Not So Bad Afterall

Submissions For Fanforyeol

Joonmyeon had invited Chanyeol for his annual Christmas party and Baekhyun had threatened him with bodily harm to make sure Chanyeol showed up. Hence at exactly 7.30 PM, Chanyeol rang the bell to Joonmyeon’s mansion. (Because calling it a house was a gross understatement.)

A butler (butler!) opened the door then led him to the front room where Joonmyeon was entertaining his guests. Chanyeol was glad that most of the attendees were familiar faces. He exchanged greetings and handshakes with people he knew and traded polite smile with the ones he didn’t.

He finally found Joonmyeon near the punch table and went to greet the older man.

“Merry Christmas Hyung.” Chanyeol said.

Joonmyeon turned and smiled brightly at him. “Chanyeol! So glad you could make it.” He drew Chanyeol in a one armed hug. “Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are here already, they should be around somewhere. Go grab something to eat! Enjoy yourself.” Joonmyeon clapped him on the shoulder.

Chanyeol said his thanks and went off in search of his best friends.

He found the two shorter men sitting together in the recreation’s room sofa; a holiday movie was playing in the giant screen. Kyungsoo had a tub of caramel popcorn on his lap while Baekhyun was nursing a can of ginger ale. He sauntered over and plopped down between the two, his long arms automatically draped themselves across his fiends’ shoulder.

“Merry Christmas wives.” He jokingly said.

Baekhyun snorted and Kyungsoo elbowed him on the rib. Chanyeol winced but maintained his position. That was until Jongin came over and moved Chanyeol’s arm from Kyungsoo’s shoulder.

“Sorry hyung, but Kyungsoo hyung is mine.” The younger male said with his trademarked smirk.

Chanyeol let out an exaggerated sigh and snuggled to Baekhyun.

 “It’s just you and me now Baekkie.” He mock pouted.

“I love you Yeol, but Jongdae is going to kick your if he sees you all over me.” Baekhyun sassed.

Chanyeol loured and removed himself from Baekhyun.

“What’s the point of being my best friends if I can’t cuddle with the two of you?” Chanyeol asked sullenly.

Kyungsoo patted him on the arm consolingly. “Wait until Sehun shows up. He loves cuddling just as much as you.”

“Sehun’s tall. I don’t like cuddling with tall people. It’s no fun.” Chanyeol pouted for real this time.

“Maybe I can change your mind about that.” A stranger’s voice suddenly spoke up from behind them.

All four friends turned to look at the newcomer and Chanyeol was the first one to make a sound. A squeal, to be exact.

The man who spoke was none other than Kris Wu, the campus’ hottest heartthrob and all around cold city guy. He had boys and girls throwing themselves at his feet, but he never picked any up. He was also the Captain of the basketball team and Chanyeol might have gone to some of his games.

Chanyeol secretly had a man crush on Kris, but no one needed to know about that.

To have Kris speaking to him was enough to shock Chanyeol into temporary muteness. And the way Kris was blatantly checking him out made a furious blush appeared on Chanyeol’s cheeks.

With confidence and effortless stride, Kris went around the sofa and wedged himself between Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Baekhyun, being the awesome wingman that he was, quickly vacated his seat and scampered off after mumbling an excuse of wanting to find Jongdae. Jongin wordlessly pulled Kyungsoo up and led him to the food table.

Mentally, Chanyeol cursed his so called best friends for abandoning him, but some tiny part of his brain was chanting Kris’ name in reverent tone while doing cartwheels and throwing confetti.

“So? What do you say? Want to try cuddling with me?” Kris asked again. He had one elegant eyebrow raised in query. His arms were open in a welcoming gesture.

Chanyeol was still grasping for something to say, but for the first time in his life, words failed him. He settled for an unsure nod instead.

Kris smiled happily and scooted closer before wrapping his arms around Chanyeol.

“Relax.” He breathed into Chanyeol’s ear, causing the other man to shudder.

Chanyeol willed his body to relax as he leaned back into Kris’ arm. He was surprised to find out that he could tuck his head under Kris’ jaw while still sitting comfortably. And if he turned his body slightly and wound his arm around Kris’ torso just so, he could drape himself over the Chinese.

And it was warm and comfortable. It felt even better than cuddling with Baekhyun or Kyungsoo. Chanyeol realized that for once, he wasn’t doing the cuddling. Instead, he was being cuddled.

And when Kris’ palm started rubbing soothingly at the small of his back, Chanyeol decided that this wasn’t so bad afterall.

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Chapter 8: This is too sweet 🤧
Chapter 10: This one nvr failed to make me smile <3
Chapter 8: God i remember reading this before

Cant even described this warm feelings inside me
Chapter 7: I thought ive read all fanforyeol's fics but y i dont rmmbr this one

Theyre super duper cute
Chapter 10: sequel please author-nim.. a very good krisyeol fic is such a rarity, this is truly gold ♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆
amatsukishi #6
Chapter 10: Is there a sequel for this fic perhaps? Omg I love the plot very much.
JiYuKuo #7
Chapter 10: I need this kind of love life.......I can just need my chanyeol or Kris....
aarushic_18 #8
aarushic_18 #9
Ayangyeng #10
Chapter 10: OMG every story was perfect.. All of them leave me feeling so fluffy