Only Look At Me

The week has passed and it was finally the weekend. Mark decided to make plans and go out with Taeyeon. After the incident at school, she's been cutting herself out from her friends lately so Mark thought it would be good if she got out of the house for a bit. "Oppa why? Do we have to go?" She asked him. "Yes Taeng we have to. Hurry and go get changed." He told him. "Oppa why you doing this?" She asked him. "No reason. I just thought maybe we should go and do something. It's been a while since we did anyways." He told her. Taeyeon sighed but inside she was happy she had a friend like Mark. Being together for years, she knew why he was doing this. 

Taeyeon quickly went up to her room washed up and got changed. 

When she got back down, Mark too had already changed.

"Taeng all my good clothes are here at your place." He said to her. Taeyeon laughed. "Well if oppa brought them back home and didn't leave them all here then maybe it wouldn't all be here." She giggled. Mark shook his head at her and smiled. "Come on Taeng lets go eat breakfast." He said to her and led her out. "The weathers beautiful today oppa." She said and looked up to the sky. Mark locked the house door. "Come on byuntae." He said and walked in front of her. "Yah! Oppa! That was an accident." Taeyeon fought. "It's okay Taeng, I'm not surprised anymore." Mark laughed. Taeyeon pouted and followed him. The two made their way to the bus station and waited for the bus. As they were sitting down waiting for it, someone comes and disturbs the two. 

"Taeyeon?" He called out. Mark and Taeyeon look up. "Yah are you stalking her or something?" Mark asked. "Look Mark I'm talking to Taeyeon not you okay. Back off." Kris said. "Kris what do you want?" Taeyeon asked. "Another chance." He said. "You had your chances and you lost them." Mark glared at him. Kris stopped and glared back at him. "Look Kris, I already told you, I want nothing to do with you." Taeyeon said. "Taeyeon just please hear me out." Kris said. "The bus is here. Lets go oppa." Taeyeon said and took Mark by the hand. Kris looked at the two holding hands. "Taeyeon I'm sorry. I want us to be how we were back then again." He called out. Taeyeon stopped and turned to him. "You said so yourself Kris, we can never be like how we were back then." She said to him. "Come on let's go." She turned to Mark. Mark nodded and the two went in the bus and took their seat. "You okay Taeng?" He asked her. Taeyeon turned to him and smiled. "I'm fine. it feels good anyways. I can finally let it all go an move on." She told him. Mark smiled at her and put his arm around her shoulder. "I'm proud of you." He said. Taeyeon smiled and leaned on him. 

The two arrived at Hongdae. "Oppa what are we doing?" Taeyeon asked happily. "We're going to eat and then we will do whatever you want." He smiled at her. Taeyeon nodded like a kid. "I like that." She said and smiled. So the two went to the famous 'Blanc Cafe & Bakery' in Hongdae. "Oppa I forgot how amazing this tastes. We should come here more often." Taeyeon said as she was eating her breakfast. "Only if you have the time and stop ditching me Kim Taeyeon." Mark playfully glared. Taeyeon pouted. "Oppa what are you talking about? I never ditch you." She said. "For Jiyong hyung you do." Mark laughed. "Yah oppa. You and Seungri oppa, aish. Why do you do this to me for?" She laughed. "It's alright Taeng, we do it to him too." Mark laughed. 

After the two finished their breakfast, they went walking around the streets of Hongdae. "Taeng what about this?" Mark held out a cute stuffed animal toy in front of Taeyeon. "Oppa you know I don't like that kind of stuff." Taeyeon replied. Mark laughed. "I know, that's why its fun." He smiled at her. Taeyeon shook her head. "Such a kid you are." She said and walked away. "Where are you going?" Mark laughed. "To look at things I actually like." She said and walked to the hats section. "Taeng if you love caps that much, you should just go and take Jackson's. He has loads of them." Mark said. "Omo did he get more?!" She asked excitingly. "Taeng, it's Jackson. If there's a new limited edition, he'll have it." Mark laughed. "Oppa you have to take me again and show me." She said excitingly. Mark laughed at her reaction. He grabbed a random cap from the shelf and put it on her head. "Such a kid." He laughed and walked away to look at other caps. Taeyeon took the cap off and playfully glared at him as he walked somewhere else. After a couple minutes looking at some new arrival caps, Taeyeon found one that she thought would fit Mark. "Oppa I think you should get this." She called out and said to him. When he turned around, she put the cap on for him. "There. I like it." She smiled.

