Busy Llama


Poll result was: Should I keep Lucius' name?
A: No, I don't like it so change it! (10 votes)
B: Yes, it sounds awesome! Don't change it! (33 votes)

Keeping it. Yes~ Thank you for those of you who voted and suggested names for our little boy. Here's the update you guys been waiting for. xx

Typing codes and sketching designs for our new latest project was stressful, because not only the struggles of your codes having errors and few bugs to fix, we have to please our boss with our character and graphic designs. Being a game designer and developer the same time is really tiring.

I put my pen down on my desk and ran my hand through my hair. I glanced to the side of my desk and saw my family’s photo. A smile crept up to my face as I felt reenergized again. I took my pen, getting inspiration from seeing my fiancée and my angels, making and circles on my drawing tablet.

“Woah, Liu. You look fired up!” Gabby, a colleague of mine and a friend, said. She placed a cup of coffee on my desk.

I chuckled, glancing up at her. Like me, she’s comfortable dressing in men’s clothing. If the both of us stand by each other, we can pass up as twins. She said I, Amber Josephine Liu, am much cuter.

“Yeah, it’s for the family,” I told her, glancing at my family photo. She grinned at me and messed my hair.

She sat on her chair and turned to me. “Ah, you make me want to have a family too!”

“Then tell your girlfriend to make one!” I joked, Gabby laughed then shook her head and karate chopped my head. “Yah!” I whined while I rubbed the part she hit.

“Focus back on your work, Liu,” she turned around and I thought she resumed working on our project. But I saw her typing on her phone, she was texting her girlfriend.

“I could say the same to you, idiot!” I threw her a paper ball and Gabby glared at me, throwing it back. We threw the paper ball back and forth until our other colleague scolded us. We both sniggered in our seat and resumed our work.


I came home, late again, but it was all worth it. I groaned and opened the door of our house. It was dark inside, the kids and Soojung must be sleeping now, I didn’t bother to turn on the lights since I know my way inside the house even if there’s no light.

I went to the living room. Sighing, I loosened my tie and opened up my buttons and breathed in, the smell of the comfort of my home invading my nose. I rubbed my shoulder and sat down on the couch. Looking around, I saw some toys of the twins lying around. I made my heart ache as I remember that I’ve been busy these past few days that I don’t have the time to play with my children.

A sigh came out of my mouth for the nth time. I miss my family. I thought to myself. I stood up and went to the twins’ room. I saw my angels sleeping like a baby they were. I walked to their beds with a grin plastered on my face. The twins were adorable and really like an angel when sleeping. Just seeing them made my tiredness vanished. All those late night stay at work, stress and headache were completely forgotten.

I first sat on my little Mia’s bed. My little girl’s arms were wrapped around her teddy bear. Her face was contorted with a frown. She must be having trouble in her sleep. I chuckled and leaned down to give my baby girl a kiss on the forehead. “Sweet dreams, my ball of sunshine. Baba loves you so much.”

Mia’s face got peaceful instantly. I gave her another kiss on her hand and fixed her blanket. I turned to Lucius’ side and sat on his bed. My little prince was his thumb in his sleep. A chuckle escaped my lips as I watch my boy his thumb while drools were trickling down his cheek. I ran my hand through his black hair and gave him a kiss good night on his forehead. “Good night, my gorgeous prince. Baba will play with you and your sister tomorrow.”

I stood up and stopped at the door. I turned to my twins again and smiled. Tomorrow for sure, you’ll have all my time, my children.

Lastly, I went to mine and Soojung’s room. I turned the knob carefully, trying not to wake up my fiancée. I entered the room and saw my Soojung on the bed. There she was, my princess sleeping peacefully, my pillow around her arms. I strip off of my office attire and went to the bathroom to have a five-minute shower.

After taking a shower, I sneaked in our bed. I lay beside Soojung and as if Soojung was awake, she let go of my pillow and set it to the side. I let her rest her head on my shoulder and she enveloped me in a tight hug.

She sniffed my shirt and buried her face in the crook of my neck. “I miss you,” Soojung muttered groggily, still in her sleep.

I faced her Soojung and gave her a kiss on the forehead, her cheeks, her nose and her lips. Soojung smiled in satisfaction as I hug her body closer to me. Yeah, tomorrow you guys will have all of my time and my attention.


People say having kids are difficult, your attention are divided to things and stuffs, you have to do your best to give your family a better life, it’s really stressing to give them all the things they want. All in all, it’s hard to be a parent. But that’s what other people say. With my kids? Hah! I’m never tired of them and never will be!

“Baba! Buy me that doll!” little Mia pointed to a doll, it was displayed in a shelf that’s full of dolls. I nodded to her and she grinned so wide, her lips almost tear her face. Mia happily skipped to the toy, grabbing it and putting it in our cart.

