
Seven Hundred Fifty (Ficlet Series)

Title: Sprained ankles

Pairing: sehun/lay

Rating: PG, fluff

Length: 750 (+) - Not complete

A/N: bc lindy requested shy sehun and a helpful yixing

Warnings: Major (Sehun’s like… 10 and Yixing’s probably a junior in high school)

Summary: Sehun would do anything to accelerate the aging process.     



"Can you stand?"  


That's a pretty voice.


Sehun looks up from the dirt pile he's landed on, hot sand scraping his cheeks, and watches the sun come into view.  He's got a dull ringing in his left ear, which he zones out completely when Chanyeol looms over him - a huge figure blocking the light - eyebrows scrunched.


"Sehun, you just saved the ing day!"  Chanyeol leaps up and grabs Kyungsoo, the pitcher, who worms his way out of the bear hug.  "6-5 guys!"


Junmyeon eventually pulls Chanyeol by his ear off to the side for cursing, and finally Sehun's got a good view of the field, and of the owner of the very, very pretty voice.


Yixing's the grey-jacketed high schooler that often comes to their field, helping to cut the grass and repaint the track for a couple bucks off the janitor every week or so.  Occasionally he'd stick around on the basketball courts to shoot  hoops - and that's when Sehun notices lots of things about Yixing, like how he replies to every text he receives even before a perfect three-pointer, or how in particular that this is the only time he'll take off his grey hoodie and reveal a slight chiseled body in a simple white tank top, thin with sweat.  But the driving force to Sehun's close surveillance is the hollow in Yixing's jeans by the bottom - why his moves are so jagged.  


But besides the fact that Yixing the faraway high schooler is possibly the most interesting man on earth Sehun wants to get to know and talk to, the real Yixing's hovering over him with a bottle of campus-sized pink gatorade.  Sehun starts to swallow the dirt.


"Guys stop, look at his leg!"  Baekhyun pushes the opposing team from swarming the area then Jongin's running for the janitor to open up the nurse's office.  "Sehun's hurt!"     


Sehun gets to sit up a bit, arms stinging with scratches as he flexes and lets the baseball drop from his gloved hand.  The moment he straightens his back his vision goes blurry - but there's suddenly two very warm arms holding him up as eyesight blinks to clearness.  Yixing's got him in his arms, and then he's coming off the ground, wrapping short arms around his neck.


"Hold up, I've got a first aid kit."  Yixing tells Jongdae of the opposing team to fetch it from the bleachers then addresses Sehun with a smile. "Can you swing around a bit?  I'll carry you on my back."  


Sehun's maneuvered around a confident Yixing, all the while feeling him for the first time, a body so warm and comfortable.  Relaxing, he notes, as he feels his face get hotter.  There's a swirling sense of embarrassment in Sehun's chest, knowing that if Yixing pays attention, he would feel Sehun through thin baseball .  He keeps his mouth shut.


"Jongdae, some water in this please?"  Yixing hands him a towel.  He looks down at Sehun, who he's laid on a bench, cringing when the pain kicks in.  Yixing frowns.


"Hey.  You okay?"


Sehun hadn't expected the soft timbre of Yixing's voice to be so soothing up close, but he finds himself curling into his lap a little bit more, reluctant to look up.  


"M'fine, thank you."


"You're Sehun right?  That's what your team members said."  Yixing's sifting fingers in Sehun's hair carefully, as not to startle him, but this is when he notices that Yixing's full attention is on him, unwavering.  Sehun tries to sit up in a hurry.


"Don't-- Jongdae's not back with the water yet.  We need to wrap your ankle after the dirt is cleared."  Yixing pulls his head back down.  "..You're Sehun?"


He nods.


"Ah, hello," Yixing gives him a bow with a little smile Sehun ends up returning before burying himself back into Yixing's stomach - warm and noticeably firm.  He looks back up at Yixing, who he sees is giving him a quiet smile.  "I'm Zhang Yixing, from the neighboring high school.  Jongdae's friend."


Sehun sours hearing someone's name from the team they just booted off the field, not to mention being close to him, and purses his lips.  Does Jongdae get rides from Yixing everyday?  Are they close?


Yixing's crazed laughter startles Sehun out of his concentration, the pain in his leg practically nonexistent now that Yixing's here to talk to him.  


"Sehun, You're very cute when you are embarrassed"  Yixing announces, patting him on the head as he holds his face in his hands.  Sehun can only balk and swat Yixing’s gentle fingers aside, knowing that the more they touch, the harder it’d be for him to get Yixing off his mind.


While Jongdae hands Yixing the kit and offers to hold Sehun’s ankles steady, Sehun dreams up a plan to graduate as fast as he can.  Faster than Baekhyun, or Chanyeol, or even top-of-the-class Junmyeon.  Anything to accelerate the aging process.  


Maybe then Yixing wouldn’t treat him like a baby.



A/N: but Sehun is a baby

A drabble for this week, bc all my PG/fluff stuff never really get endings.. I just hope you guys like the vibe or smtn

.......You know there's a problem when somebody knows how to complete p0rn but not normal plot

This is why I can never write the MAMA-themed fic of my dreams


Update* I've just fixed the previous chapter's drabblet, realized I didn't put in the top description, sorry ^^;;;

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Chapter 7: Damn !!!!!!!;
Apadana #2
Chapter 7: Please Don't stop here! This one shot needs a sequel >_<
Chapter 6: Cute !!!!!
Chapter 4: This one is so cute *_* sehun is so so cute in here... i wonder if yixing knows?
Chapter 3: Oh wow ! This was so freaking nice !!!
Chapter 2: So niceee *,*