"I think this one would look good with your I Got A Boy concept." Mark said and put a cap on her head.

"Hi guys are you's looking to buy a cap? Just to let you know we have a special on, you buy one and get the second pair for half price." One of the workers walked up to them. When she looked at Mark she started batting her eye lashes. Taeyeon saw the interaction and laughed inside. "We're just taking a look right now." Taeyeon said. When the worker faced her, her smiled vanished and she pulled a fake one. The worker turned back to Mark. "Well if your going to buy any just let me know." She said and walked away. Mark turned and looked at Taeyeon. "What?" He asked. Taeyeon scoffed. "Oppa she was so into you." She laughed. "Of course I am Mark after all." Taeyeon scoffed again. "Your so up yourself oppa." She smiled. "Come on let's go. I'll buy the cap for you." Mark said and took the two caps to the counter. "But oppa you always pay for me." She said to him feeling a bit bad. "It's okay Taeng." He smiled. "I'll take these two." Mark said to the worker and smiled. The worker smiled and looked down shy. Taeyeon was shaking her head. "Oppa are you sure about it?" Taeyeon asked him as he was paying. "Taeng really it's okay." He smiled at her. "But oppa..." Before she can finish, he cut her off. "Taeng really it's fine. You can shout lunch later." He put his finger on her lips. The worker saw their interaction and she glared at Taeyeon. Mark saw that and it got awkward for him. "Okay uhh thank you." He smiled and said to the worker, took the bag and walked out with Taeyeon. The two continued their shopping and bonding time until evening. "Are we going home first and grabbing our stuff before going to Sketchbook or nah?" Mark asked. "I already told  Fany to get my stuff so I'm all good. What about you?" She asked him. "Yeah I told Jackson to bring my stuff too." He replied. Taeyeon nodded. "Well then lets go get ice cream before heading over." Taeyeon said like a kid. Mark laughed at her actions. "Okay lets go." He said. "And I'm paying this time!" Taeyeon said and walked first. Mark shook his head and smiled then followed along.

"Hey guys." Daesung greeted when the two arrived at Sketchbook. Mark and Taeyeon greeted back. "So whats tonights line up?" Youngjae asked. "Are you performing tonight?" Mark turned to Taeyeon and asked. "Yeah but I think only 2 songs tonight." Taeyeon replyed. "Tae your here. Your clothes are over there." Tiffany came and said. "Thanks Fany." Taeyeon thanked. She went and get changed. 

That night Taeyeon was feeling a bit sick so she had a hard time putting up with the noise in the club. After SNSD had performed, she went and took a seat with the others. "You okay Taeng?" GD asked her. "Just got a bit of a headache oppa." She said and leaned back. "You want to get out of here?" He asked her. Taeyeon shook her head. "I'll be fine oppa." She smiled at him. While everyone else was on the dancefloor, Taeyeon stayed seated on the couch. She couldn't handle the noise anymore and decided to go outside and get some air. She stood outside the back door for a bit. "Yeon-ah there you are." GD said. "Ohh Jiyong oppa what are you doing here?" She asked him. "We came back and you weren't there and I got worried. So I decided to look for you." He told her. Taeyeon gave a weak smile. "Thanks oppa." She said and hugged him. "Do you want me to get Mark to take you home?" He asked her. Taeyeon nodded. "Can you please?" She asked. GD smiled and nodded. "Come back inside though. It's not safe out here and who knows there are some creepy old men around." He laughed. Taeyeon gave a weak laugh. "Come on." GD said and put his arm around her shoulders. He brought her to their backstage room and told her to wait there while he goes and gets Mark. "Thanks oppa." She thanked him. 

