Chapter 8

Our Normal Lives

It was now 9AM and everyone was finally fully awake. Julia, Jackson, Yoona, and Kai were all downstairs eating breakfast that Jackson made. Bella was still upstairs in her room lying in her bed and thinking about how much of an idiot she has been. Yoona and Julia had already called her down several times, but it was always the same excuse for her. 
"I already ate something at around 6 so I'm good."

In reality she ate something horrible that was eating out her every thought.

Bella's POV:


Damn it! If only I hadn't been so judgemental of them. I mean I hated Julia before  I even formally met her. I also hated Kai just for smirking at me. What the hell is wrong with me?! I hated the rich kids for having such a gigantic and beautiful school and for being "snobby." But, I never even met all of them yet. I don't know their stories. I don't know what challenges they're currently facing. I completely disregarded the fact that they were all still normal humans with a heart and feelings. 

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even hear someone knocking at my door again. This time the person was yelling for my attention. 
"Bella hey Bella! Are you alright in there? Why'd you lock the door? Why can't we come in? Helloooo?? Bella did you pass out? I'm gonna kick down this door in 10 seconds if you don't come out! 10 9 8.."
Bella: Alright alright I'm coming !!!! I'm alive!

I opened the door and there was an anxious Jackson holding a plate of eggs and bacon. 
"God Bella I thought you died!"
"Sorry Jackson. Is that for me?"
"Yea since you didn't get to eat my cooking yet today! I know how much you love my culinary skills so here you go."
"Hey we're all gonna go around the Hamptons and maybe the beach. And, you're coming so be ready by 10:30. See ya later!"

10:30?! It was already 9:45! He expects me to know what to wear, finish my breakfast, and have my make up on by 10:30?! He's crazy but I can't let everyone wait for me!

I stuffed down my eggs and bacon as fast as I could. All while walking back and forth to the closet deciding what to wear. Eventually I came out with this:

Then, I burshed my teeth and put on a simple amount of make up. I walked downstairs to wash my plate and saw Kai there. He was already changed and was getting himself some water. I tried my best to avoid all forms of contact with him by looking straight at the sink. I started the water and Kai finally spoke up. 

Kai: You don't have to avoid me. 
Bella: What? Sorry I was just washing my plate. 
Kai: Bella you can just leave it there. That's the maid's job. 

Suddenly I looked to my right and saw a maid waiting right beside me smiling. 
Bella: It's fine I do this at home every day. 
Maid: No ma'am it's your vacation I can handle it. Thank you though.
Bella: Ummm okay thanks. 

I wiped my hands and looked back at Kai who was half smiling at me.
Bella: What?
Kai: Nothing. But, I was saying earlier that you don't have to avoid me. I'm sorry I kinda just exploded at you earlier. 
Bella: No, you had every right to. I was being a complete jerk for judging every rich person I see. I'm sorry. You're not in the wrong. I am.
Kai: Well thank you for apologizing. But, you were also right too. I shouldn't just give up so easily just because I was hurt. You're right so thank you. 
Bella: So, we're cool? *stick hand out*
Kai: Yea we're cool *takes her hand and pulls her into a hug*
Bella; What the? Kai!
Kai: We're friends now so it's fine :)

Yoona walks in to see the two hugging and decides to take a seat and watch them. Bella noticed her and quickly pushed Kai away.
Bella: Yoona you scared me!
Yoona: Don't stop on my account. Please continue your little lovey dovey thing. 
Kai: Yoona it's not-
Bella: We're not dating. We had a little argument earlier this morning and we're all good now.
Yoona: Mmkay well then I'll be taking Bella away now. See ya at the car Kai. 

Yoona pulled Bella to the living room area where Julia was lying down all ready and playing on her phone. 

