Only Look At Me

"Tae you excited for this year?" Mark asked Taeyeon on their way to school. Taeyeon smiled and nodded happily. "Neh oppa. The only thing is that we're gonna be in the same class as Kris..." She replied disappointed. "Taeng don't worry about him. I always tell you this." Mark said worried for her. Taeyeon sighed. "Your right I guess... I mean what can I do, right?" She replied. "But hey I guess we get to see everyone else now that schools back on." She changed the subject and smiled. Mark looked at her a bit worried. "Oppa don't look at me like that. I'm fine." She gave a bright smile. Mark knows that Taeyeon isn't the type to talk about her feelings. Mark and Taeyeon have been friends since they were young. Mark knows basically everything about Taeyeon. 

On their way to school, just down the street the two seemed to have spotted Kris. Taeyeon saw him but she pretended she didn't. Mark knows that even thought Taeyeon has moved on, she was still hurt. "Your alright?" He asked her. She smiled at him and nodded. 

Kris who was down the street waiting for his friends looked up and saw the Taeyeon happily smiling to Mark. "You look happy Taeng..." He thought. 
After the couple minute walk Taeyeon and Mark arrived at Seoul High. Seoul High was one of the schools in Korea that most international students go to study. "Morning! My favourite Taeng." Someone called out and put his arms around their shoulders. The two turned to see who it was. "Ohh Jae oppa. Morning" Taeyeon smiled at him. Mark smiled and the two done their handshake. "Morning hyung." JB greeted Mark. "Where's the others?" Taeyeon asked. "Their coming now. Why? Tae I thought I was your favourite." JB pouted. "Aigoo oppa, as one of the older hyungs you sure act like a child sometimes." Taeyeon teased. "What do you mean sometimes? He always acts like a kid." Mark said. Taeyeon laughed. 

After they have all met up, GOT7 and Taeyeon headed off to class. In school GOT7 got the role of the kingkas, as they are all very good looking and are known for their singing and dancing. Taeyeon on the other hand use to be a very out going girl in school. However something happend to her along the way and made her become distant and cold towards people. Although students think she's very pretty, the haters would spread rumors about her which then other students will tend to believe. She is now known as the girl who's using Mark to hang around with GOT7 because she has no friends. "Look it's Taeyeon again and of course she's still stuck to GOT7 oppa's like glue." One of the female classmates glared at her whilst talking to her friend. Taeyeon heard them yet she decided to just roll her eyes and ignore them. The bell rang signalling them that class is starting. Their teacher Mrs Lee walked in. "Okay everyone quiet down now." She started. Once the class went silent she continued. "Alright now, as some of yous might have heard, we have a new student here today. You may come in now." She called. Once the new student walked in, the girls started to fangirl on how good looking this new student was. "Okay you may introduce yourself." She said. "Goodmorning everyone. My name is Lee Seunghyung. But please call me Seungri." He smiled. "It's nice meeting you all." He bowed. Seungri looked back up and made eye contact with Taeyeon and smiled . Taeyeon who looked back smiled brightly and happily. Some students who saw their interaction would've said that that was one of the most sincere smiled they've seen Taeyeon give to someone. "Alright Seungri, you may..." Before Mrs Lee could finish, someone interupts and walks in the classroom. Mrs Lee sighed. "First day back and already late Mr Park?" Mrs Lee lookedat Kris disappointed. Kris bowed. "Sorry Mrs Lee. Woke up late and lost track of time." Kris embarrassingly rubbed the back of his neck.  Mrs Lee shook her head. "Go take your seat." She told him. After Kris took his seat, Mrs Lee continued. "Okay sorry Seungri, you may go and sit at the empty seat at the back next to Kim Taeyeon." Mrs Lee pointed to the direction. "Neh thank you Mrs Lee." He bowed. Seungri excitingly went and took his seat. Soon Mrs Lee started the lesson.

"Oppa. What is this?! Why didn't you tell me?" Taeyeon asked him shocked. Seungri smiled. "I knew you'll be surprised." He replied. "Wait. Oppa did you know about this?" Taeyeon turned to Mark and asked. Mark just smiled at her. Taeyeon was shocked. "Oppa how could you?" She pouted at Mark. Mark laughed. "We... well he was the one who wanted to surprise you." Mark said to her. "Taeng aren't you happy I'm here now?" Seungri asked.  Taeyeon turned to him and playfully glared. "Yah don't look at me like that." Seungri laughed. 

The bell rang signalling them it was time for break. GOT7, Taeyeon and Seungri all got up from their seats and stretched. "Wow that seemed like forever. My back feels like it's going to break." Seungri said. "Yeah you deserve it oppa for not telling me." Taeyeon poked her tounge out. "Yah!" Seungri said and ruffled her hair. Taeyeon laughed. 

