Family Trip


Weekend came and the kids were excited, and by kids I meant; Mia, Lucius and of course… Amber. Me and the stupid llama decided to go out for a nice camping trip. This is the first time we’ll be going out as a family. And it’s been a while since me and Amber last did this, and I think it’s a very great experience for the kids. They would absolutely love the beauty of nature, I’m sure they will have fun.

“Eomma, we’re ready!” a high-pitched girly voice shouted from the other room.

“Arasso! Go get your Baba to take your bag to the car!” I shouted back. As a unique woman with no interest in make-up, I didn’t have to put a lot of wonders on my face. Just a minimal and natural look is okay for me.

Sporting a cream turtle neck sweater, jeans and hiking boots fitting for our family trip. The kids were already at the back of the car when I got outside and Amber was still putting the things we needed for the camp. I smiled to the sight of my llama working hard. She’s wearing a white Star Wars tee over her red and black plaid shirt, a denim shorts and a pair of black hiking boots. The llama was indeed hot.

I went over to her as she was checking the items in the back of our car. “Hey, handsome,” I said and kissed her on the cheeks. I s my hands around her waist, hugging her from behind, her perfume invading my nostrils as I hugged her. I rested my chin on her shoulder, like I always do.

“Hi, my beautiful queen, Jung Soojung,” she greeted back, smiling as she turned her head to the side to get a look at me. “What pleasure does this servant llama owe to get this such amazing greeting from you?”

“Shut up,” I rolled my eyes and buried my nose in the crook between her neck and shoulder, kissing her exposed skin.

A small groan from Amber was heard and she gently pushed my face away from her neck. “Soojung-ah, the kids are just a few feet away from us,” she whispered so lowly not to be heard by our two adorable children, who were busy playing with their favorite toys.

“So? I’m not doing anything bad,” I feigned innocence. Before she could say anything more, I immediately asked her about the things we brought. “Everything okay now? Or did we miss something?”

She looked at me for a moment and shook her head, then glanced at the things in the back of our SUV. “No, I think we got what we needed,”

I let go of her and smacked her playfully on the shoulder. “Then, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” I flicked her nose and ran to the side of the car and got inside.

“What was that flick in the nose for?” she asked when she got in the driver’s seat. She was rubbing her nose in a cute way.

“Because you’re sooooo slooooow! We should have been in the camp site ages ago!” I said and puckered my lips in a pout.

Amber shook her head in amusement and pinched my cheeks. “Aigoo! My princess so cute~”

A loud gasp was heard at the back. “Yah! Baba, I’m your princess! Eomma’s your queen!”

We turned to me our little girl who’s now pouting and have her hands across her tummy, her favorite doll on her lap. “Oh, right! I forgot! I’m so sorry, your Highness, forgive me and I will not repeat the same mistake again,” Amber apologized to Mia, doing a British accent.

Mia huffed but we can see the little smile on her lips. “I forgive you, Baba. But next time you should get it right. I don’t want to punish you like Eomma does every night,”

A rush of blood flow to my face and my eyes got big. We stopped. “W-what?” Amber and I both said the same time. I felt my heart beat thumping inside my ribcage. And from my peripheral vision, I could see Amber sweating and staring at the kids. I would have laughed at her face if I wasn’t involved.

“We always hear Baba whimper like she’s really hurting and she always say ‘I’m sorry, Mistress. I’ll be good from now on.’ Eomma don’t hit Baba, okay? Even if she’s been bad,” said Lucius, who has the cutest pouty face a boy, could ever have.

Me and the llama chuckled awkwardly. “N-no, kids… You got it all w-wrong! I wasn’t hitting your stupid Baba! We were just… playing! Yes, playing! That’s what we’re doing, right Amber?” I responded, giving the llama ‘the look’ so she could understand that I need back up but it was futile as Amber was lost in her world.

The twins furrowed their brows and tilted their heads to the side. “Really?”

I slapped Amber’s arm to signal for her to answer as she was still looking lost in her own world. “Oh, what was that for?!” she her arm and I give her ‘the look’ again, giving her a death glare to emphasize my point.

Amber’s mouth formed an ‘O’ and she turned her attention back to our twins. “Y-yes, kids! Eomma and I were just playing!” the kids nodded their head, believing our excuse.

