Only Look At Me

The next day, Mark went to go pick Taeyeon up for school. "Morning oppa." She greeted him. "Morning Taeng." He greeted and kissed her on the cheeks. "Have you eaten yet?" She asked. "Yeah I already ate before I came." He told her. Taeyeon nodded and continued to eat her breakfast. "So what did you do last night after you left?" Mark asked her. "Ohh nah, Jiyong oppa just took me out to Myeongdong and we just ate and caught up a bit." She told him. Mark nodded at her reply. He then went into her fridge and got some orange juice. "Oppa are you going to go to this years school trip?" She asked him. "When even is it?" He asked. "Not too sure oppa. I think its going to be end of this term." She said not too sure. "Hmm I don't know, most likely. We always go anyways." He replied.

Taeyeon quickly finished her breakfast before grabbing her school blazer. "Oppa lets go. Before we're late." She said to him. Mark finished off his juice and the two made their way out. On their way to school they ran into Seungri. "Ohh morning oppa." Taeyeon waved. Seungri went up to them and gave Taeyeon a hug. "Morning my Taeng." He greeted. Mark and  Seungri done their handshake. "Why'd you leave early last night Taeng?" He asked her. "Jiyong oppa took me out to eat." She told him. Seungri nodded. "It's been a while since I last saw him." Taeyeon said. "Taeng why do you always ditch us for Jiyong hyung?" Seungri pouted. Taeyeon looked at him in surprise. "Oppa what are you talking about? I never leave you guys for him." She laughed. "Yes you do." Seungri joked. "Maybe you like him." He continued. "Pft Jiyong oppa? No way" She laughed. "Plus I already have Mark oppa with me." She smiled and linked her arm with his. "What about me?" Seungri pretended to be upset. Taeyeon poked her tounge out at him. "Lets go oppa. Leave Seungri oppa alone." Taeyeon said to Mark. Mark joined in and walked away with Taeyeon. "Yah! I'm older than the both of yous. How can you treat me like this?" Seungri said and ran up to them. Taeyeon giggled at Seungri's childish side. "And to think his older then both of us." Mark said to her.

Once they got to school, they went to meet up with GOT7. "Morning oppa!" Taeyeon ran up to them and greeted them. Mark and Seungri too walked up and greeted the rest. "Omo, Bam Bam oppa, you look so tired." Taeyeon laughed at him. "Yeah I know... We got home late and I couldn't sleep." He told her. "Here drink this." Taeyeon handed her one of her energy drinks. "No it's okay, you have it." Bam Bam told her. "Oppa it's okay, I have another one in my bag." She smiled. "Are you sure?" He asked. Taeyeon nodded. "Here take it." She handed it to him. "Thanks Taeng." Bam Bam said and took the drink. The bell then rang signalling them to head to their lockers and get their books. While Taeyeon was at her locker getting her books, Jiyeon decided to go up to her. "Yah Kim Taeyeon." She called out. Taeyon rolled her eyes when she heard Jiyeon's voice and turned around. "Can I help you?" She asked. "Yah you stay away from Kris okay? I know that your still hung up on him, but let it go. His over you okay?" Jiyeon said. Taeyeon smirked. "Wow you really think I'm still into that guy?" She started. "I couldn't care less anymore about him." She said. As Taeyeon was about to turn back to her locker Jiyeon stopped her. "Look you can say whatever but being your friend for 3 years, I think I have an idea whether or not your still into him." Jiyeon said. "Yeah a fake friend for 3 years." Taeyeon started. "Look Jiyeon, you can go and say whatever you want about me, but I don't care anymore. Having Kris spreading all the ridiculous rumors about me for the past year, I think by now I've learnt to just not care. I'd appreciate it more, if the two of you just leave me alone and continue your lives." Taeyeon finished. She turned around grabbed her books and slammed her locker closed and walked away. "You wait Kim Taeyeon, this isn't the end of it." Jiyeon said to herself as she glared Taeyeon away. 

