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Mingyu was not sure on what was happening to the world, to himself, but especially to Wonwoo.

It was during the middle of Summer that he started to become more distant with him, he would only talk about dying, they rarely go out, even to buy ramen from the store.

Yesterday morning, all Wonwoo did was ordered 2 large combos of chicken wings and more takoyaki. He didn't even share them with Mingyu, he sat down in bed with covers surrounded around him and watched documentaries about, death.

What death was about, is there life after death, how does it feel to die, how to prevent death, why is death inevitable.

Sometimes at night, Mingyu was sure that he could hear Wonwoo sobbing and praying to God. He never prays to God before, but he was starting to. The silent cries every night was impossible to not hear.

At other nights, Mingyu would wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning to the sound of Wonwoo gasping for air and clenching his chest. When Wonwoo was asked by Mingyu, he just lets out a smirk, laughed it off and told Mingyu to go back to sleep.

Occasionally, Wonwoo couldn't even speak. He tried to speak, but no words could escape his mouth. Mingyu did try to take him to the hospital, but like always, he smirked at him and laughed it off.


"Is there something you need to tell me about?" Mingyu asked Wonwoo who was inside the bathroom, where he locked himself for approximately 3 hours. There were not even sounds of water splashing, only of him controlling his tears.

"Hyung, why won't you tell me? Don't you need me anymore?" Mingyu sounded like he was about to break down into tears as well. He was trying so hard to control his emotions, but just listening to his boyfriend crying gave him a mental breakdown.

Then Wonwoo screamed, all the anger and dissapoinment in him, somehow trying to get his mixed feelings to go, but it didn't.

"If I told you . . . how much I need . . . you right now . . . how I am feeling right now . . . what is happ . . . ening right now . . ." he took a long much needed breath, and continued.

"I'm scared that you would go . . . I need you so much that . . .  if I told you how much I needed you . . . I know you would . .  . run away," his hand punched the wall, the blood from his fist was not hurting as much as he was.

"Wonwoo, please," and then Mingyu broke. He slammed his hands on the bathroom door, creating a loud noise that sounded like someone broke in and took his possesions.

Someone did break in, and he did take his possesions.

That someone was Wonwoo, he broke into his heart, taking it away, taking everything that Mingyu had left away from him, but he was okay with it. Wonwoo could take away his life and Mingyu would still be okay with it.

"I'm dying, Mingyu," a faint sound of him inhaling. Mingyu couldn't see it, but he knew that Wonwoo was grabbing his chest.

"I'm about to die, my heart will slowly stop beating, the veins inside me won't work anymore, I am dying, and even if you try your hardest to save me, I will still die, so its better if you don't," another faint sound of him inhaling, followed by a sobbing mess.

The bathroom door slides open, revealing a broken Wonwoo. His eyebags were enormous, his breath was short, his eyes were watering. He scaneed Wonwoo up and down, looking for signs of any seld harm, he was gald that there weren't any.

Mingyu felt weak looking at Wonwoo's pale skin and blue lips. "Please don't take me to the hospital," his voice sounded weaker by words.

A line of hesitation filled Mingyu's head, whether to try his hardest to save Wonwoo, pay all his hospital bills, be by his side until he's fully cured so they could live the happiest lifes together, or to follow Wonwoo's wish.

"At least there's still time for us, we'll make every second worth," Mingyu decided that fighting of Wonwoo's decision would just be a waste of breath.

He tugged Wonwoo in his arms, kissing his broad shoulders.

Mingyu realized that what he wanted most was not death, he wanted Wonwoo.

Then it was complete silence. No interuption came up, no argument was worth fighting for. They both knew there were nothing they could do. Mingyu closed his eyes, releasing another drop of tear, frighten on what's to come.

Mingyu grabbed Wonwoo by the waist and leaned him against the dusty white wall. He was pretty sure that at one point, it had color, but like all things, it faded away.

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dannaching11 #1
A very sad but happy in a way story. Meanie forever!!! ♡♡♡
Chapter 4: My tears are falling...
Preawy #3
Chapter 4: This is so sad. I'm start crying with them. God. At least they will live together. It's beautiful. Thanks writer.
Chapter 4: i swear i've never cried this easily while reading a ff ;-;

good job though, it's nicely written ^^
wildrose88 #5
Chapter 5: This is beautifully written, whyyyyy so sadddddd
Chapter 5: Ooh.. :'(
This is so sad

There were some sweet moments of them but the thought of Wonu dying not worth it

Aah... Good job, author nim! Thanks~ ^^
EXO171D #7
Chapter 5: It's freaking 11:30 PM and here i am trying to stop myself from crying my off.. Damn this hit me too hard..It's so beautiful
Chapter 4: oh okay that made me cry lol and I rarely cry reading sad, angst fics ;'3
Chapter 2: I don't know why this has no comment because omaigosh this is so good and heart fluttering lol Eventhough I know that it's going to be angsty but ehh still so sweet and fluffyyyy