We were at the mall to hang out and play with my beautiful twins. It is the plan for today, the plan that they planned when I was still sleeping. I have no objection since I was busy these past few days and I have to make up to them… and of course with my Soojung.

“Baba! Buy me this car!” Lucius shouted to me, holding a box of a remote-controlled car. I smiled to my little boy and placed it in the car.

The twins merrily walked to the toy aisle, pointing and grabbing any toys that they like.



We are now at the cashier to pay for the toys that my two angels want. My mouth went agape when I heard what the cashier told me how much all of it. I forced my smile while handed my credit card to the cashier. It was all worth it, Amber. It was all worth it.

My two adorable kids jumping up and down as make our way to the car. I was simply wiping the tears in my eyes, holding the bags of toys. I suddenly remembered what my sister, Jackie, said to me when she saw the twins.

“Ahh. Prepare for getting broke, llama. That’s two. Two kids. TWO,” she said, while shoving two fingers in my face just to get her point across.

Now thinking about that, I should have listened to Soojung when she said that don’t spoil the twins too much. But I can’t help it! I didn’t have time for them as I was busy with my project and the twins know how to make say yes with their cute puppy eyes and their adorable pouty lips. You should have seen them giving their all. A few tears streaming down their cheeks as they looked at me, pleading to me. Of course, being the most awesome Baba, I obliged.

Look at me now. We all have those moments when you keep thinking about your bank account even though you still got plenty of cash. Yeah. That’s what I feel now. Let’s just hope, my Soojung won’t nag at me when she see these bags.


“Amber Josephing Liu!!” the woman shrieked. Her dolphin scream almost pop my brains out. Soojung walked over to me and grabbed my ear with one hand. She was grabbing me by the ear as she dragged me to the kitchen. Leaving the twins playing with their new toys.

“Ow, ow, ow! Soojung!” it hurts like freaking hell. I can feel the tears swelling in my eyes. Her nails were digging in my earlobe. This girl… Eomma? What did I do to deserve this? This girl is cray-cray… But I love her.

Soojung snapped me out of my thoughts when she flicked my nose. I looked at the beautiful ice princess who’s already glaring at my entire existence like she’s going to blow me off the house and out of Earth to the Solar System. That kind of look is making me reevaluate my life decisions I ever made since I was born.

“What did I tell you about buying the twins toys?!” she started, tapping her foot on the white tiles, waiting for me to answer…not so stupidly.

“Don’t spoil them too much?” I answered, rubbing my arm, looking down at the floor again. I just can’t look at Soojung when she’s mad… She’s so hot… I just want to jump on her sometimes when she nags at me, but I know once I do that. I’ll get my whooped.

“Why is that a question, Amber Josephine Liu?”

“Umm… I…” I sighed, not really knowing what to answer.

I almost jumped up like a cat frightened by a thunder when I felt her hand on my cheek, she was rubbing my cheek as if I’m Aladdin’s lamp. I looked up to her, Soojung was smiling at me in that ‘you’re-so-helpless-look’ on her face. “It’s okay, baby. I’m not mad,”

That made me cocked an eyebrow. “No, you’re mad,”

“Yes, I am. But I know that you only want to make up to the twins and make them happy,” I nodded. Soojung then grabbed my other cheek and spread them like a rubber. “Don’t frown now, llama~”

This is one of those rare moments when Soojung is doing her aegyo to me. It’s making my heart flutter and do somersault inside my ribs. Soojung knows how to make my heart melt without realizing it. So, don’t blame me if I take advantage of this situation. “No, you’re still mad,” I pouted, trying my best not to grin.

“Aww, my baby llama-faced prince~” she s her hands around my neck, kissing my pouty lips and nuzzling our noses together. “Don’t pout now, you know I can’t stay mad at you,” she continued, her lips grazing on mine as she speak.

I stared at her eyes, her brown orbs absorbing me like they usually do when I look at them. “You still love me?” I asked, my hands wrapping around her waist.

Soojung hummed, resting her forehead against mine. “Mm… Of course! I love my llama so much~”

I pulled my head away, my lips still forming in a pout. “Really? Soojungie loves the llama?”

She giggled and nodded, biting her lower lip that made the butterflies in my stomach wild before answering. “Yes, Soojungie loves the llama so much!”

“Princess,” I pointed at her and Soojung just shook her head with a smile. “Kiss llama,” I pointed to myself as I continued. I then pointed to my lips. “Here,”

Soojung held my head as she lean in to capture my lips. The kiss was still as beautiful and heartwarming as ever, it’s like the time we had our kiss on our first date. It was our unforgettable moment, our first date. Her lips were still soft as if it didn’t change even if I keep kissing her every day. Soojung’s lips were perfect. Scratch that, Soojung is perfect.