“Well, me and Lucius should join too! Because…”

“A family plays together, stick together forever!” my palm landed on my face when Mia and Lucius quoted our family motto… yes, it’s by Amber.

Amber laughed sheepishly, not replying on anything. I grabbed her shirt and I leaned in her ear. “You’re so dead.” she swallowed a big lump in . I pushed her body on her seat while I rested my back on mine.

The llama cleared and smiled to the kids. “Alright! Who’s ready for the camping?!”

Looking at the side mirror I saw my cute twins putting their hands up in the air. “Me!!” the twins answered in glee.

“Okay then, let’s get this big boy start up and off we go!”


Soon, the engine of the car started and Amber drove the car out of our drive way and headed on the highway. Amber and the kids were singing and laughing while I just lay there and watch them have fun, seeing them having fun is enough for me.

The twins fell asleep afterwards, the two ball of fluff are now hugging their respective pillow. We are now stopped at an intersection and waiting for the other vehicles from the other lane to pass by. My fiancée turned to me with a smile. She ran her hand through my hair and cupped my face. Amber leaned to me and pecked my lips. It was short, but I could still feel the lingering sensation of her lips on mine.

I stared at her beautiful handsome face as she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I gave her hand a squeeze back and she brought our hands up to her face and planted a small sweet kiss on top of my hand.

“I love you, Soojung-ah,” she said while our hands still intertwined. I have never felt so happy and contented until Amber and the kids came into my life. We are one small family, but we’re happy. I would never ask for more.


We arrived at mine and Amber’s favorite camp spot around noon. This is the perfect spot for camping because it’s close to the lake. The weather was fine, not too hot nor too cold. It’s the perfect weather to go camping. Amber and Lucius were setting up the huge tent, while me and Mia were bringing out the light stuffs we could carry. I set up the folding table as Mia setting up the folding chairs. The other two were done setting up the tent and now grappling each other on the grass.

A tug on my sweater made me look down, I saw my little Mia giving me the puppy eyes. “Eomma, I want to play too? Can I?”

I chuckled, gently pinching Mia’s nose. “Of course, you can, little one.”

Mia’s smile was wide, showing the missing upper tooth, making her more adorable. “Thank you, Eomma,” she reached out for me, indicating that she wants me to bend down. And when I did, Mia planted a kiss on my cheek. She then ran off to her twin brother and her Baba, tackling them both to the ground.

I sat on one of the chair and watch them for a moment. It’s one of those moments when you don’t want the day to end, that you wish you can stay like that forever. It’s one of those times, I felt all the negative feelings inside me and stress over work vanished. Seeing my family smile as they play together like nothing matters in world, just us and our time together, makes me happy. Completely happy.

I took out my phone and took a picture of my family laughing. I’m going to print and frame this. This is so cute. I said to myself. The three of them eventually stopped, they were panting for air but nonetheless smiling and laughing at each other.

Amber walked towards me, our little beautiful children in tow. She smiled, even though her sweats are trickling down her face. I still got mesmerized by the llama’s charms and I didn’t notice the glint in her eyes. “Soojung-ah~” she called me in her whiny voice, reverting me back to reality. She was crouching so I was looking down at her.

I cupped her face with both of my hands. “Yes, big llama baby?” she pouted and wrapped her arms around my waist. The twins hugged my sides too. Awww.. Amber then buried her face on my tummy, making the twins bury their faces too. Aww… how cute~ Amber moved her head from side to side, the kids mimic her action so they brushing their face on my shirt. I giggled, patting her head and kissing the temples of my twins. “Alright, kids. Let’s finished setting up our camp.”

The three stood up and Amber guided the two to the car. I stood up as well and made my way to Amber, she passed me the blankets and pillows. The twins help me carry them and we put it inside our tent. We arranged the pillows and blankets then went out to help Amber.

I went to the car again to bring out the ice box, I stopped when I saw my reflection and my left eye twitched in annoyance as I saw my sweater. “Yah! Llama!”

The culprit came running towards me, worried written all over her face. “What? What happened, Soojung?!” the twins were also running behind her.

“Don’t play dumb with me, stupid! Look what you did to my sweater!” Amber looked down to my sweater and burst out laughing. “Yah! You think this is funny?!”

