

Easy going. Light-hearted. Upbeat. Enthusiastic. No matter how many words like these Soonyoung thought of, they never quite captured how Seokmin acted. The guy was genuine; he listened intently to everything his friends had to say and never for a second did it seem like he was only doing it because his friend. He laughed at everything and never once did Soonyoung see his smile leave his face. Never once did it falter. Countless times he had been surrounded by Seungkwan and his friends but he had never felt the atmosphere that engulfed the group that day.

It was because Seokmin was there.

There was something about that boy that made everything feel right. That day it felt like everyone truly loved each other and it really felt like a family. Like home. He had thought that Seungkwan was a mood maker but compared to now it felt like he had got everything all wrong.

That was when Soonyoung finally started being conscious of Lee Seokmin. 

Soonyoung didn't stay long because he really wanted to get his homework done. That's what he convinced himself that night. He needed to do this chemistry paper right away so that he wouldn't slave away at two in the morning trying to figure out what the hell he was going to say. He never remembered being this enthusiastic about chemistry, in fact, he hated chemistry. But, he convinced himself that this was why he was so set on going home right away; his mom wouldn't nag him to quit slacking off in school, his teacher wouldn't give him that look of disapproval for not having a paper again, and that he would have time to just lay around in bed for the rest of the night carefree. Yeah, that was definitely the reason. 

It was normal for guys to admire other guys and to be jealous of them. It was normal to want to be them. Soonyoung was envious. At least he thought he was envious. He wanted to be Seokmin. He wished he could look and feel so easygoing. He wished that he was able to smile and laugh the way he did. He only knew the guy for a few hours but he couldn't get him off his mind. Did he hate them? No, that couldn't be it, Soonyoung thought. If anything, he felt nothing close to even disliking the guy. He was convinced that he wanted to be friends with Seokmin. He was just someone that you wanted to be around. 

Soonyoung shook his head thinking that this was all stupid and that he was just overreacting. He was letting the mood make him feel all sentimental about some normal guy who just loved his life. Maybe he was intimidated by the guy. Soonyoung groaned and rubbed his face with his hands but somehow mananged to slip his elbow off the edge of his desk and with a bang hit his forehead against it. His paper was nearly finished but he couldn't focus on writing his conclusion. Taking one last look at the assignment, he decided to call it a day and finish it up before class tomorrow. 


When he got to school the next day, Soonyoung whipped out his paper to finish but he found it increasingly difficult with Jun talking his ear off. Somehow, Jun was completely awake and incredibly annoying first thing in the morning. How he got that energy Soonyoung had no idea and how he had so much to talk about at this hour was a mystery. More than once did Jun's stupid story about absolutely nothing make its way into Soonyoung's paper and he wouldn't have noticed if he didn't proofread his work. Even when he finally finished, Jun was still going on about whether it was better to jump into a pool head first or if it was better to go feet first--Soonyoung didn't really think about because he just didn't care. Soonyoung quietly put his paper back into his folder and gave Jun a long hard look. It was a wonder how anyone could think that Wen Junhui was a cool guy. To be fair, he was good looking when he didn't open his mouth. Or move.  When he did open his mouth, he would talk about the dumbest things or he would make terrible jokes that you would have to laugh at because you didn't want to hurt his feelings. Perhaps that's how a normal guy was supposed to act. Even if he was a total nerd, he was still a nice guy and Soonyoung would be lying if he didn't say he wasn't as weird as him. That's why they clicked. Maybe Junhui was doomed to be uncool not because he was just naturally like that but because he was friends with Soonyoung. Maybe it was vice versa. Either way, they were doomed to be uncool as long as they knew each other but that was fine with Soonyoung. 

"Did you know if you take a picture, it will last longer. I know I'm handsome but if you stare any longer I might have to charge you," Jun whispered trying to hold back a snicker. Soonyoung rolled his eyes and flicked Jun's forehead right as the teacher walked in for their first class. 

"Kwon Soonyoung, Wen Junhui, I expect that you two pay attention in class instead of drooling all over the desks again," The teacher scolded, earning a few hushed giggles from their surrounding classmates. Jun gave a long hard laugh, probably too long than what was appropriate in which the Teacher cleared his throat and gave him another nasty look.

When it came time for lunch, Soonyoung wanted to avoid Seungkwan as much as possible. He wasn't sure why but he just didn't want to see Seungkwan that day. He didn't want to see him pouting and begging him to come sit with his friends and he definitely didn't want to be swayed by Seungkwan's empty-or-not compliments. Seungkwan didn't even do anything but he was convinced that something bad was going to happen today if he talked to him. He felt disoriented all night after hanging out with Seungkwan so there was something wrong with Seungkwan--it had to be. In the morning, things were suspiciously going fine. Too fine. He even finished his homework. Two girls talked to him. Not one girl, but two. That was a normal occurence but this time one of the girls touched his leg when she talked to him. That didn't happen, no one does that. When he vaguely told Jun about his 'feeling', Jun was convinced it was a sixth sense. Soonyoung didn't want to risk anything spooky today. Jun somehow convinced him that it was Seungkwan. Seungkwan had a suspicious aura today supposedly.


Seugnkwan was convinced that Soonyoung was avoiding him. He wasn't sure what he did and he didn't remember doing anything out of the ordinary or weird to Soonyoung yesterday. Maybe he figured out that I think his new shoes are actually ugly, Seungkwan pouted. He didn't really want to lose his friend over lying about shoes of all things. It was lunch time and when he went to see if Soonyoung was in his classroom, he wasn't there. He assumed that his friend just went to lunch already but when he saw him in the hall, the older walked the other way so fast that Seugnkwan was sure the soles of his shoes were catching on fire. When he got to the cafeteria, Soonyoung pretended he didn't hear Seungkwan calling  for him.