We kissed passionately, holding on each other. I pulled Soojung’s body closer to me, one of my hands moving down to her . I squeezed her cheek and a low moan was heard from my princess. Soojung on my lower lip and it made me groan in response. The kiss was making me and I have no shame of admitting that. With a girlfriend like Soojung, it’s automatic to be always around her.

As we were making out, I picked Soojung up by the and placed her on top of the counter, me between her luscious creamy white legs. Soojung pulled away, she opened her eyes and her pupils were dilated. I guess I have the same look because she grinned and leaned to me again.

This time, our kiss was more intimate, like we know what we want to do next. Not just a simple passionate kiss that let each other know how much we love each other. This is the kiss where we have to get down to business.

Soojung removed her hands around my neck and moved to the buttons of my light blue shirt. I can feel Soojung’s hard s on my chest, it drove my head crazy and it made me hungry for more. As if Soojung can feel me, she ed my shirt hastily as if this is the last time we would do this. Actually, yes, I mean… Kids can walk in the kitchen and see us like this. It would take us centuries to have a time like this again.

My hands slid inside her white tank top, her flat stomach, I could feel her abs hardening under my touch. Oh yes, my lady has abs, and I love to run my hands and tongue over them. Insert erted laugh.

She opened my shirt and left my mouth to kiss me down. I felt Soojung’s lips on my jaw line, leaving butterfly kisses as she made her way up to my ear. She nibbled on my ear, my earlobe and whispered. “I miss you, Amber,”

“I miss you too, Soojung, so much,” I responded, pulling her top above her chest, revealing her perky , her s hard and asking for attention. I lowered down to seize one of them and started , my hands automatically her sides up and down.

My fiancée let out a low moan as my tongue swirl around her hard . “Yes, baby…” she grabbed my head and pushed it into her s. I bit her gently causing Soojung to tug on my hair. “… Amber…”

I glanced up to Soojung’s face and saw her biting her lower lip, her eyes were droopy as she watch me on her little bud like a baby. I released her with a pop and turned to the other one. My hand move downward to the hem of her silk silver shorts.

Soojung halted and grabbed my hand. “Baby… the kids…”

“ the kids,” I deadpanned and earn a smack on the side of my head. “I was just kidding, babe. Let’s just make it quick?” I inquired to her. She thought about it for a moment, glancing at me and then to the open hallway.

She let go of my hand and sighed. “Fine! But we should stop when we hear them, okay?” she adjusted her body so I can pull down her shorts.

“Babe, that’s why I teach them to announce themselves whenever they go somewhere in the house, duh,” I informed, lowering her shorts to her knees. She looked at me like she realized something.

“What? Is that why they always shout ‘here’ every time they enter a room?” Soojung asked and I nodded. “You sneaky ,” she said with a grin and pulled my face for a kiss.

I shrugged. “I told you, I’m a genius,”

“Whatever. Let’s continue,” she said and pushed my head to her again. Such a needy princess.

I continued my ministration to her while I touch her clothed core. Soojung was already wet, her wetness pooling her underwear. “So wet,” I smirked, her hard still in my mouth.

She rolled her eyes as a flash of red hue can be seen on her cheeks. “S-shut up, stupid!”


After our mini y time in the kitchen, Soojung and I went to the living room to see the kids watching t.v, Spongebob was on and the twins were laughing at Patrick who had done something stupid again. Me and Soojung sat down on the couch. As if on automatic, the twin stood up and sat beside us. Lucius was on Soojung’s lap, sitting on top of her mother’s lap while Mia was sitting on my lap. I felt my fiancée sighed in contentment. She wrapped her arms around my waist and lay her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead and enjoyed watching Spongebob with our kids.

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I don't know if you guys will see this. But I might not be able to update this coming week(s), personal matters that I need to figure out. I just need some time


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2074 streak #1
Chapter 3: Aww this is really cute it should be updated more
Chapter 5: :(( please update your story author-sshi... ???
Chapter 5: Author please update more soon please! please!
Omg, I'm going crazy over this! You should come back as soon as possible author! ^^
tackzy #5
Chapter 5: Are you? XD Well anyway its actually a pretty awesome fics! Yeah i love it! Congrats! (^O^)
loismalit #6
Chapter 5: Soojung is so playful to her fiancée hahaha please update soon author-nim :)
sefexclusibo #7
Chapter 5: Tricky Soojung, haha
Julianeee #8
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Damn can't imagine Krystal, Ellin and Hyuna interaction! That would be bomb!:D It seem so impossible hahaha can you make one? I wanna see one even if its just here, just a fiction.:))