She had her hand on her stomach and was crouching down. “N-no! No…” she shook her head and stepped forward. It made me more annoyed that she was smiling like an idiot, showing her pearly white teeth. “Aigoo, my Soojungie~ Llama ish sowwy~” she said, giving me an aegyo.

“Stupid,” I pushed back her face and crossed my arms. “Sorry your face, dork! You intentionally did this!”

And the smartass didn’t even bother to deny it. “That I did, that I did.”

“Yah! I swear to god Amber, I’m going to kick your…” I immediately stopped and looked at the kids. Breathing in and holding my breath until the count of three, I let out a small sigh. I threw a glare at Amber and run my thumb across my neck. I know she would get the picture.

Instead of being scared for her dear life, Amber chuckled and hugged me, enveloping me inside her tone arms. “I’m sorry, Soojungie~ But I love you, and I know you love me too~ So forgive me, yes?”

“Yes, Eomma. Forgive Baba.” begged the two. They don’t even know what their ‘lovely’ Baba did to me. Aish.

“Fine, I’ll forgive your stupid Baba.” I beamed at the kids. Satisfied at my answer, the kids went back to the table and sat down, talking about kid stuffs. I spun around to meet Amber, she had a sheepish smile on her face. I cupped her face with one hand and squeezed her cheeks roughly.  “You think you’re safe?” she nodded. I showed Amber a smirk, the one that I show to her when I’m her ‘Mistress.’ I leaned to her, my lips barely grazing her earlobe. “Well, think again,”

With hanging open, I left Amber standing there, staring of nothing. While walking back to my kids, I was thinking of ways how to torture my poor llama girlfriend when we get back to the confines of our home.


The kids were excited to go to the lake, as they kept bugging Amber to bring them there. Of course, the llama can’t say no to the kids. So, here we are, standing on the dock. Checking the how secure the arm floaters on the kids. This is their first time swimming in a lake so we have to make sure that they have a good time, safe. I was wearing a simple high neck black bikini top and a matching black bottom. While Amber was wearing a grey tank top that has a batman print on the chest, pairing it up with a grey swim shorts.

It was all fun and games when we’re giving the twins rules until Lucius almost gave me a heart attack. The kid ran out of Amber’s hold and jump in the lake. I was screaming bloody murder when my little boy didn’t resurface for the first to two seconds. I was ready to jump in the lake when Amber stopped me. “Are you out of your ing mind?!” I screamed at her.

She chuckled and point to somewhere and I looked over. I saw my little Lucius swimming gleefully while he’s holding up his trunks. “Eomma! Eomma! Look! My trunks!” the little raven head swam to our direction while enjoying the water.

“Ewwww!” Mia covered her eyes and turned to me.

“Yah. Lucius! Don’t scare me like that, I almost thought you drowned!” I scolded him. I think I know where he got his hunger for adventure.

Lucius pouted. “I’m sorry, Eomma! I won’t do that again,” he climbed over the dock, wearing his trunks again and ran towards me. I crouched and hugged my little boy tightly.

“I know, baby… Eomma just got worried, I’m sorry for shouting too. Eomma just love you too much, okay?” I sniffed, holding my little boy close. I grabbed Mia too and let him inside our hug. “I love you two so much, remember that? I won’t let anything bad happens to you, okay? But you kids, shouldn’t make me worried,”

They both nodded their heads. “Yes, Eomma..”

“Alright, you can go and play in the water now,” I smiled and gestured that they can go swim now. My two angels plastered the sweetest smile that I could ever see and they kissed my cheeks.

“Thanks, Eomma! We’ll behave, promise!” promised Mia that got seconded by Lucius.

“Yes, Eomma! Don’t worry!” he said and turned to her twin sister. “Come on, Mia. Let’s go!” Lucius held her sister’s hand and they scurried off to jump of the dock. “Weeee!”

After that incident, I watched my angels more closely. I watched them like a hawk, my eyes never left them as they play in the water, splashing water at each other’s faces. Even when I’m dipping myself in the lake, I made sure to resurface after five seconds.

Eventually, I got tired of swimming while I’m worried that something bad might happen so I rest on the dock, sitting on the edge while I watch the kids play. A few moments later, Amber sat beside me on the dock.

“You need to chill, honey. Here, have some beer.” Amber smiled and handed me a can of beer.