During lunch, the 9 of them all sat at their table. Of course students were whispering about either GOT7, the new student, or how Taeyeon is only 'using' Mark because she has no friends. "Wow I've only been here for a couple hours and I can already tell that people don't like you Taeng." He looked at her. Taeyeon just shrugged. "Well what can I do?" She said and continued eating. "It's doesn't bother you? I mean look. Aren't they saying that your using Mark?" He asked worried. "Yeah oppa, but it's not like it's true or anything. You see all the stuff they say about me now are all lies. Why bother react and give them what they want? And plus how am I using Mark when we practically grew up together?" She said. "Don't worry hyung. I already spoke to her about this. She doesn't want to do anything about it." Mark said. Seungri sighed and looked at Taeyeon who was eating. 

Taeyeon who was eating looked up and roamed around the cafeteria. "Eugh nah. Lost my appetite." She pretended to gag and threw her sandwich on the tray. "What's wrong?" Mark asked. "Look hyung, it's Choi Jiyeon with Kris." Jackson quietly told him. Jiyeon use to be Taeyeon's best friend but then she decided to choose Kris over her. Seungri turned around to see what they were talking about. "What? That couple who's feeding each other...?" He asked a bit lost. "Oppa that's Park Minho and Choi Jiyeon." Taeyeon told him. "Wait as in the Park Minho who..." Before he could finish, Taeyeon cut him off. "Yes... that one..." She said. "And Choi Jiyeon as in..." He continued. "Yes that one too..." Taeyeon cut him off again. Seungri turned back to Taeyeon. "Taeng you alright?" He asked. "Neh oppa don't worry. I don't care about that anymore. It's all in the past." She said and smiled at him. Seungri looked at her worried.  "Oppa don't look at me like that." Taeyeon said. Seungri smiled at her and ruffled her hair.

Down at the table with Kris, he and Jiyeon we're busily feeding each other. While Jiyeon was blabbing and talking about things Kris didn't care about, he looked up and saw GOT7 with Taeyeon and Seungri. Kris never really got along with Mark. He has never liked him even during the times when he use to be friends with Taeyeon. Mark never let that bother him though. He never really liked Kris anyways. Then when he found out what happened between Taeyeon and him, he grew to hate Kris even more. 

Kris was there sitting and glaring at Mark until his eyes landed on Taeyeon. Taeyeon was sitting there happily laughing and mucking around with her oppa's. "Hello? Oppa are you with me?" Jiyeon called out. Kris shook his head and looked at her. "Huh? Oh yeah. What's up?" He asked. "Were you even listening?" Jiyeon angrily asked. "Yeah of course I was." Kris lied. "No you weren't! You were staring at that Kim Taeyeon again!" Jiyeon said to him. "If your still thinking about her why did you bother to come to me? Why don't you just go back to her then?!" Jiyeon continued angrily. "Ji why would I do that? There's no one but you." Kris said to her. "Well it doesn't look that way. Clearly it seems like your still into Taeyeon." Jiyeon said. 

After lunch break they had a few more classes before they finish. "Oppa are we all meeting up later?" Taeyeon asked Seungri. "Yeah we are. I heard that they got something to tell us." Seungri replied. "Ohh really? Well that's something to look forward too." Taeyeon said. "Okay everyone here's your assesment for this class. You've got two weeks to complete this research. It's due back on the second Monday. The bell is going to ring soon. You may all pack up." Mrs Lee handed out the papers and told the class. "First day back and already we have an assessment?" Jackson sighed. "Jackson oppa you better not do this last minute like you always do." Taeyeon laughed. "Aigoo Taeng why you looking down on your oppa for. I'm Jackson Wang! I can do this!" He proudly said. "Alright Jackson Wang you better not come to me when you need help." JB joined in. The rest laughed at them.

"Taeng aren't you gonna follow me straight there?" Seungri asked her. "Nah oppa I'm gonna go home first. I need to grab a change of clothes." Taeyeon replied. "Okay then. Well I'll see you two later." Seungri said to Mark and Taeyeon. "Neh see you soon hyung/oppa." The two said. "Come on let's go home." Mark said. "We'll see you guys soon." Mark said to GOT7. The boys nodded and they all bid each other goodbye.
"When is your parents coming back?" Mark asked Taeyeon. "I'm not too sure about that too oppa. I think that there going to be in Japan a little bit longer. Maybe another week or two." She replied. Taeyeon's parents owe a international business hence why they need to travel every now and then. "Ohh really? Don't worry Taeng. You can always come to my place when you want. My parents love you anyways." Mark said. Taeyeon turned to him and smiled. "Thanks oppa. I appreciate it a lot." She said and hugged him. The two arrived at Taeyeon's house. "Oppa you going to come in or you going to grab your stuff too?" Taeyeon asked him. "I'm just going to quickly grab my things so then we can head out together." Mark said. "Neh oppa. I'll see you soon." Taeyeon smiled and walked in her house while Mark made his way to his house. Thankfully Mark only lived just a couple houses down from where she lives. 
Taeyeon went into her room and looked for something comfortable to wear. After a couple minutes she decided on her clothes.

