details.


"Do you think aliens are actually coming to invade us?" Mingyu said while drying his hair out, combing it to the left. Wonwoo thought it looked better straightened to the right, but he wouldn't say anything because the view of Mingyu shirtless with only a towel wrapped around his waist loosely was much better than hair straightened to the right. Mingyu faced the reflection of Wonwoo sitting down on the bathtub edge, waiting for an answer.

"I believe in aliens," Wonwoo replied, placing his hand to the wall for a lift to get up. Getting up was also a hassle during the while.

He managed to stand on his feet, and took slow steps towards Mingyu.

"I do believe in aliens because there are billions and trillions other galaxies in the universe, and I am sure that these galaxies have life, too, like ours, but, I don't think we're important enough for these creatures to want to come and invade us,"

"We're selfish, we're greedy, I don't get why humans think that a species who can travel the galaxies would want to come to a planet as corrupted as this, you know," he faced the floor, dangling his feet under the dressing table where he sat, so he could take a good look at Mingyu's unbelievably perfect skin.

Mingyu smirked and sighed, knowing that what was just said by Wonwoo was true, but was also hard to accept.

"Okay, if you could change one thing in the world, what would you change?" Mingyu asked, one eyebrow raised to show a somehow intriguing look.

"Stop wars, you?" this time, Wonwoo raised his eyebrow, half smiling.

"To change the fact that extra cheese on pizza is free. Seriously, how dare they have extra charges on double cheese? That is just evil," he half laughed, amused at his own self, but Wonwoo wasn't.

"And I would also make Seventeen stay, I don't ever want us to break up, I want us all to find a soulmate, get married, have kids and all, but still live in the same house. Heck, make it a 12 story building, I don't care. We can split the bills," Mingyu took a hairbrush and fixed Wonwoo's bangs. They were as messy as his life.

Wonwoo wiped a fake tear from his eye and both their laughter filled the room. There were no hidden meanings in it this time, just a sound released of pure happiness and genuine smiles.

"Lets go star gazing," Mingyu said in amusement.

Wonwoo didn't say yes but he also didn't say no. In a split second Mingyu already had Wonwoo on his back, carrying him to the park.

Its not like Wonwoo couldn't walk, he could, but he couldn't walk for long without having his heart to beat at a ridiculously fast motion.


They were laying on the grass, the same spot where Wonwoo learned how to skateboard but gave up halfway. He could skateboard now, though, after Mingyu agreed on the ice cream deal.

"Do you know any constellations?" Wonwoo looked up the sky.

"You know I'm dumb in this Science thing, hyung," he laughed. "But I know the big dipper."

"The real question is, who doesn't know the big dipper?"

"Pretty sure Soonyoung doesn't," he laughed again.

"That's so bad! He does know jeez Gyu ah."

"Hyung?" Mingyu turned his body towards Wonwoo, the scent on his cinnamon shower gel tickled Mingyu's nose.

"Yes?" his voice as soft as clouds, maybe softer.

"Do you think that when we die, we become something? Like trees or probably stars even?" he moved closer to Wonwoo.

"The thing is, Mingyu, if we become stars when we die, wouldn't we be twice as dead, you know, because stars are actually dead, and wouldn't that be depressing? Stars live a million miles away from each other, and I don't think I would enjoy being lonely in the middle of space."

Mingyu didn't speak, but Wonwoo knew that what he just said was kind of heart breaking and Mingyu was in lost of words.

"But," Wonwoo continued.

"It would be great if when we die, we become stars, because it brings happiness to everyone, for example like us currently, doesn't it feel good to see the Stars light up and go in lines and form constellations, and when you become a star people would explore about you, they gain and cross boundarie

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dannaching11 #1
A very sad but happy in a way story. Meanie forever!!! ♡♡♡
Chapter 4: My tears are falling...
Preawy #3
Chapter 4: This is so sad. I'm start crying with them. God. At least they will live together. It's beautiful. Thanks writer.
Chapter 4: i swear i've never cried this easily while reading a ff ;-;

good job though, it's nicely written ^^
wildrose88 #5
Chapter 5: This is beautifully written, whyyyyy so sadddddd
Chapter 5: Ooh.. :'(
This is so sad

There were some sweet moments of them but the thought of Wonu dying not worth it

Aah... Good job, author nim! Thanks~ ^^
EXO171D #7
Chapter 5: It's freaking 11:30 PM and here i am trying to stop myself from crying my off.. Damn this hit me too hard..It's so beautiful
Chapter 4: oh okay that made me cry lol and I rarely cry reading sad, angst fics ;'3
Chapter 2: I don't know why this has no comment because omaigosh this is so good and heart fluttering lol Eventhough I know that it's going to be angsty but ehh still so sweet and fluffyyyy