Julia: Damn Bella where the hell have you been this morning? 
Yoona: Apparently, Kai and Bella had an argument earlier which is why I think she didn't come down. But, I saw them hugging just a few minutes ago in the kitchen. 
Julia: In the kitchen you say?
Bella: It's just a hug! Me and Jackson hug all the time!
Julia: Which reminds and Jackson are super duper close. Like you two wouldn't mind sleeping together in the same bed but no kind of close. Like comfortable enough to fart in front of each other close. 
Bella: What's your point?
Julia: Did you two ever date?
Yoona: Ohhhh yeaaa did you?
Bella: Pshh why would that even matter though? 
Julia: Just answer. 
Bella; Yea we did like in 7th grade for 1 year.
Yoona: 1 year?!
Julia: Then why'd you break up? You two are like the best of friends.
Bella: That's just it. We're like brother and sister. We loved each other but not in the romantic way. At first we did because there was nobody else we were so comfortable around so we loved each other in a romantic way. But, soon enough we realized we were just meant to be friends. And it ended on a good note. Obviously because he's still my bro for this long already. 
Yoona: That's cute. 
Julia: Yea all my exes hate me. 
Yoona: That's because every time they said it was time to break up you would would hurt them physically and mentally. 
Julia: Hey break my heart and I'll break you. 
Bella; That's a good one!

Jackson: Hey kiddos ready to go??

We all piled into the limo that took us around town. We went to different food places trying different ice creams, smoothies, and chocolates. At one point it led to an ice cream face off....literally. The goal was to smudge the most ice cream on a person's face. Let's just say Julia was not too happy about that, but we all were. Then we walked around for an hour looking at stores and trying on different outfits. We even cross dressed at one point. I think if Yoona were a guy she'd be a ladies man no doubt. And, Jackson....ummm haha he's got great legs sure. 

It was now 1:15PM and we all decided it was time for lunch. I thought it would be a great idea for us to all cook together. So, I found this cute little farmer's market and suggested we get some groceries there. Of course, Julia disagreed but eventually gave in. We all went into the market together. Kai, Yoona, and Julia stood in amazement. 
Yoona: It's like a closet for food!
Bella: You really have never been in a market before?
Yoona: No and it's cool! 
Kai: There's so much of one kind of food. Look at how much tomatoes there are in one place! Look  at all that eggplant and lettuce and carrots! Wow
Julia: Ummm it's pretty open....what if it's dirty from bugs and all these people touching it?
Bella: That's why we wash it before cooking
Julia: Oh cool....*Lifts one carrot with two fingers and throws it back*
Jackson: Here I brough a shopping basket for us. 
Yoona: jackson you've been to a market before?!
Julia: He and bella were close friends since they were kids so he had to have come at least twice in his life. Especially since they dated.
Yoona: True
Jackson: Yea it's a lot of fun in different markets you guys should see for yourself. It's so lively. 
Kai: You two dated?
Jackson: For like a year then we broke up in good terms, obviously.
Bella: Yea he is too much of a brother to be my boyfriend haha
Kai: I see. 

Kai, Jackson, and Yoona happily walked around grabbing any fruit and vegetable they liked. Julia just walked behind putting hand santizer on each time she bumped into a food stand or wall. After we paid for everything we headed back to the limo with each person carrying two bags filled with food. 

Bella: Ohmygoodness guys we have enough food to last us for like a week. We're only staying here for 2 more days. 
Kai: You think all this food will last us for a week. Trust me with me and Jackson together plus the stomachs of Yoona and Julia I'm sure that'll last us 2 days. 
Julia: Ahem what are you implying? That I'm fat?!
Kai: No not that you're fat just that we ALL have big appeites. 
Julia: Kai I can't believe it. You're basically calling me fat but in a nicer way. 
Jackson: If that's the case Julia then I guess me, Kai, and Yoona are "fat" too. C'mon He didn't mean it in that way. Besides it's awesome when girls have a big appetite instead of eating just a salad. 
Yoona: I don't care can we just start cooking I'm starving!!!
Bella: Well...we can make Chicken curry if you guys want.
Jackson: I'll make rice, since that's probably the only thing I can contribute. 
Julia: I'll set the table then since I've never cooked in my life. 
Bella: Kai and Yoona wanna help me then?
Yoona & Kai: Sure :)


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