She then quickly packed another change of clothes and other accesories she will need for the night. "I should call oppa and see if his finished yet." She said to herself. While the phone was ringing on speaker, she continued packing. "Hello?" Mark answered. "Oppa are you done yet?" Taeyeon asked him. "Neh Taeng just gotta run to the bathroom first then I'll head to your place." Mark replied. "Okay oppa. I'll let you go then. Just come in when your here." She said to him. "Neh Taeng. I'll see you soon." He said. The two then hung up.

After about 5-10 minutes, Taeyeon hears a voice. "Taeng?" Mark called out. Taeyeon ran out with her bag. "Oppa your here." She smiled. Taeyeon looked at what he was wearing.

"Loving that look on you oppa." She said. "Same goes to you Taeng. Now we have to go." He laughed. Taeyeon nodded grabed her bag and the two made their way out. 

The two left the house and started walking to the bus station. "Oppa what do you think they're gonna tell us?" Taeyeon asked him. "I don't know but it better be good." The two laughed. Just down the road, Kris who was going for a walk, saw the two. "Ohh that's Taeyeon?" He said to himself. "And of course Mark." He rolled his eyes. "Where are they going? I've neve seen Taeyeon dress like that before." He continued talking to himself. As he was curious, he decided to follow the two and see where they were headed. Kris made sure that there was a fair distance between them so that he wouldn't be noticed. While they were walking, Kris saw that Mark linked his arm and Taeyeons together. That just made Kris' blood boil. 

Mark actually knew that Kris was following them. So he decided to annoy him even more by linking his arm with Taeyeon's. He didn't want Taeyeon to know that Kris was following the two, so he didn't tell her. "Oppa why are we walking so fast?" Taeyeon asked him. "Huh? Ohh nah I feel like we're going to be late if we don't hurry."  He said. "Your right... We should hurry then." Taeyeon said and dragged him faster. The two then got on the buthat heppened to just arrived the second they got to the bus stop. "Lucky we walked fast here oppa. Or else we would've missed the bus." Taeyeon said as they made their way on the bus. Mark agreed with her. He quickly turned around to see if Kris too made it onto the bus. Thankfully he was still far away from them. Mark turned back and smiled. The two then went to take their seat.

"Damn it. I missed them." Kris said. "I wonder where they're going anyways. Taeyeon's never dressed like that before. Or at least I've never seen her dress like this. And why is she going out with Mark anyways?" He thought angrily. 

After about 5 minutes, the two go off the bus. They both then continued to walk to their hang out place witch was called Sketchbook. Sketchbook was like a dance club but without any alcohol. GOT7, Girls Generationa and Big Bang were regular performers there. As they all love to dance and sing, they found a place where they can do that. When the two walked in, they were greeted by many familiar faces. 

They made their way to their backstage waiting room. 

"You guys made it!" Seungri announced. Taeyeon and Mark went to go greet all their friends. After a while, one of the managers of the club walked in. "Okay everyone! Listen up. I have something to announce. Well as you all know, I've been putting a lot of effort for us to have our own Sketchbook concert with all of you. And I'm proud to announce that it is finally going to happen!" Jonghyun said. Everyone there was surprised and happy. Having this concert means alot to everyone who performs there. It was a step closer to their dream. "Hyung when is it gonna be?" Bam Bam asked. "Don't worry we still have a lot of time to prepare. The concert is going to be towards the end of the year." Jonghyun said. "Look I know that most of you kids are still in school and it's going to be hard to balance school and performing. Now I don't want you guys to put this before school. Even though it's going to be hard to schedule when to practice we will make it work." He continued. "Also no pressure but, there will be representatives from well known compinies such as JYP, YG and SM that will be at this concert, so I wan't you all to perform your best and show them your talents." Jonghyun added. "Now, I wan't you all to enjoy your night tonight. Go perform because its something you enjoy doing and not something you just simple want to do." Jonghyun said. Everyone was so happy and cheering him on. "Alright guys, we start in 10 minutes. If you don't know already go and check the line up and see when your up. Go enjoy the stage!" Jonghyun said and then left the room.