Taeyeon got to her seat in the classroom and sighed. "Whats wrong?" Mark asked. "Nothing oppa I'm fine." She replied and got her stuff ready. "Taeng, you really think I'm going to buy that?" Mark asked. Taeyeon turned to him. "Oppa why can't she just leave me alone." She sighed hard. "Who? Jiyeon?" He asked. Taeyeon pouted and nodded. "Are you serious? Is she still on to you?" Mark asked surprised. Taeyeon nodded. "She literally just came up to me and confronted me." She said. "What did she say?" Mark asked. "She told me to stay away from Kris." Taeyeon rolled her eyes at the mention of his name. "Wow... It's been how long now? Over a year? And she's still talking about that..." Mark said and shook his head. "Oppa I'm so over it. Don't they get it? I don't care about it anymore." Taeyeon pouted. "Taeng don't stress about it. Trust me it's not worth it at all." Mark assured her. "Hey whats going on?" Seungri came in and joined. "Ohh nothing oppa, just talking bout our assignment." Taeyeon turned to him and said. Seungri nodded and then the three started talking about the assignment.

During lunch break, Mark told the group that he was going to go to the bathroom. "Where is he?" He asked himself. "Most likely outside." He continued. Mark went searching for Kris. "There he is." He thought to himself. "Mark oppa? Want to join us for lunch?" One of the fangirls that was with Kris asked. Mark smiled and politely declined the offer. "Actually I just wanted to speak to Kris." He said. Just as Kris stood up, Jiyeon went and joined the table. "Ohh Mark oppa, what are you doing here?" She asked him. Mark knew what kind of person Jiyeon was. Afterall she was 'friends' with Taeyeon for 3 years. "Just need to speak to Kris for a second." He said. "Ohh really? Come sit and join us." She offered. "No I'm fine really. I just need to talk to Kris." He said to her. Even Kris grew annoyed at Jiyeon trying to get Mark to eat with them. "Yeah what's up?" He asked him. Mark gestured to talk somewhere else. Kris got the idea and they headed somewhere private. "What?" Kris asked. "Look I'm just going to get this straight. Leave Taeyeon alone." Mark told him. Kris smirked. "And  what's it to you?" He asked. "Don't you think you've caused her enough trouble for the past year?" Mark glared at him. "And now getting Jiyeon to confront her too? What kind of person are you?" Mark said in disbelief. "What are you talking about?" Kris said. "Don't act surprised Kris. We both know what kind of person Jiyeon is. Taeyeon is sick and tired of it all. I'm not the type, but if you don't tell Jiyeon to back off, I will." Mark glared at him and left. 

Kris made it back to his table. "Oppa what was that all about?" Jiyeon asked him. "Jiyeon we need to talk." He told her. Jiyeon looked at him in surprised. "About what oppa?" She asked. "Can you come? We need to talk in private." He told her. Jiyeon got up and they both left. "Oppa whats going on?" He asked her. "Did you go and confront Taeyeon?" He asked her. "Oppa what are you on about? And why did you drag me away just to talk about her." Jiyeon got a bit furious. "Did you?" He asked her. "So what if I did? You don't like her anyways." Jiyeon said. "Jiyeon stop it. If your going to do this everytime, then it's not going to work out for us." He told her. "You can't just go and confront her like that." He continued. "Oppa why are you protecting her? Aren't you the one who started all this? You were the one who used her then talked about her." Jiyeon said a bit angry. "Ji that was over a year ago. You need to stop it." Kris said. "Oppa you can't be serious right now. Why are you protecting her? Are you still interested in her?" She asked. Kris looked at her. "You are aren't you?" Jiyeon said shocked. "I can't believe you." She said angry and alked away. "That's it Kim Taeyeon." She said and went to plan her revenge on her.

"Oppa what took you so long?" Taeyeon asked Mark. "Oh nah I just went for a walk." He said and took his seat next to her. GOT7, Taeyeon and Seungri were enjoying their lunch happily when Jiyeon decided to walk past with her friends. When Jiyeon got close to Taeyeon, she pretended to trip and spill all her left over lunch all over Taeyeon. Taeyeon who was shocked stood up in surprise. "Oops sorry Taeyeon I didn't see you there." Jiyeon said and smiled. "Yah Choi Jiyeon don't you think thats a bit too much?" Jr said angrily and stood up. "I'm sorry I didn't see you there." She said. Taeyeon looked up and glared at her. "But hey look she's already covered in food, might as well dump the whole thing right?" Jiyeon said and poured the rest of her juice all over her. "Yah!" Mark said and stood in front of Taeyeon angrily. Jiyeon laughed with her group of friends that was with her. Some of the students that were looking started laughing too at Taeyeon and even whispering on how she deserved it. Taeyeon couldn't take it anymore. She wiped her tears and ran out of the caferteria. On her way out, she bumped into Kris. She looked up at him and then continued to go out. "What happened?" He asked himself. 