After about 5 minutes, Mark came into the room. "Taeng? You alright?" He asked as he walked in. "Taeng? Where are you?" He called out. "I'm here oppa." She said and raised her hand. Mark walked to the couch to see her lying there looking a bit pale. "You alright? You starting to look pale." He said worried about her. "Oppa can you take me home?" She asked. "Yeah of course." He said and carefully lifted her upwards. "What's wrong?" He asked and sat down next to her. "I have a massive headache. I don't know why." She said and leaned on his shoulder. Mark nodded. "Do you have any medicine in your bag?" He asked her. Taeyeon shook her head. "Not in this bag." She said and sighed. "It's alright, you can take some when you get home. Come on." He said and took her hand and stood her up. Mark got her bag and the two were on their way out. "Hold on Taeng." He stopped and said. "What's wrong? Did you forget something?" She asked. Mark shook his head. "No but take this." He said and took his jacket off and gave it to her. "Almost forgot that you haven't changed yet. We don't want any weirdo's staring at you." He said and put his jacket on her. "Thanks oppa." She said and wore it. As they both left Sketchbook, what they didn't know was that someone was watching Taeyeon's every movement the whole night. "I got you know Kim Taeyeon. Let's see how you handle this when we get back to school." She smirked and left.

Once they got off the bus and was walking towards Taeyeon's home, she felt a rush of dizziness. "You okay?" Mark asked and held her. He out his hand on her forehead. "Taeng your starting to heat up." He said worried. "I'm fine oppa..." She weakly said. "No Taeng your not. Here get on my back." He said to her. "What...?" She looked at him. Mark got down and opened his bag to get another jacket for her. He tied it around her waist and then bend down with his back facing her. "Get on." He said. "Oppa it's alright I can walk." She told him. "I'm not taking a no for an answer Taeng." He said to her. "Oppa it's really fine. I don't want to trouble you." She told him. "Taeng you never trouble me. Come on." He said and forced her on. "Oppa is it really okay?" She asked him. "Of course. Plus it's not like it's the first time." He smiled. "Thanks oppa." She smiled and said. When he got to her house, he opened the door, and took her into her room. "Go take a warm bath and then change into your pajama's." He told her. "Be careful okay?" He said. "I will oppa. Thanks." She replied. While Taeyeon was taking her bath, Mark was downstairs looking for some medicine he can give to her. Once he found the correct one, he prepared a glass of water and took it to her room. When he placed it on her desk, he looked up and saw one of their photo's taken together when they were young. He picked it up and smiled remembered that very day when they took it. He placed the photo back down on the desk, and took a look around her room. Her room was very neat and organised and had photos of her and her friends around the room. He took a look at them and then he came across a photo album that she called 'Taeyeon x Mark'. He got the album and sat on her bed. When he opened the album, it was filled with pictures of them when they were young. It had all different pictures of them. From around the time they met, to the present time. It included some pictures of them together with some GOT7 members but mostly it was just them two. As he was flipping through the pages, he came across a picture of them from when they were both kids celebrating Taeyeon's birthday. It was a photo of young Taeyeon hugging Mark from the back with flour covering both of their faces. "That's one of my favourite pictures." Taeyeon said from behind. Mark turned around. "Ohh your done?" He asked her. Taeyeon nodded her head and took a seat next to him. "Do you remember? That was the day when we burnt pretty much everything we tried to bake." Taeyeon laughed as she recalled the memory. Mark laughed too. "Yeah that was also the day when we broke one of your mum's favourite plates and she scolded us for it." He said. Taeyeon giggled at the memory. "Life was so different back then in LA." She sighed. Mark nodded. "But hey if we never moved back to Korea then we wouldn't be doing what we are now." He honestly said. Taeyeon nodded her head. "Your right. At least we're doing something we both love." She said. The two continued to look through the photo album untill the end. 