"Oppa, it's really happening!!" Taeyeon said all happily and hugged Mark. Mark laughed at her childish actions and hugged her back. "Yeon-ah!!" Someone called out. Taeyeon turned around. "Omo oppa!! I missed you. It feels like it's been forever since I last saw you." She said and hugged him. "Don't worry Taeng, I'm back now." He said and hugged her back. "Jiyong don't have her all to yourself" T.O.P joined in. "Hey oppa." Taeyeon greeted happily and hugged him too. "Hey Mark, how've you been?" T.O.P greeted him. "Neh hyung I've been good. Wow it really has been a while since I saw you." Mark said. T.O.P smiled and they did their handshake.

"Oppa it's really been ages. How was your holiday?" Taeyeon asked GD. "It wasn't too bad. Went around Japan and toured a bit." GD smiled. The two was getting their mics and earpiece ready. "How about this. After tonights show, I say we ditch early and I take you to dinner and we can catch up?" He asked. Taeyeon nodded her head like a child. "I like that oppa." She smiled. Sketchbook was one of the clubs that during the early hours it was for the underage and they don't serve any alcohol, then at night is when its for the legal aged people. GD smiled and ruffled her hair. "Okay well lets get this show started then." He smiled.
When the club opened, GOT7 had the opening stage. They performed one of their songs loved by the guests 'Girls Girls Girls'. The boys got the show started and heated up. After their performance, all the guests were cheering loudly.  Once they finished performing that song, they wen't straight to the next song 'I Like You'. This time, rather than staying on the stage, the boys decided to go onto the dance floor and dance too with the guests. While the boys were perfoming, other grouops were preparing for their turn. "Chunji oppa, where are the rest? Your up next." Taeyeon went to go find Teen Top. "I'll go get them Taeng just give me one sec." Chunji said. At Sketchbook, all the performers got a long just fine. Everyone was close friends. "Taeng got them. I'll take it from here. Thanks." Chunji smiled. "Neh oppa. Fighting oppas!!" She said to them all. "C.A.P oppa try not to forget the lyrics." Taeyeon joked. C.A.P smiled. "Don't wory Taeng I wont." He smiled.
After about 4 other groups performed, it was finally time for Girls Generation to perform. "Have fun Taeng!" Mark waved at her. She waved back and headed to the stage with the girls. Tonight they decided to perform one of their loved songs 'I Got A Boy'. Most of the guests at Sketchbook loved all of Girls Generations songs. After that song, they then performed a remix of their song 'Tell Me Your Wish'. Halfway through the song, the girls also decided to go and join the crowd. They danced together and sang together. As the first stage for the year, it was one to remember. 

After SNSD finished their performace, it was time for Big Bang. The first song they performed was 'Bae Bae'. A lot of people loved the song. While Big Bang was performing, SNSD and GOT7 found their table and took their seat there. They got tired and went to sit for a bit. "Guys lets get back to the dancefloor after our drink." Hyoyeon said. Everyone agreed. So once they finished their drinks, they went back to the dancefloor and danced to Big Bang. The final song Big Bang performed was 'Bang Bang Bang'. All the guests got hyped up and everyone was dancing. Big Bang too went in with the guests and went dancing on the dance floor. It really was a memorable night.

Once they finished their performance they went to change into something else more comfortable. "Oppa you were amazing!" Taeyeon gave GD thumbs up. GD laughed and thanked her. "Hey you wanna go now?" He asked her. Taeyeon looked at the time and it was 8.30PM. "They close in about a hour anyways to get ready for the night club." GD said. Taeyeon nodded. "Okay oppa. I'll just go change and grab my bag." She said to him. "Let's go together I still need to get changed too." GD said. So the two made their way back to the room and got changed.

Once they got changed, Taeyeon quickly messaged Mark and told him they she was going to leave early with GD. Mark replied with a okay and to be safe. "Ready Taeng?" GD asked. Taeyeon nodded. "Let's go." She happily said.

The two made their way to Myeongdong. They ate a lot of street food and desserts and caught up a lot. They went into a lot of shops too and GD decided to  buy Taeyeon a cap as she loves to wear them. 

"Oppa you really didn't have to." Taeyeon said as they walked out the shop. GD smiled at her. "But I wanted too." Taeyeon hugged him. "Thank you oppa." After a while, the two started to make their way home. It was already 10PM. Once they got in front of Taeyeons house, they bidded each other goodbye. "Bye oppa. Thanks so muh for tonight and for the cap." Taeyeon said. "It's okay Yeon-ah. Have a good sleep neh? Don't forget to message Mark that your home safely or else I won't hear the end of it." The two laughed. "Neh oppa." Taeyeon replied. GD gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Go in now before yuo catch a cold." He told her. "Neh oppa. Get home safely." Taeyeon waved as she went in.

But little did they know that Kris was just down the street heading home and he saw everything.


First update! Hope you enjoyed it.

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- xxxibwlxx

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Chapter 1: Author-nim, update please xD