"Choi Jiyeon whats wrong with you?" Mark angrily said to her. "Oppa what do you mean? She deserves it anyways." Jiyeon said to him. "Don't oppa me Jiyeon. Stop acting like such a child will you!" Mark angrily said. The students around looked at him shocked. They've never seen Mark act like this before. Just then Kris arrived at the scene. "Yah Park Minho! Are you happy? Is this what you want? To embaress Taeyeon like that?" Mark said to him. "You both finially got what you wanted, now leave her alone will you." Mark said to the two. He walked away and as he walked passed Kris, he made sure to bump his shoulder. The rest of GOT7 and Seungri looked at them with dissapointment and followed Mark out.

Taeyeon was up on the rooftop crying. She heard the door open and she put her head down. "Taeng you okay?" Mark asked. Taeyeon cried louder and shook her head. "Oppa I can't do this anymore. Why won't they stop?" She cried. "Taeng stop crying. Hey look at me." Mark sat next to her. She looked up and he wiped her face clean and gave her a bottle of water to drink. "Oppa I can't anymore. I'm tired of it all. I want it to end." She cried. Mark gave her a hug. "Oppa your uniform..." She cried in his chest. "Don't worry about it. That doesn't matter right now." He said to her. Taeyeon hugged him back.  After about another 10 minutes, Mark convinced her to go back down. He took her to the school nurse to get another pair of uniform. "Oppa what about yours?" Taeyeon asked. "Don't worry about mine Taeng." He told her. "I'll be right back." He said and left the room. "Here you go sweety. Just go into that room and get changed." The school nurse said. "Thank you." Taeyeon bowed. She took the spare clothes and changed into it. She tied her hair back so that her hair won't touch the clean uniform. When she got out, Mark was already back. "Ohh your back?" She asked. "And why do you have my bag...?" She curiosly asked him. "We're going home." He smiled at her. Taeyeon looked at him surprised. "What...?" She asked. Mark laughed at her. "Come on. I'm taking you home." He smiled. "But class..." Before she could finish, Mark cut her off. "Don't worry I already told the teachers and the principal said it was fine. She's also going to have a word to Jiyeon too." Mark told her. Taeyeon nodded and took her bag. "Come on lets go." He put his arm around her shoulder and led her out.

