

If there was anyone who had a smile on their face 24/7, it was Lee Seokmin. Very rarely did his smile ever leave his face. To him it was both a blessing and a curse. But he was okay with it. Very rarely did Soonyoung see Seokmin's beautiful smile disappear. It was bright and warm and made the mood of anyone who saw it soften. It was mesmerizing and heartwarming. Somehow, Soonyoung was the only person who could make the corners of Seokmin's lips turn downward. The first time he made Lee Seokmin frown was when he was a junior and the latter was a sophomore.

His mind was racing but not as fast as his heart was. With wide eyes he looked at the other who shared a similar expression but probably not for the same reason. The younger was most likely surprised and shocked and apologetic for dirtying his senior's uniform. That reason was one that didn't cross Soonyoung's mind. Millions of thoughts raced through his mind but nothing close to that. He felt nervous, uncomfortable and just plain off. Ever since yesterday he felt disoriented after being in the same room as Lee Seokmin and this incident only further escalated his inexplainable feelings. The effect of his discomfort and over thinking lead him to believe that maybe he really did dislike Seokmin and that was the sole reason why he couldn't stop thinking about him and why he felt so strange around him. He decided that he wanted nothing to do with him.

Seokmin opened his mouth to speak but Soonyoung had brushed passed him before he could say anything, leaving him standing there with the dropped dishes and a confused Seungkwan calling after him. He had only properly been in company with Soonyoung yesterday but even then the older left as quickly as he could. Just then, things began to click within Seokmin's mind. Soonyoung spoke very little and remained very distant, he avoided eye contact and left as soon as he found an opportunity (very quickly, he might add), he had been avoiding Seungkwan at lunch who had been eating with him. All these things had one thing in common--Seokmin, himself, was there. He concluded that, for whatever reason, Soonyoung did not like him. Seokmin had many experiences in his life but not once had someone whom he'd never spoken with disliked him. And for the first time, he couldn't even force himself to smile.

From then on, things were awkward. Soonyoung wasn't mad at Seungkwan anymore for insulting his shoes (if he was even mad in the first place) but the latter couldn't help feeling like something was off. Soonyoung was still the same old Soonyoung but he began declining all of Seungkwan's invitations to hang out. Seungkwan wasn't slow and felt like it had to do with the incident at lunch with Seokmin. He didn't dare ask about it.

As the months passed by, Soonyoung made an effort to avoid Lee Seokmin like the plague. He was the only person Soonyoung had ever felt so strongly about but he was still unsure of what exactly those strong feelings were. Though he had never noticed the boy in the past, he felt like everywhere he went Lee Seokmin was there. The more he tried to avoid Seokmin, the more he thought about him and the more he was aware of his existence. What spiked his thoughts of the younger to spiral out of control was the fact that whenever their paths crossed and they made brief eye contact, Seokmin's smile would instantly fade. It made Soonyoung feel horrible.

He felt like he was drowning. Like he was trapped in a tank of water and the last bit of oxygen was being squeezed out of him. He couldn't stop thinking about Seokmin but he swore he knew he disliked him. He began to doubt that he did. The more he avoided physically, the less he could avoid him mentally. He had no idea why he felt this way or even if he disliked the boy. He tried to justify it, to give himself reasons to hate him but turned up with nothing. There was nothing wrong with him and he had done nothing wrong to Soonyoung intentionally. So why did Soonyoung feel so nervous and so antsy around him? There had to be a reason but not one he could find. The more Soonyoung thought about it, the more rotten he felt and the more rotten he felt the guiltier he became.

He was guilty for treating Seokmin so coldly when they had never even spoken. There was no reason for him to treat someone like that when he knew nothing about them. It was the first time he had disliked someone who had done nothing to him. He wanted to apologize for being so cold and for avoiding the boy and he had many chances to do so but once he saw the expression of the other boy whenever he was present was enough to make him scared.

In Kwon Soonyoung's junior year, he had been gazing out the window during yet another boring afternoon lecture. The sophomore physical education class outside seemed much more entertaining than whatever subject his teacher was lecturing on about. His wandering eyes came across a group of boys who were off to the side much farther from everyone else and it was quite obvious that they were slacking off. He recognized one boy, his noisy friend Seungkwan, but he couldn't quite make out two boys next to him. There were four boys in total and the fourth one....was Lee Seokmin with the brightest and most radiant smile that the world had ever seen. Soonyoung could feel his chest tighten and somehow he felt so hurt because he knew Lee Seokmin would never smile at him like that. At that moment, he knew he didn't hate Seokmin after all.

It was in his senior year that Kwon Soonyoung desperately wanted to become friends with Lee Seokmin.

A/N: The first time I wrote this, AFF glitched and I lost all my work TT!! It was very traumatic.

This chapter marks the end of the "introduction" to the story. These first three chapters, though very vague, are just background information for the chapters to come! From here on out the chapters will be much longer and there will be more characters and dialogue.

Thank you to those who have commented and subscribed TT it means a lot to me since this is my first time doing this. My writing has been a little messy and the story is kind of abrupt and doesn't make sense but I want the capture the feeling that not a lot of feelings can be explained properly! Please bear with me !

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iamautumn #1
i wonder if this story will continue. i miss reading old soonseok fanfics anyway TT
Vernnyliet #2
Chapter 6: Waaaaaaa yeeeeyyy i miss you toooooo authorr-niiiimmm TT^TT i really like your story so it's fine if you take it slow I'll wait for your update :))
iamautumn #3
Chapter 6: waaahhh i miss you author-nim T.T I will wait for your update ^^
iamautumn #4
Hello author-nim, I hope you're not abandoning this story T.T
Vernnyliet #5
Chapter 5: Waaaaa~~ i wana know soonyoung's point of view in this~~
bakayuni #6
Chapter 5: oh my god the anxiety level is above the roof i can't even breathe for a moment there o(--( hope their relationship gets better soon! ><
iamautumn #7
Chapter 5: owww :( Seokmin was confused, I tink he should be friendly to Soonyoung, since the latter seems to be nice to him for whatever reason :)
Vernnyliet #8
iamautumn #9
Chapter 4: Haha , I always see Channie as Soonyoung's baby even though Jeonghan claimed him as his :( And I hope Soonyoung figured hus emotions soon . I hate that Soon was avoiding Seokmin :( I dont want that bright smile in Seokmin's face to fade TT.TT
iamautumn #10
Chapter 3: YEY !! ANOTHER SOONSEOK FANFIC !! THANKS AUTHOR-NIM FOR MAKING THIS SOONSEOK STORY <333 Im just curious, who's that Kim Soonyoung on the 1st chapter ??? Hahaha XD