Chapter 5

Our Normal Lives

It was 10PM and I had finally finished packing everything to last me a week. I packed the nicest clothes I had, all my beauty stuff, makeup, and toiletries. I also brought my camera, phone, computer, and chargers. I went to bed feeling excited. My first vacation trip with friends. On top of that it's at the Hamptons! I should get my beauty sleep now. 

I woke up at 7AM sharp and my mom had breakfast already prepared. My dad brought my bags downstairs and joined me for breakfast. As I was eating my acai bowl breakfast my dad decided to give me some advice. 
"If you're going to partys make sure you're with your friends. If you have a drink always make sure you're holding it. Cover it with your hand too, you never know what kind of drugs they're slipping into those drinks. Don't trust anyone unless they're your friends or the adults on the trip! Make sure you call us every day too! We will fly there if you're not calling us! And NO please! I know you're alone and with friends so there's gonna be some raging hormones or you're going to get maybe...."
My mom just sighed as she took a seat next to me. 
"Honey, Bella's a good girl. I trust her. She'll be fine I know it. But, please do be careful, okay?" 
Mom always knows what to say and do. I continued my breakfast and brushed my teeth. I took one more look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look good for the Hamptons. Julia texted me last night about wearing something nice because we'll be going out to lunch. So I did my makeup, and dressed fancy, but no too fancy. Casual fancy! That's it!

It was 8:55AM Now and Julia should be here any minute. My phone just buzzed and I looked at the text from Julia. She said she got too busy at home so she'll be joining us at the Hamptons later than usual. But, someone else will pick me up and me to the private jet. I replied back that it's fine and thanked her again. 

9:00 sharp and there was a knock on my door. My dad opened the door and called my name. Maybe it's one of her drivers. it was Kai. 

"Hey you look great Bella." 
"Thanks and you clean up pretty nicely too."
My dad stood behind me and coughed. "Hello, and you are?"
Kai stumbled and said "Oh good morning sir. My name is Kim Jongin. Our friend Julia had some business to attend to so she can't make it the Hamptons trip with us on time. She'll be with us at a later time. But, I'm here in place of Julia."
My dad looked him up and down. Oh gosh please not this. I decided to end the awkwardness and pretended like we were in a rush. 
"Ohmygoodness look at the time. We gotta get going Kai or else we'll be late! Bye mom bye dad! *Kisses them both* I'll call every day and I love you!"
Kai grabbed my bags and helped me into the car. Once inside Kai spoke first,
"Thanks for that back there. It was getting pretty awkward."
I just shrugged it off, "It's fine. Besides what happened back there? Why'd you suddenly freeze up like that? That's not the confident Kai I know."
Kai just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. "I honestly don't know. Anyways, we'll meet up with Jackson and Yoona at the airport. Is this your first time in a private jet?"
"Ummmm.....let me think back....of course it is! I'm "poor" remember?"
"Well it's just like riding a normal plane but just with less people."

Surprisingly, we both maintained a good conversation without me thinking he's a douche. Kai is actually a pretty cool dude. We finally got to the airport and met up with Jackson, Yoona, and their parents. Hmmmm..Where are Kai's parents? 
"Hey kai where are your parents?"
Kai just looked at me, "they're busy so they'll just be there for Thanksgiving and they have to go back to their office."
I saw the sadness and loneliness in his eyes. Wow I guess there's more to Kai than what I see at school. I stopped thinking about it when I was greeted by Jackson's parents with a huge hug. They're like my aunties and uncles <3 After a short greeting I was introduced to Yoona's parents. They were both just as nice as Mr. and Mrs. Wang! I think I'm gonna have fun this week. 

After a few minutes a worker led us through the airport and to the private jet. It looked like a normal plane so that's good. But, when I entered inside it was completely different from a normal plane!

This is a condo in a plane! My jaw dropped again and once again Jackson was there to close my mouth for me. Yoona saw and gave me a huge hug, "Awww Bella you're so adorable! Come and sit next to me!"
We took a seat on the white couch and Jackson sat on my other side. Once the plane was off the ground I wanted to take as many pictures as I possible could. I sat in one of the chaires next to the TV with an empty wine glass in my right hand. I was having the time of my life on this mini condo. After one hour we were served with snacks. These snacks were chocolate covered fruits and pizza. THey also had a variety of drinks to choose from. Did you know how many types of water there is!? I thought there was only the wet kind! Damn the life of the rich is insane! 

There was one more hour left till we get to New York. At this time me, Jackson, Yoona, and Kai were sitting together while the parents were in another compartment. I was so excited on just this plane that I decided to start the conversation. 
"You guys this is going to be a fun trip! Just this plane ride alone was amazing!"
Yoona smiled at me, "Hey Bella how did decide to attend Windor academy?"
I looked at Yoona confused, "Well that was out of the blue. But, anyways, everyone knows how good of a school Windor is. It is basically guaranteed a sucessful future if you attend this school. I knew that by going here it would help me a lot fo do well in life."
Kai looked up at me, "So, that's why huh? Because you attended this school you're also now involved in whatever drama goes in the lives of the rich too. Anytime you get caught doing something wrong your life is pretty much over in this society unless you're extremely powerful."
Jackson continued, "we're luck that our parents are powerful and influential people, so they can solve any problem." 
I looked at them all. "How'd you all get so close?"
Yoona answered, "we have been friends since birth. The rich only associate with the rich and that's what happened with our families. Since our families are powerful they decided to come together and we all just became close. We've been there for each other through all the scandals, heart breaks, fights, and pretty much any bad thing."
Kai continued now, "there's still a lot going on in our upper class society. The lunch today will be with a bunch of other influential people. And...."
Jackson finished for him, "it can be dangerous. That's why on the first day of school I wanted to know for sure if you really want to attend this school."

All of them: Jackson, Kai, Yoona, and Julia. They all have some kind of dark past. I guess this is part of the rich lifestyle too? Wow. Am I in gossip girl? I decided to lighten the mood because I couldn't take it anymore, "I'll be fine! And, all of you should cheer up! It's break! What kind of person walks around a school break looking so gloomy?! So, let's have fun this week and make it memorable, okay? I won't take any sad faces!"
They all smiled at me and Yoona pulled me into a big giant hug. 

After that we landed in New York and took a limo to the Hamptons. After a while we finally made it to our vacation house and boyyyyy it was not just any house. It was another mansion. C'mon Bella at this rate you shouldn't be surprised. 

We were greeted by a bunch of servants. The parents were directed to their own rooms.
Kai: I don't know about you but I hope I'll be in a room with Bella here. 
Jackson: Haha yeaaaa not happening. *Pushes Kai away* 
Maid: This house is big enough for each person to have their own room. So if you'll follow us we'll take you to your rooms.
I followed this one maid with a servant behind me carrying my bags. I can get used to this ahaha. 
Maid: Welcoma, ma'am this will be your room during your stay this week. 
Me: Wow thank you very much. 
When they closed the door I was just in awe. I can't believe I'll have this whole space to myself!

I jumped into my bed and let out a sigh of relief. I can't wait for this whole week. 


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