"Here take this." Mark said as he handed her the medicine and glass of water. "It'll make you feel better." He said to her. Taeyeon took it off him and took the medicine. "Thanks oppa." She said and smiled. Mark took the glass and placed it back onto the table. "Oppa are you going to stay over tonight?" She asked him. "Probably. Since my parents are away for business I might as well." He said and sat on her bed next to her. Taeyeon nodded. "Ohh yeah thats right they're on a business trip." She said. "Do you know when they're coming back?" She asked him. "Hmm not too sure. They told me that they're going to be gone for 2 weeks but who knows, there might be a delay." He said to her. Taeyeon nodded and leaned on his shoulder. "Oppa we too and going to follow our dreams when we finish school yes?" She asked. "Yeah of course." He said to her. "Promise that when that day comes and we fulfill it, that we won't forget each other?" She said. "I promise." He said and pinky promised her. 

During the middle of that night, Taeyeon's parents arrived home. "Ohh is someone else here?" Mrs Kim said as she saw Mark's shoes. "Isn't that Mark's shoes?" She asked. Mr Kim went and took a look. "Yeah I think that is." He said. "Let's go see our baby girl." He said to his wife. The two made their way upstairs and went to Taeyeon's room. They opened the door slowly to see Mark and Taeyeon sleeping peacefully together. Mrs Kim smiled. "Just like when they were young." She said. Mr Kim smiled too. "What are you doing?" He asked his wife. "I need a photo of this." She giggled. Mr Kim shook his head and smiled. "Your such a child sometimes." He said. "Come on let's not disturb them." He called his wife out. Mrs Kim giggled at the two and left the room. She went back down stairs to the kitchen with her husband. "Our poor Taeyeon. Having to live by herself." She sighed. Mr Kim looked at her. "Don't worry honey, once this promotion is over, then we won't have to leave as much. And plus she's got Mark too." He said to her. Mrs Kim smiled. "I worry for her, but I know that shes doing fine." She said. "Of course she is, we raised her right." Mr Kim said and gave his wife a kiss. "Come on let's go to bed now. It's already 3AM." He said to her. Mrs Kim nodded her head and followed her husband into the room.

The next morning, Taeyeon woke up by the smell of something delicious. She opened her eyes and turned her head to see that Mark was starting to wake up too. "What's that smell?" She asked him. Mark shrugged. "I was gonna ask you that." He said. Taeyeon looked at him. The two got up and made their way downstairs. "What the..." Taeyeon said and walked into the kitchen. When she stepped in her eyes went wide. "MUM!! DAD!!" She yelled happily and ran to them and gave them a hug each. "My darling daugther. I missed you so much." Her dad kissed her. "I missed you guys too! When did you guys come back?" She asked. "We got in late last night." Her dad replied. "Goodmornig aunty. Goodmorning uncle." Mark greeted her parents. "Aigoo Mark. Come here." Mrs Kim called him over and hugged him. "Thank you for looking after Taeyeon." She thanked. Marked shyly smiled. "Ohh no it's not a big deal. I've been with her for so long now anyways." He said. Mr and Mrs Kim looked at him and gave him a fatherly and motherly smile. "Now you too, go wash up and come back down and eat before your food gets cold." Mrs Kim said. "Yes mum/aunty." The two said and headed up to the bathroom. "I can't believe they're back!" Taeyeon childishly said and ran upstairs. Mark smiled and shook his head. For the rest of the day, Mark, Taeyeon and her parent's spent the day catching up and telling each other interesting stories. 

The weekend passed by quick and already they were back to school. When Taeyeon, Seungri and Mark walked in, students were staring and whispering about something. "Whats going on...?" Seungri asked. "No idea..." Mark replied. As they began to walk into the corridoors, Bam Bam ran up to them. "Guys you have no idea what just happened." He said to them. "What's going on Bam?" Taeyeon asked. "You guys have to see." He said and led them in. "Bam Bam whats going on?" Mark asked. "Hyung, someone has posted something bout Taeyeon around school." He said. "What now...?" Taeyeon sighed. "Take a look." He said and showed them the notice board. Taeyeon's eyes went wide in shock. "What the hell is this!" She said angrilly.




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Chapter 1: Author-nim, update please xD