I realized that the llama didn’t talk when the incident happened. “Where were you?” I asked her as I opened the can and consumed the bitter liquid.

“Oh, I was there the whole time. It was fun watching you guys have your moment,” she stated and gulped down hers. “You’re so perfect, you know,”

The beer got stuck in my throat and I coughed it all out. I felt my face flushed from what she said. This freaking llama. Amber immediately rubbed my back. After recovering from my coughing fit, I karate chopped the llama’s head which she returned with a glare. “What the hell, Amber?!”

“What? What the hell, Soojung?!”

“What was that for?!” we both asked each other at the same time. Amber shook her head and swigged the can of beer.

I bumped shoulders with Amber and she looked at me without turning her head. My llama is sulking. “I’m sorry, I just got shocked because you just said that so casually,” I explained, looking down at my beer that’s in my hands.

“What is ‘that’?”

“You know, that sentence you said before! ‘You’re so perfect, you know’ remember now?” I glanced at the kids again to hide my burning cheeks. The kids were quiet as they are now interested on a family of ducks swimming by the lake.

Amber chuckled and patted my head. “Why? Don’t you believe you’re not?”

I huffed and flipped my hair, turning back my attention towards her. “I do believe so!”

“Then why are you so shocked to hear that from me, your fiancée, that love you so much with every fiber of her being?”

“That’s because you said it so casually like…like… Ugh!! You’re such a dork, you know!” I pouted.

Sniggering like a teenage boy. Amber rested her arm around my shoulder, I tried to shrug it off, but the llama’s a stubborn one. So after the fifth attempt, I stopped pushing her arm away and let her arm on my shoulder. “You’re so adorable, Soojung~ I’m so lucky to have you!” she settled her head on top of mine.

You’re wrong. I’m lucky to have you! But I can’t say that. Amber’s head will get big and she’ll tease me about being so cheesy. She won’t let go of that, I know. I pushed her face away from me with my beer. “Get your llama face away from me,”

“Aww, you’re so mean to me, Soojung~”

“And you’re so annoying,” I was about to stand up when Amber pulled my arm. I lost my balance and my body fell on top of her.

Cliché as it looked like but I felt my heart beating faster, this is like the first time I realized I was in love with her. Chest to chest, our faces few inches apart, I can feel her hot breath tickling my cheeks.  A leg of her in between my thighs and Amber was holding me by the waist. Amber smiled at me.

“You’re still as beautiful as ever, Soojung,” she tucked my hair and behind my ear. She was looking me like it’s the first time she saw me. I can feel the love radiating from her eyes, how Amber’s eyes twinkle as she scanned my face, still memorizing every features of my face.

I felt my face getting hotter by the second as Amber kept staring at me. She suddenly smiled and pecked me on my lips. The kiss lingered for a moment, it felt like the first time we kissed too, there’s no spark or firework or some like that. It just felt wonderful, it felt comfortable like our lips were meant for each other, my heart was thumping so loud in my chest and I think she can feel it on her chest. I got to nibble on her lips before she pulled back a few inches away. My forehead rest on hers and we’re basically staring at each other’s eyes.

As if my hands have the mind of their own, my hands move to cup her face, my thumbs her cheeks as I get deep into her eyes. I felt my head leaning down and soon, our lips touched again, and we got more intimate as our tongues got involved. I could taste the bitter taste of the beer she consumed. Amber squeezed my waist, my sides slowly. My body automatically responded to her ministration, my hips moving back and forth, rubbing my core against her leg.

We were more getting intimate as seconds passed by when two loud screeches were heard. “Ewwwww!! Eomma! Baba!”

We stopped kissing and a deep loud groan was heard from Amber. We completely forgot about our kids! What kind of parents are we! Eomma, appa. I have failed you. I buried my face in the crook of Amber’s neck, too embarrassed and ashamed to face my children.

“Soojung, we have to get up,” Amber whispered. I was deeply red because I can feel the heat on my face. I didn’t get up so Amber did the only thing she could think of. She sat up and carefully adjusted my body so she can carry me bridal style. I s my arms around her neck and she stood up. Amber was really strong and I could feel her y arm flex against my back and I can’t help but to kiss her neck. “H-hey!”

“Sorry, I just love you that’s all,” I whispered.

