
Satisfaction: Stories (1st=Taeyeon)


It was very early in the morning, the sun just began to peek out, its rays reflecting off the clouds nearby. Jimin laid still in bed, yet his eyes were as wide as it could possibly be for a rather small eyed person. His mind was jumbled up. He couldn't remember what day of the week it was suddenly. 

"Stupid brain," he mumbled, while he lazily knocked his forehead a few times and - then faster than a lightning - he rose up from bed. Jimin finally regained his memory and that memory was a very important one, too. 

Today is Tuesday. How could I have forgotten that, he questioned.

Tuesday of the third week of June. The third Tuesday of June meant the results were out. Today he would know whether he'll be accepted to this prestigious learning environment. 

Shivers unconciously ran down the arch of his back. He was nervous, extremely nervous. He felt like his whole life so far was all living to prepare for this moment. Yes, he know he is bascially scaring himself right now. 

Back in the days of middle school,  when Park Jimin was just a fresh fourteen year old boy, he didn't know any better. He's still a little mischevious, maybe a lot. But now compared to then is incomparable. It was that day that he was dared by his group of buddies upon a truth-or-dare game to enter the hideout of the most well-known underground highschool gang. 

He still remembers that day, clearer than the skin of female idols. He was woken up by his buddies when they suddenly came marching into his room, with permission from his parents apparently, and pulled him out of his bed to do the dare.

What kind of dumb game did I particpate in, Jimin thought. There was way too much bad rumors about this gang. Many of them bordering extreme. 

Apparently, Jimin was suppose to go steal some limited edition stuff. By stuff, he believes he'll most likely just find some expensive junk like gold or silver jewelery. 

Little did he know that this gang was going to hold an influence over the rest of his life.  Of passion in this so called art: moving to the beat and rhythms and music, dance.

In the end, Jimin didn't find any gold nor any silver, not even any bits  of anything to prove that the "underground gang" actually did something illegal. What he did find in that hideout mini barn was potatoe chips and shrimp crackers bags on the floor. Some open, some with the chips overflowing onto the floor. There was posters alongside the walls of not only currently trendy rappers, but also legendary rappers. This was a duplicate soul of Jimin's room at his own house. 

He was dumbfounded.What he did find eyecatching was pages and pages of music staff filled with notes. A stack of music theory books and a rusty looking keyboard at the barn's corner.

Author's note:

Ha, this is extremely short isn't? Yeah, I'm basically just writing down the intro of an imaginary scene in my mind about BTS's Jimin.

Hope you liked this short bit.

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Chapter 1: Love your unique and calm writing style~ it gave me goosebumps
Chapter 1: It's sooo unique in the good way !!!!!!!!!! I really look forward to reading more, author-nim ^o^