An exaggerated sigh escaped Seungkwan's lips as he harshly set down his food. Being avoided was really getting to him, especially when he didn't know what he did. The only person who was free to eat with him today was his classmate Lee Seokmin. Seungkwan liked Seokmin but he'd rather not eat lunch with him. He had no choice today since all his friends ditched lunch to practice for their clubs and Seungkwan didn't like sports or giving up precious food time. There was nothing wrong with Seokmin, that was what was wrong. There was nothing wrong with him. He was way too happy and positive and he never had a problem with anyone. Seungkwan felt like he couldn't go on about his usual gossiping self with Seokmin around because Seokmin was just too nice to gossip and what if he told someone what he was saying. Seungkwan couldn't afford that, not when he was trying to look cool for his older friends. He knew Seokmin wouldn't ever rat him out but the guy would probably accidentally slip. That's why Seungkwan never asked Seokmin to join him and his friends. He was busy anyways with sports but now that the season was over for his team, he had more freetime and Seungkwan's friends had less. Fate was cruel.

"Why the long face? Did they run out of good sides?" Seokmin asked with a toothy grin as Seungkwan sat down. 

"No, it's nothing. Don't worry about it, Seokmin!" Seungkwan unintentionally made himself sound more dramatic than he should have and he deeply regretted it. Knowing Seokmin he would probably try to play counselor with him now and today was just not the day for that.

"What's up? You're never this tense," Seokmin begins, he looks down at his food and removes all the vegetables he dislikes to the empty slot in the tray. 

"Hey, Seokmin you can't tell anyone else this but if you had a hyung find out you insulted his shoes behind his back but told him that they looked nice what would you do?" 

"Is this the hyung from yesterday?" Damn, Seokmin was perceptive as hell. Seungkwan had to be careful.

"Of course not! Why would I worry about that guy with ugly shoes anyways!" Seungkwan covered his mouth quickly and gasped. Seokmin just smiled at him and tried not to laugh.

"His shoes weren't that ugly, Seungkwan. But maybe you should tell him the truth and then you guys can be friends again!" Seokmin's eyes turned into crescents and Seugnkwan had this urge to cringe. He didn't but he decided to take his friend's advice. It made enough sense and Seungkwan really really didn't want to lose a friend over shoes. 

Determined, he got up and spotted Soonyoung from where he was sitting. It's now or never, he thought as he marched over.

"Wait Seungkwan! You forgot to finish your food," Seokmin scooped up Seungkwan's dishes and trailed after him.


"Hyung, I have to talk to you!" Seungkwan beckoned, grabbing Soonyoung's wrist. Soonyoung turned around with wide eyes and a horrified expression and Seungkwan tried to think how much those shoes meant to him.

"Not now, Seungkwan, haha sorry. I have to get going I'm really busy and-"

"I'm sorry for calling your shoes ugly! I just really wanted to hang out with you but I couldn't think of any good compliments and that was all I could think of! They're really ugly the colour is horrible and the design is disgusting, they're not really sleek and cool like I told you, I'm really sorry!" Seungkwan looked like he was going to cry and Soonyoung would have felt bad if he didn't process what exactly the younger had said to him. Jun was right about sixth sense, this was just getting weird now. 

"Uh, thanks I guess but I need to go," Soonyoung whipped around abruptly and was greeted by the wet and dirty feeling of food seeping his his clothes and the clattering of utensils, plates and trays. Trying to process what had just happened, he looked to the person he had just run into and finally found the reason why he was avoiding Sengkwan.

this went from 0 to 100 real quick; as always i feel like this is becoming a mess but it's okay things will be a-okay..

is anyone else excited for comeback? Everyone's hair is dark now and I don't know what hair colour to associate with everyone for this so I'm avoiding it.


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iamautumn #1
i wonder if this story will continue. i miss reading old soonseok fanfics anyway TT
Vernnyliet #2
Chapter 6: Waaaaaaa yeeeeyyy i miss you toooooo authorr-niiiimmm TT^TT i really like your story so it's fine if you take it slow I'll wait for your update :))
iamautumn #3
Chapter 6: waaahhh i miss you author-nim T.T I will wait for your update ^^
iamautumn #4
Hello author-nim, I hope you're not abandoning this story T.T
Vernnyliet #5
Chapter 5: Waaaaa~~ i wana know soonyoung's point of view in this~~
bakayuni #6
Chapter 5: oh my god the anxiety level is above the roof i can't even breathe for a moment there o(--( hope their relationship gets better soon! ><
iamautumn #7
Chapter 5: owww :( Seokmin was confused, I tink he should be friendly to Soonyoung, since the latter seems to be nice to him for whatever reason :)
Vernnyliet #8
iamautumn #9
Chapter 4: Haha , I always see Channie as Soonyoung's baby even though Jeonghan claimed him as his :( And I hope Soonyoung figured hus emotions soon . I hate that Soon was avoiding Seokmin :( I dont want that bright smile in Seokmin's face to fade TT.TT
iamautumn #10
Chapter 3: YEY !! ANOTHER SOONSEOK FANFIC !! THANKS AUTHOR-NIM FOR MAKING THIS SOONSEOK STORY <333 Im just curious, who's that Kim Soonyoung on the 1st chapter ??? Hahaha XD