

He didn't know when he started becoming so drawn to the younger. Perhaps the aura of warmth he emitted drew him in like the gravitational pull of the sun to each planet in the solar system. He could argue that that smile could rival the sun if it hadn't shone brighter than the sun itself. 

It was blinding but he didn't mind being blinded.


It was when Kwon Soonyoung was in his junior year that he first met Lee Seokmin. The latter was younger so there had been no way for them to have met prior unless through clubs or sports--that of which Soonyoung didn't participate in. It was only through a mutual friend, a noisy sophomore who had somehow made his way to befriending all of his seniors, that their paths would finally cross. This mutual friend wanted to introduce his group of friends to his seniors in hopes that his two friend groups could merge, making it much easier for him to 'manage'. Soonyoung didn't notice Seokmin at first. In fact, he didn't even pay any mind to him when they were introduced. Now, Soonyoung wasn't quite sure how he could have brushed off that smile on their first 'meeting'. 

Soonyoung was gazing through the window; his teacher's voice was only a murmur to him now. He was much more interested in what was happening in the sophomore physical education class outside than whatever subject his teacher was lecturing on about. Leaning his head on his arms sprawled over his desk, he uttered a soft, nearly inaudible sigh. He decided to count how many students were trying to pass off as trying but were obviously slacking in contrast to the students who were suspiciously way too into their activity. His count was interrupted as he stopped at a group of boys. They were off to the side much farther from everyone else and it was quite obvious they were the biggest slackers he saw so far in the class. He recognized one boy, the noisy sophomore from before Seungkwan, but he couldn't quite make out two boys next to him. There were four boys in total and the fourth one...

"Checking out the sophomore girls, Soon?" 

Soonyoung furrowed his brows and diverted his attention from the window to his friend next to him. 

"Don't be stupid, I'm not a cradle robber," Soonyoung sighed quietly. Straightening up, he gave out another long sigh.

"Come on man, you don't have to lie. Nothing wrong with younger girls...I mean they're not even that much younger. That one in the blue shoes is pretty cute," His friend, Jun, leaned a little closer and pointed out the said girl. Soonyoung decided to give up the not-really-argument and look as well, squinting slightly to make out the features of the girl that his friend claimed was "pretty cute". She was taller and slender with long black hair. He supposed she was "pretty cute" but for some reason he just wasn't really that into checking out girls.

"I mean I guess-"

"Aw man, look she's running this is great-" There was a loud smack which made both boys jump. Jun spun to face the front quickly and scrunched his face, the teacher glaring daggers at both of them for not paying attention. Soonyoung gave Jun a quick side-eye and sighed again deciding that maybe he should really pay attention to the rest of class after all.


Even though Soonyoung complained that Seungkwan was just a noisy friend of his, he really did enjoy his company. He was a mood maker much like him and he felt that with Boo Seungkwan's welcoming and comedic nature he could really be at home. When Seungkwan was there, things were definitely more interesting. He didn't mind that Seungkwan desperately wanted his older friends to hang out with the ones in his year. All of Soonyoung's friends and classmates were too busy focusing on studies and in their respective clubs as the last two years of high school were the most critical. Soonyoung didn't really like studying much but he still managed to slide by. He didn't join any clubs because none interested him and he'd rather just go home and watch dancing videos on the internet. Because of this, he found himself to be a main target for Seungkwan's frequent outings or "study sessions" as he liked to call it. Everyone knew it was just him wanting to hang out but his mom would only let him waste so much time with friends if he was "studying". Soonyoung found himself being greated almost every other day by Seungkwan's smile and the usual, "So I was thinking..."

Today was one of those days. Though he had a lot of work he actually needed to get done, Soonyoung reluctantly agreed to hang out. He was weak to being praised and complimented and Seungkwan knew that and used it to his advantage. It was really dumb; to be swayed so easily by words that may or may not have been sincere. Soonyoung knows but as stated, he was weak. 

"Listen, I can't stay late tonight, okay? I've got some homework that needs to get done or my teacher's gonna kill me," Soonyoung said as the grip on his hand continuously yanked him towards Seungkwan's classroom. 

"Yeah yeah yeah, that's what you said last time!" Soonyoung gave an exaggerated groan, vigorously shaking the hand that was holding on to his arm. Seungkwan whipped open the door and pranced in a bit too obnoxiously and pulled Soonyoung in.

"Boys the prince is here!" Seungkwan announced with a regal wave of his hand, ending his grand entrance with a bow at a perfect nintey degrees. Soonyoung rolled his eyes and was about to make a snarky remark when an unfamiliar laugh chorused through his ears. He diverted his attention to the voice and was greeted by an unfamiliar but somehow also familiar face whose pearly smile was enough to make Soonyoung forget everything he was about to say.


A/N: i'm so sorry this was a mess and very short and things are very slow but good things come to those who wait..probably

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iamautumn #1
i wonder if this story will continue. i miss reading old soonseok fanfics anyway TT
Vernnyliet #2
Chapter 6: Waaaaaaa yeeeeyyy i miss you toooooo authorr-niiiimmm TT^TT i really like your story so it's fine if you take it slow I'll wait for your update :))
iamautumn #3
Chapter 6: waaahhh i miss you author-nim T.T I will wait for your update ^^
iamautumn #4
Hello author-nim, I hope you're not abandoning this story T.T
Vernnyliet #5
Chapter 5: Waaaaa~~ i wana know soonyoung's point of view in this~~
bakayuni #6
Chapter 5: oh my god the anxiety level is above the roof i can't even breathe for a moment there o(--( hope their relationship gets better soon! ><
iamautumn #7
Chapter 5: owww :( Seokmin was confused, I tink he should be friendly to Soonyoung, since the latter seems to be nice to him for whatever reason :)
Vernnyliet #8
iamautumn #9
Chapter 4: Haha , I always see Channie as Soonyoung's baby even though Jeonghan claimed him as his :( And I hope Soonyoung figured hus emotions soon . I hate that Soon was avoiding Seokmin :( I dont want that bright smile in Seokmin's face to fade TT.TT
iamautumn #10
Chapter 3: YEY !! ANOTHER SOONSEOK FANFIC !! THANKS AUTHOR-NIM FOR MAKING THIS SOONSEOK STORY <333 Im just curious, who's that Kim Soonyoung on the 1st chapter ??? Hahaha XD