Christmas With You

Submissions For Fanforyeol

With utter concentration, Chanyeol pulled out the roast lamb from the oven. He smiled and mentally patted himself in the back when he saw the lamb was perfectly done. He could hear Yifan moving about in the other room.

Chanyeol set the roast lamb on the rack and went to check the dining table one more time. He nodded to himself when he saw that everything was already set up. He went over to the kitchen counter to make sure that the foods were also ready. Satisfied that everything was in order, Chanyeol took off his apron and went to search for his giant.

He found Yifan in the living room, setting up the entertainment set. The older man was crouched on the floor while arrays of cables were strewn all around him. Chanyeol tilted his head to better take in the view of Yifan’s bottom sticking up in the air.

“I have to say that the view is very delectable.” He chirped.

Yifan only snorted and continued to connect the cables to their appropriate socket. “Glad you like it.” He huffed.

Chanyeol came to squat behind him and mischievously grabbed the inviting globes. “I don’t like it. I love it.”

Yifan jerked when he felt Chanyeol’s hand on his , but he kept doing what he was doing. “Hmm, you better. Mine is the only you could have. I’d have to cut off your hand if I find you wanting to touch other .” Yifan retorted in only half joking tone.

Chanyeol laughed and squeezed Yifan’s one last time before he stood up. “That’s a little morbid. But don’t worry ge, yours is the only I want to touch.”

Yifan didn’t reply but he had a wide gummy grin firmly etched on his face.

“I’ll leave you with your cables. I’m going to get the presents out.” Chanyeol said before he went to fish the presents out from the back of his wardrobe.

When he returned to the living room with an armful of presents, Yifan had already finished setting up. Yifan came over to help him with the presents and together they arranged the wrapped gifts under the plastic Christmas tree. After the hassle of getting a real tree for their last Christmas, Yifan and Chanyeol agreed that it will be easier and whole lot less messier if they just get a fake one this year.

After they were done, Chanyeol gave the room a once over. Everything was in place but Chanyeol couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. This was the first Christmas gathering that he and YIfan hosted ever since they got together. Some of Yifan’s relatives and office colleagues were coming and Chanyeol didn’t want to disappoint.

Yifan sensed the nervous wave coming off of Chanyeol and he drew Chanyeol into his embrace.

“Don’t worry too much. It’s going to be great.” YIfan said.

Chanyeol turned in his embrace and burrowed further into Yifan’s warmth. “What if they don’t like me?”

Yifan scoffed. “I don’t think anyone is capable of not liking you Yeol.”

Chanyeol looked up at Yifan and grinned. “You think so?”

Yifan bopped their nose together. “I know so.”

Chanyeol tilted his head up and captured Yifan’s lips in a gentle kiss. “I love you.”

Yifan hummed and kissed Chanyeol back. “I know.”

Chanyeol chuckled. “You just quoted Han Solo.”

Yifan shrugged. “Or maybe he quoted me.”

Chanyeol gave him a playful smack. “He’s older than you and he said it first. Also, he’s way cooler.”

Yifan raised an eyebrow at Chanyeol’s teasing remark. Then he smirked lewdly and bent down to whisper on Chanyeol’s ear. “But I bet you like my lightsaber way better than his guns.”

Chanyeol laughed and squeezed Yifan against him. “Ge! You’re unbelievable.”

Yifan grinned widely and sneaked his hands under Chanyeol’s sweater. “Watch, as I use the Force to get rid of this ugly sweater.” He said while trying to pull the sweater off of Chanyeol.

Chanyeol smacked him again. “Stop it you silly man! The guests are about to arrive.”

Yifan peered at the clock and grabbed Chanyeol waists. “Not for another 10 minutes. Come on, let me take you to a galaxy far far away.”

Chanyeol lost it and he howled in laughter. “Ge!” Was all he managed to say before Yifan hoisted him up and carried him to the bedroom.

It only took Yifan 8 minutes to use the Force to get rid of all of Chanyeol’s clothing and used his lightsaber to take Chanyeol to a galaxy far far away. When Chanyeol came down from his ic high, he had a dazed smile on his face. Yifan hovered over him with a satisfied grin.

“Still think Han Solo is cooler than me?”

Chanyeol looped his arms around Yifan neck and grinned back. “Yeah. But you’re way way ier than him.”

They shared one more kiss before scrambling to clean themselves up and get dressed. The door bell rang just as Chanyeol finished zipping up his pants. With matching secretive smiles, Yifan and Chanyeol went to the door to welcome their guests.

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Chapter 8: This is too sweet 🤧
Chapter 10: This one nvr failed to make me smile <3
Chapter 8: God i remember reading this before

Cant even described this warm feelings inside me
Chapter 7: I thought ive read all fanforyeol's fics but y i dont rmmbr this one

Theyre super duper cute
Chapter 10: sequel please author-nim.. a very good krisyeol fic is such a rarity, this is truly gold ♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆
amatsukishi #6
Chapter 10: Is there a sequel for this fic perhaps? Omg I love the plot very much.
JiYuKuo #7
Chapter 10: I need this kind of love life.......I can just need my chanyeol or Kris....
aarushic_18 #8
aarushic_18 #9
Ayangyeng #10
Chapter 10: OMG every story was perfect.. All of them leave me feeling so fluffy