
Call my Babies
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A profound shatter echoed through the long grand hallway, causing the crystal chandelier to quiver a little. Luhan stood stiff as his eyes shifted around the room, avoiding a fierce and menacing glare as his hands fiddled with the hem of his dress-like sweater. A shaky laugh made its way out of his throat as he scanned jagged daggers of clear white porcelain on shiny marbled flooring.


Luhan’s heart leapt as the sudden silence caused his stomach to twist and turn. His mouth opened slightly to emit a shaky but clear apology, scratching his nape in an attempt to calm his racing heart. ‘Oops… Sorry, Mr Shin.’


He flinched as the middle aged butler raised a hand up swiftly with a growl. Before it could even make contact with Luhan’s cheek, a loud voice was heard down the vast and brightly lit hallway.




Luhan perked up at the sound of the deep voice. The appearance of a tall handsome young man found a way to untangle the knot in his stomach. He turned away from Mr Shin, completely ignoring his existence and the mess on the floor as Sehun jogged towards him in a hurry. ‘The babies are fighting!’ Sehun exhaled, breathing in quick pants.


Luhan sighed, completely unmoved by the news. It was nothing new. The babies were always fighting.


Long fingers grasped onto soft pink cotton material in a strong grip around Luhan’s forearm. The taller pulled him in a dash down the hallway. Mr Shin stood alone, seething with an intensified glare as he was left ignored with broken shards of porcelain on the stained carpet. ‘You worthless nannies! Clean up this mess!’


‘Sorry, Mr Shin! We nannies have babies to attend to.’ The sound of mingled footsteps and obnoxious laughter gradually became softer by each passing second as the two disappeared from sight.


‘Sehun, we’re going the wrong way!’ Luhan struggled against Sehun’s strong grip. It was a weak attempt to direct them towards the other direction. ‘You’re taking us to the garden!’


Sehun dragged Luhan along with ease, his footsteps slowing down as they got closer to a particular wooden mahogany door. His fingers latched onto the golden handle and a soft creek was heard. The sight of two quarrelling little boys were revealed. A smirk grazed Sehun’s lips as he ruffled Luhan’s hair. “Yeah, welcome to the garden.’


Luhan winced as his hair was messed up, but stepped into the bright colourful room nonetheless. The sight of two beds and a bunch of toys scattered on yellow carpet had caused a tint of pink on Luhan’s cheeks as this place was certainly not a garden. His hands made its way to shyly cover Sehun’s eyes in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. ‘This place is too big. Don’t laugh!’ He always had trouble finding his way around the mansion.


Sehun’s long fingers clasped onto petite hands, bringing it down to clear his vision. A small, deep chuckle vibrated through his throat as he wrapped a playful arm around Luhan’s shoulders. ‘I’m joking. Now help me with the babies.’


Luhan lifted his gaze off the floor and focused on the two little boys jumping around, throwing amateur punches and scratches at each other. Tears streamed down soft chubby cheeks as wails of protests and insults were thrown around the room. ‘It’s my shark! He doesn’t even like you!’


A soft but audible sigh left Luhan’s slightly parted lips as he bent down to get into eye level with the two toddlers. ‘Xiumin, Kai… That’s enough now.’


Upon hearing Luhan’s calm attempt to get their attention, the two halted their actions immediately and raced their way to seek comfort in Luhan’s arms. Their cries were now more profound. Luhan lifted the clingy toddlers off from the floor and started his way towards Sehun’s direction. The taller male gladly took Kai into his arms, letting the little boy snuggle close into his neck.


‘J-Jong-Jong took my shark!’ Xiumin rubbed his eyes with one hand as he pointed at the object dangling off of Kai’s hand with the other. His wails were louder than before as his face contorted into an adorable frown. Luhan tried all he could to stop himself from squealing.



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shulahoops #1
Chapter 1: Please update soon :D
Spoopywoopy #2
Chapter 1: nice, 10/10, would read again.