On their way out, students were still whispering about her. "Just ignore them Taeng." Mark said. Taeyeon just nodded and kept her face down. She was embaressed enough by Jiyeon for the day. Taeyeon knows what kind of person Jiyeon is, but she didn't expect that kind of behavior from her. When the two arrived at the school gate Taeyeon remembered she forgot something in the class room. "Oppa, did you get my assignment? It was on my desk in class." She told him. Mark looked at her. "Ohh no I didn't. I'll quickly run in. Wait for me here yeah?" He said and ran off. Taeyeon went to go and sit on the bench at the gate and waited for him. "Taeyeon?" Someone called out. Taeyeon looked up. "What do you wan Kris? To embaress me more?" She said. Kris sat next to her. "Look I'm sorry. I really had no idea that Jiyeon was going to do that." He said to her. Taeyeon didn't reply to him so he continued. "I really am sorry. I also hope that  we can maybe start a fresh?" He asked her. Taeyeon finally looked at him. "And how come when I asked that you specifically told me that we can never be how we were back then? Look Kris, I don't mind being your friend again but, like you said, we can never be how we were back then. I don't want to go and trust you again for the hundreth time just so that it will turn out how it did the first time." She sighed. "Honestly, I don't want to have anything to do with you right now." She told him. "But Tae please, you have to trust me." He said to her. "How can I? After all of this how can i possible trust you again? Look at what happened the first time I did. I don't wan't another repeat of that." She told him. "I really am sorry. Please give me on more chance. I can prove to you that I'm serious." He said to her. "I don't know Kris..." She sighed. "I think it's best to stay away from each other." She told him. Taeyeon saw Mark coming from afar so she stood up. "Taeyeon wait." Kris said and grabbed her arm. Taeyeon was shocked and turned to him. "Please don't do this." Kris said. "I'm sorry Kris but I think it will be better for both of us." She told him and tried to free herself. "No Taeyeon..." Kris said. "Kris let me go, your hurting me..." Taeyeon said as she tried to free her hand. Kris still wouldn't let go. "Kris.." She started. "Yah! She said your hurting her." Mark came and said. "Go away Mark. This has nothing to do with you." Kris glared at him. "It has everything to do with me." Mark glared back. "Now let her go." He continued. "And if I don't?" Kris challenged. "You really wan't to see?" Mark walked closer. "Oppa don't. His provoking you." Taeyeon said to Mark while still trying to free herself. "Let her go. I'm pretty sure she want's nothing to do with you." Mark glared. "Go back to Jiyeon. I'm pretty sure that shes waiting for you anyways." He continued. At the mention of her name, Kris stopped. He turned and looked at Taeyeon. "Taeyeon I want you to know now that from now on there is nothing going on between me and Jiyeon." He told her. "Kris I don't care anymore. I don't care about your business with her. Please just let me go!" She started to raise her voice. At this point Mark took the arm Kris was holding and forced his hand off of her. "Haven't you had enough? Can't you see what your doing to her? Will you just stop now." Mark said to him. "She has suffered enough from you, just let her go will you?" He continued. Kris looked at Taeyeon. Her eyes was starting to water again. "She wants nothing to do with you okay?" Mark said to him. "Lets go home." He turned to Taeyeon. Taeyeon nodded and wiped her tears away. Mark glared at Kris and put his arm around Taeyeon's shoulder and led her home. "Taeng don't cry for him anymore. You did the right thing. I'm proud of you." He whispered to her and kissed her on the side of her head. "Thank you oppa. For everything." Taeyeon said to him.

Kris looked at the two as they walked away. "Can't you see what your doing to her? Will you just stop it now." "She has suffered enough from you." Mark's words rang in his head. "I know I caused you to suffer a lot Tae. I'm so sorry." He thought to himself. "But I really don't like the way how Mark can just touch and kiss you like that. Did you really move on from me...?" He thought. Kris sighed and made his way back to the classroom.

When Mark and Taeyeon arrived at her house, Mark told her to go and take a shower. "I'll put the dirty clothes in the wash okay? You just go and wash up." Mark told her. Taeyeon nodded. "Thank you oppa." She thanked him. "Hey stop thanking me okay? It's okay." He smiled at her. "Oppa you've done so much for me." She told him. "And I'm really thankfull. I don't know what I'll do without you." She continued. Mark smiled at her and gave her a hug. "Go wash up. We don't want you smelling like this." He laughed. Taeyeon smiled and made her way to the bathroom. While she was in the bathroom, Mark got both her dirty uniform and his and put it in the wash. Since they've known each other for years now, Mark also has a change of clothes at her house. After he put her clothes in the wash, he quickly messaged Seungri and JB that he took Taeyeon home and to not worry. 