“And I love you too,” Amber responded.

“Yah, Baba! Me too!” I heard Lucius speak.

“No! Baba! Me first! I’m your princess!”  this time it’s our princess Mia, seems like everyone’s want to get in the llama express. Sorry to burst their bubbles but I got here first. Sorry, my lovely children. Eomma needs her time with her llama too~

“Aigoo, aigoo. Don’t fight, everyone will get their turn when I finally save the Queen Soojung from the monsters!” Amber said, being in character of a charming King. “So who wants to be my fellow trusty kids and protect our Queen Soojung?”


“I do! I do!”

Amber chuckled, her laugh vibrating over my body.


Clouds were mix of violet and orange hue up in the sky as the sun was now setting. There were also stars that were now showing their bright lights. After taking the kids to the lake, me and Amber told them that we’ll be staying at our camp to stargaze later at night. The twins were ecstatic and couldn’t hide their excitement. We finished drying ourselves and dressing up the kids within one minute, it was a time breaker. I wish they were as excited as going to school, I thought to myself. Amber and the twins set up a small bonfire as I cook our dinner. The twins were clearly having fun camping. I was so proud of myself that I wasn’t wrong with the decision of taking them to a camping trip.

It was completely night time and our little family was resting inside our tent. The roof of the tent was transparent so we could see the stars without leaving the comfort of our tent. We really bought it for the kids, we don’t want them to get sick and cold outside as we stargaze.

Amber told them facts about the stars, I just watch in awe while the twins listened to her, completely absorbed by their Baba’s facts. Amber was a natural with kids, even back when we were in high school, we used to babysit her little cousin and Amber didn’t have too much trouble. She was a kid charmer.

Soon enough, the twins were snoring while they were sprawled all over on the llama. “They had so much fun,” she said as she gently lay down our little Mia on my side.

“Indeed, they do,” I agreed, nodding my head. I fixed little Mia’s pjs and Lucius’ too when Amber lay him down on her side.

“They’re so tired,” she chuckled, kissing the twins on the forehead. She didn’t forget to give me a kiss on the forehead, both of my cheeks, my nose and of course, the lips too.

Amber yawned as she lay her body down. “You’re tired too, babe,” I said, running my fingers through her short black hair.

“I am,” she yawned again, grabbing my hand and planting a soft sweet kiss on top of it. “Good night, Soojung.” she put her arms on the top of the kids, reaching for my arms.

“Good night, Amber,” I got out of Amber’s hold and reached out for our lantern to turn it off. I heard Amber’s little snore, shaking my head, I sat up and leaned over to kiss my little angels good night, patting their heads and whispering sweet things as they sleep.

And when it’s Amber’s turn, I kissed her on the lips and muttered, “I love you, llama,”

I returned back to my position and grabbed Amber’s arm and put them on my waist. I thought of how the day was and I smiled, it was very a productive day. The kids surely had fun and I did too. This day is now one of my most precious memories.

My eyes were closing but before the darkness consumed me I heard Amber’s faint voice, it came out like a mumble but I heard it nonetheless. “I love you too, princess,”

I smiled and let the darkness fell on me.




Lots of mistakes and I'm too lazy to edit them. Okay, soooo, I added a new chapter of 'Family'. Well, I really didn't expect for you guys to like it, but I'm glad you did. So, as a thank you, I give you guys this. :) I hope you like it as well. Love lots. xx


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I don't know if you guys will see this. But I might not be able to update this coming week(s), personal matters that I need to figure out. I just need some time


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2074 streak #1
Chapter 3: Aww this is really cute it should be updated more
Chapter 5: :(( please update your story author-sshi... ???
Chapter 5: Author please update more soon please! please!
Omg, I'm going crazy over this! You should come back as soon as possible author! ^^
tackzy #5
Chapter 5: Are you? XD Well anyway its actually a pretty awesome fics! Yeah i love it! Congrats! (^O^)
loismalit #6
Chapter 5: Soojung is so playful to her fiancée hahaha please update soon author-nim :)
sefexclusibo #7
Chapter 5: Tricky Soojung, haha
Julianeee #8
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Damn can't imagine Krystal, Ellin and Hyuna interaction! That would be bomb!:D It seem so impossible hahaha can you make one? I wanna see one even if its just here, just a fiction.:))