Chapter 7

Our Normal Lives

It was now 10PM and Jackson, Yoona, and Bella were already back at the house. Just then there was a knock on the door and high heels are heard. The other 3 were upstairs watching "Insidious Chapter 3." The servants take the new lady's bags to her room as another maid guides her to the bedroom. The high heels were heard much louder now and are approaching Yoona's room. As the other 3 were so immersed into the movie hiding under pillows and blankets there was loud bang on the door followed by black shadow.

Jackson, Yoona, & Bella: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Jackson: Please spare me God protect us!! I'm sorry I haven't gone to church in months!
Bella: NO I'm still young I have a whole life ahead of me!!

THen a laugh was heard...

It was fricken Julia.....
Yoona: What the hell Julia?!
Jackson: You couldn't at least call or text us that you were on your way?!
Julia: Well, that would just ruin the surprise now, wouldn't it? Besides, that's what you get for watching a movie without me.
Bella: Yea well I don't think you wanna watch this movie at night....I know I don't want to.
Julia: What? So you are a little weakling then, aren't you Bella?
Bella: Fine come and enjoy yourself! 
Julia: Alright let's see who's the bravest tonight. 

All four of them continue the movie screaming, covering their eyes, and plugging their ears. Once the movie was finished everyone was too scared to sleep alone. 
Yoona: Sooooooo who's wants a sleepover in my room??
Bella & Jackson: MEEE!!
Bella: At least if someone comes we can fight them off together!
Julia: You wimps I'm going to my room now. It was fun. BTW where's Kai it's already 12.
Jackson: He's doing "business"
Julia: Say no more. Good night.

Yoona: So I guess Bella and I get to sleep on the bed and you can sleep on the floor.
Jackson: What?! It's decided just like that?!
Yoona: My room my rules
Bella: Face it your outnumbered. 
Jackson: Unbelievable just unbelievable.
Yoona: Fine, go sleep in your room....ALONE.
Jackson: Actually the floor feels like a mattress! I'm fine down here!

Bella throws him some blankets and pillows on the floor.
Jackson: Gee thanks.
Bella: What are friends for?
Jackson: For unfair and unreasonable treatment.
Bella: Sleeping alone then?
Jackson: I'll shut up.

THe 3 friends begin to doze off. It was now 12:45AM and Bella hears footsteps. She wakes up immediately and sees another black shadow. She quickle grabs her phone and turns on the flashlight. 
Julia: *in whisper voice* Ow what the hell?! that's so bright! 
Bella: I thought you were sleeping alone
Julia: Yea not anymore. I'm coming in. 
Bella: So I guess you're a loser too?
Julia: Shut up and move aside.

Bella moves closer to Yoona as the three of them fit in the King size bed. They all finally fall asleep again. But, at 5AM Bella is awoken to the sound of a bear. Nope, not a real bear...just Jackson snoring. She tries to get comfortable but is squished between Yoona and Julia. So she decides to get up and get a glass of water. Luckily, it was a little bright from the sun. She makes her way quietly downstairs and towards the kitchen. It was pretty chilly this morning. So, she changes her mind for something warmer. More footsteps were hears and she turns around to an unpleasant yet pleasant sight at the same time.



It was Fricken Kai Shirtless.....putting on a shirt too

He finally noticed Bella after putting his shirt on and greeted her.

Kai: Mornin' want some coffee?
Bella:....Ummmmm yea sure um yea that'd be awesome. 
Kai: Here you go.
Bella: Thanks.....hey where'd you go yesterday? You were gone all night. 
Kai: Business
Bella: (sure...i bet business involves bed and that girl) Oh okay. Well you missed a fun movie night. Well, not really fun. It was terryifying. We're all sleeping in Yoona's room.
Kai: Julia's here now?
Bella: Yea she came at around 10 last night. 
Kai: Cool. What'd you think of the lunch?
Bella: It was interesting. 
Kai: Interesting how?
Bella: Well, it was interesting because I've never been in an environment like that before. Surrounded by wealthy and powerful people. Having to talk a certain way and say certain things in order to impress them. I was fun. It felt like playing a movie character. It felt like I was in an episode of Gossip Girl. 
Kai: Hey I mean that's good, right? Blake Lively is hot. 
Bella: Hahaha Yeaaaaa. 
Kai: I'm sure you felt kinda awkward and out of place though right? Having to be all proper. Nobody wants to get to know you as a person. They want to know your power, wealth, or future plans to become more rich. Nobody wants to just talk and have fun. Enjoy each other's company. 
Bella: Yea I can see how you guys would get tired of this life every day. I'm sorry.
Kai: Sorry for what?
Bella: Before, I assumed all rich people were just snobby, rude, and cocky. They have all the money and power so they can do whatever they want. But, I guess not all people are like that. Like you and Julia and Yoona and Jackson. I never realized the cons of being in a wealthy family.
Kai: Well a lot of them are still pretty rude too, but thanks. 
Bella: is that why you left the party early?
Kai: huh?
Bella: I saw you leaving the party early with a girl. 
Kai: Oh...well. I mean like I said it was just business with her. 
Bella: Didn't look like business to me. She looked like she was getting . 
Kai: Yea well. That's part of the business. Her parents were still in the process of deciding whether or not to partner with my parents for a project. So, I just gave her a good time and created a good name for my family. Hopefully, she'll convince her parents to agree on the partnership now. It's just business. 
Bella: So everything is just business to you guys? Kai have you ever been with someone because you actually and genuinely cared for them? 
Kai: What do you think I'm so cold hearted person now? 
Bella: No! It was because you kept emphasizing that everything is just for business. Being with that girl is just for business. There are no emotions involved whatsoever. 
Kai: Yes. I have been with people who I actually and genuinely care for. For example, my friends. Jackson, Yoona, and Julia. I care about them a lot. We've been through hell and back together. I wounld never abandon them in times of need! As for being with girls.....I've tried. But all of them were in it just for the money. So, I've given up. Everything except my friends is strictly business. I never let any of my feelings get the better of me. 
Bella: I'm sorry.
Kai: Bella, you don't know me. You don't know the life I've had. You've only NOW just realized how our lives are. And, that is only a tiny fraction of how our lives work in this society. You haven't seen our families yet. Stop thinking that you've got me all figured out. 
Bella: I'm sorry...but about the whole never letting your feelings get the better of you. I don't think you should just give up on love like that. Yes, you've been hurt, but that doesn't mean something good will come out of it. For whatever pain you're feeling now there will always be something better to come out of it, and it will help to mend the wounds that you have right now. 

Kai looked at her straight in the eyes now. 

Bella: But, you're right too. I don't know much about you yet. So, I shouldn't just judge you. I'm sorry for that. I'll leave you be for now. Oh and good morning. 

Bella turned around holding her now cold coffee and made her way up to her room. She sat on her bed just thinking about that whole conversation. 
Bella: Damn it what was I thinking back there?! *slaps herself*

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