"I hope she's alright." Seungri said worried. "Don't worry hyung, Mark hyung will take care of her." Jackson said. "Does this always happen?" Seungri asked. "This wouldn't be the first time Jiyeon confronted her. But it is the first time she's ever pulled a stunt like that to her." Bam Bam said. " She get bullied a lot?" Seungri asked again. "It's more like rumors and then students believe it. It all started after the thing with her and Kris." Jr answered. "Kris was the one who started spreading rumors about her after she found out that he used her. We don't know why too." Youngjae said. "After their history, Mark and Taeng become closer and he started looking out for her more. We're not sure if Kris was jealous or what not, but since Mark and Taeng bcame more close to each other, his rumors just wouldn't stop." He continued. Seungri sat there and listened to them explain all thats happened to Taeyeon at school. "And she doesn't care that they're saying these things about her?" He asked. "Hyung, we already spoke to her about this, she is over it all. She's come to the point where she doesn't care about what people say about her. Especially when it's the stuents from school." Yugeom said. "Thankfully Mark hyung cares about her so much, or else we wouldn't know what to do." Youngjae said. "So pretty much the students here don't know that she is one of the most loved performers?" Seungri asked. "Honestly I don't even think anyone knows that shes a performer." JB said. "I mean, based on all the rumors they've said..." He continued. "If they knew I don't think that she would be treated this badly at school." Jr said. "Wow... So much happened to her here. I wonder if the others know about it..." Seungri said. "I'm pretty sure that SNSD knows. Tiffany is like her sister. Most likely they know. But I don't know about Big Bang hyungs." Bam Bam said. "Yeah nah I don't think hyungs know about this." Seungri said. "Wait even Jiyong hyung?" Youngjae asked surprised. "I think he has an idea but I don't think that he knows that it's this bad." Seungri replied. Just then the bell rang signalling them to head back to class.

On their way back to class they still heard the girls whispering about todays drama in the caferteria. "Excuse me ladies, if you want to talk about Taeyeon like that, I'd appreciate it if you can talk somewhere else where we all won't hear it." JB went up to the girls and said. "Omo, sorry oppa. We'll leave now." She shyly said. "Aish, I'm sick of hearing them talk bad about our Taeng like that." Jackson said. When they arrived in their class, they saw that Kris was already sitting at his seat. As they walked past him to get to their seat, some shook their head and the others sighed.  Kris had a feeling that they would be angry at him too as he was going out with Jiyeon. He finally decided to end things with Jiyeon for sure now. 

When school ended, Kris went to look for Jiyeon. "Jiyeon I need to talk to you." He seriously said. Jiyeon happily bidded her friends goodbye. "Oppa what's wrong?" She asked him. "I'm calling this off." He said. "What?!" She asked shocked. "I clearly told you to not do that again but you still didn't listen to me. This isn't working out Ji. I'm sorry." He told her. "I knew it. Your still interested in her aren't you?" She asked him. "I don't want her to suffer anymore. I did at first but now it's too much. I've stopped and I think you should too." He told her. "But oppa..." She started. "I'm sorry Jiyeon, I hope we can still be friends though." He said to her. Jiyeon looked at him and slapped him across the face. She didn't say anything and walked away from him. Kris sighed hard. "Taeyeon I'm going to prove to you that I'm sorry." He thought as he walked out.

That night, Mark took Taeyeon out for a walk along Han river. "Oppa it's okay I'm fine." She said to her. Marked smiled. "I'm still taking you out whether you like it or not." He said to her. Taeyeon pouted. "You treat me like a kid sometimes oppa." She said to him. Mark ruffled her hair. "You are a kid sometimes." He poked his tounge out. "Yah!" She said surprised and playfully hit him on the arm. Mark laughed at her actions. "Hey would you rather Kid Taeng or byuntae?" He playfully asked. "Yah oppa that was one time!" She laughed. "Hmm I don't think so." Mark laughed. "There was that one time in America when you walked in on me. Also the other time when we first moved back to Korea and moved into the first house. Oh yeah and there was also that time when you came to visit and barged into my room without knocking." He playfully recalled. "Arraso oppa. It was more then once." She laughed. "Since your sleeping over at mine tonight, I won't be surprised if you walk into my room when I'm getting changed tonight." He laughed. Taeyeon playfully hit him on the arm again. "Okay you win." She raised her hands in defeat. "I'm a kid." She said. Mark laughed at her. Mark looked at her and saw that she was wearing a think jumper at night. He took his jacket off and put it on her. "Oppa why?" She asked. "It's getting cold and your wearing a thin jumper." He told her and put the jacket on. "What about you?" She asked. "I'll be fine. My clothing is thicker then yours anyways." He joked. Taeyeon pouted and let him put his jacket on her. "Thanks oppa." She said. "It's okay." He said and put his arm around her shoulder. The two continued to walk along Han river and recall memories from when they were younger.



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Chapter 1: Author-nim, update please xD